Meta: Website Updates

Submitted by NashvilleBLUE on

A few months back, Brian (or maybe Seth?) said that the website was mostly ready and they would enter into a beta phase for a few weeks with select members.

Quite a bit of time has passed and I'm curious what the status is? Are we looking at launch pretty soon or did the beta test reveal that we needed to bake it for a bit longer?



February 25th, 2018 at 2:37 PM ^

This made me laugh harder than it should have. In reality, this is probably something that seems to the layman like no big deal, but is likely a lot more involved. All that being said, customer service is my passion, and that’s a dying concept these days. I always expect more from the entities I interact with, and am frequently disappointed.

Winchester Wolverine

February 25th, 2018 at 10:59 AM ^

My wife always says "Remember, we have financial goals and we have to be responsible. We'll get you a new bike next year". And while I wait, patiently, dreaming of the wind in my hair, grabbing the world by the balls in my new Harley... Next year never comes.


February 25th, 2018 at 11:04 AM ^

I have actually seen the new site and did some beta testing, and it looks good. It's got some rough edges that are being worked out, but it will look and feel better, I think, for most users. And as someone who does web development and has had to deal with legacy systems during an upgrade, it's a lot harder than people think to keep everything working while integrating new features. Especially when the site isn't using a standard CMS like WordPress, Magento, the Vox platform, etc. It's sort of like when people complain about coaches not knowing how to do their jobs. It looks good. Some people will not like it regardless, and others will like it despite it's flaws. And then there will be a new thread where more people complain about something else related to the site.


February 25th, 2018 at 12:07 PM ^

That I don't know, but if memory serves me right they had an old Drupal version powering it now, which is already a bad idea, and then they had to move it to whatever Human Element prefers as a backend system. Plus I'm not sure what they are doing for the FE, but it's definitely a different look and functionality.


February 25th, 2018 at 9:05 PM ^

Re. the bitching threads - oh for sure. It would happen regardless but that’s so much part of the ethos of this board. I show up in all these threads about the redesign not happening, and guarantee I will show up in the thread bitching about the redesign once it’s done. Bottom line is it pisses me off that there was a PERFECT thing out there in the HD App and they took it away only to make excuses about how something like the HD app will take forrrrreverrrrr to do.... yeah, no, you’re just hiring the wrong people.

Cranky Dave

February 25th, 2018 at 11:59 AM ^

Change happening IRL for me so I don’t want a new site. This is all I’ve ever known, don’t make me improvise, adapt and overcome. Or i’ll Sick the Swede on Brian and team.


February 25th, 2018 at 12:32 PM ^

I come here for the quality writing and I don't really care about the website format. In a time when ESPN, SBNation, and Foxsports have been cutting back, mgoblog persists as great as it always has.


February 25th, 2018 at 12:33 PM ^

Everyone getting sick/dying on the MGoStaff, turnover in the Harbaugh administration, and site changes are not a coincidence. Everyone wanted a new start, so they did a virtual suicide pact and will be 'reborn' with the site. Wheels within wheels; wake up sheeple.

Cosmic justifications aside, besides any technical reasons I don't really understand, I'm fine with the site, and I'll at least eventually be fine with the new version.


February 25th, 2018 at 9:11 PM ^

I actually thought about this recently. Brian seems pretty fed up to a point of losing interest in football, and with the fans. Dude has a family now. Maybe the stability of a more normal job and not having to deal with the whackos would appeal to him. He has the experience of building from scratch the biggest independent sports blog on the internet. That’s significant. No doubt he could get a pretty cushy, more “normal” gig somewhere.


February 25th, 2018 at 10:26 PM ^

And if that's what he wants to do, more power to him. Go kick some corporate ass, with bennies, and without the weight of the world (MGoFandom) on your shoulders 24/7.

But sell the site to some hard charging un-burnt-out youngun's full of piss and vinegar and verbs and adjectives and stuff, to carry on the tradition with renewed vigor. While I enjoy all the writers who contribute to this site, I am sure there are other rabid M fans with M sport knowledge and their own writing chops who would be thrilled to get a chance to be core part of MGoBlog.