Let's try to get #BacariAlexander trending on Twitter

Submitted by aaamichfan on

It's a somewhat boring Thursday eve, and I figure we should try to harness the power of the MGoCommmunity on Twitter.

What I ask: Everyone with a Twitter account tweet "#BacariAlexander" at 10:50PM(in about five minutes).

Just a test to see if we actually have enough pull to make things happen. Hopefully this works, and Bacari goes into a giant HALOLfest.


June 2nd, 2011 at 11:06 PM ^

Look, I love an Alexander as much as the next guy, but Bicardi rum is simply NOT a substitute for Brandy. That's going to taste awful, man. Shame on you, aaamichfan, shame on you.


June 3rd, 2011 at 12:25 AM ^

Did it, a little late though. Man house sitting for a week with no internet and my only access to MGoBlog was through my Blackberry... I almost went a little crazy.