Meta - Why does spell check only work on the subject line and not the body of the post?

Submitted by mGrowOld on

First world problems I know but this is one that's bugged me for a while now.  Why is spell check only enabled for the subject line when responding to a post and not the body of the post itself?  And the only way you can utilize spell check in that way is to type directly into the subject line thereby overwriting the first line of your response?

It just seems like it would be helpful to have it in both areas.

Wolverine Devotee

January 22nd, 2016 at 12:51 PM ^

Because the body is in a rich text editor and the subject line is just standard HTML. 

To check for errors, switch it to plain text editor and it displays it in a basic HTML notepad-looking coder's version.


January 22nd, 2016 at 12:59 PM ^

Drupal is the cause of a lot of things around here - it is the reason that removing multiple replies / threads takes forever because one has to open multiple tabs to do that, for example. It is the reason that sometimes moving content from one category to another creates some odd virtual shadows. It is probably the reason that Washington, DC will be hammered with snow this weekend too. 


January 22nd, 2016 at 2:22 PM ^

I really could care less about the spell checking, but it's the other features that we lack, such as instant recognition of Youtube vids, an ability to simply paste an image into a post and for posts that are active to stay on top in lieu of having to open a second browser window to see what happened a couple of hours ago after a big news event. Etc, etc.