Game of Thrones... best episode ever...

Submitted by jdon on

Are we not doing this regularily?


Best episode so far.

I'm not lieing when I say I got goosebumps when Sansa walked in the door.  It has been so long, waiting for a Stark reunion...


For this reason alone I am not a show over books fan.





edit:  I changed the title.  Sorry dudes.  I was just overwhelmed.



May 16th, 2016 at 10:27 AM ^

Really solid episode.  I enjoyed seeing all the reunions.  Danny's story is finally getting interesting again, Jon and Sansa reunion was great.  The tyrion stuff was good.  Littlefinger stuff was ok, never a big fan of that dude.  Overall, another good episode.  The only ep I thought was under par this season was the premier and even that was good.  This season is shaping up to be way better than season 5.  But Hardhome last season was a top 5 ep.  This one was top 20 for sure.

Perkis-Size Me

May 16th, 2016 at 10:44 AM ^

Overall a great episode, and it's cool to see some of the storylines starting to come together, but I'm still a little confused as to what Arya's ultimate role in all of this will be.

I have not read the books, but her story arc seems so far away from what's going on in the rest of the GoT universe.

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The Mad Hatter

May 16th, 2016 at 10:55 AM ^

the Iron Islands all together.  I don't care about Reek or anything else that goes on there.  It just seems like a waste of screen time that could be better spent on more central characters.

Also, is it just me or has the overall formatting of the episodes changed this season?  We seem to be getting 5-10 mins with each group of characters, which doesn't allow for much story-telling or depth.  It seems like previous seasons would take a lot more time focusing on one individual or group per episode.

I don't need to see every character, every week.


May 16th, 2016 at 11:15 AM ^

I agree,  they can leave out Dorne and Iron Islands stuff all together and really focus of the main story.  I hope it pays off but right now I couldn't care less about Reek/theon or the sand snakes.  I know Littlefinger is a fan favorite but I just don't like the guy, maybe it's the Sandusky vibes I get everytime he is on screen or some of the awful decision making.  He is clearly number 3 in the top 3 mind fuckers on the show.  Well behind Tyrion and behind Varys.


May 16th, 2016 at 1:53 PM ^

I agree wholeheartedly.  For the non book readers, there is a lot on the show that drags.  I am sure the Dorne stuff is much better in the books, I just have a hard time with it on the show.  It goes from GoT to a cinemax after dark special with equally cheesy line delivery.  I don't watch the show to see naked chicks, there are plenty of other avenues online to see that stuff, and unfortunately, nothing on Dorne is even remotely interesting.  The Iron Islands stuff is just meh also.  Theon has never been a great character in my opinion, and even with bringing Euron into the fold, who I know nothing about, because the show didn't really invest a ton of time on him yet, I am just not finding their scenes all that important.  Maybe one of these years I'll get to the books, but I just don't have the time to invest right now.  I enjoy the show a ton, but it is far from flawless.


May 16th, 2016 at 1:08 PM ^

Littlefinger and Varys had a head-to-head mind battle back in S.1 I believe, and Littlefinger clearly won. It's how Rose from the North met her fate. No one has outschemed Littlefinger thus far.

In his defense, I do not believe he ever would've given Sansa to the Boltons if he know what we know of Ramsay. Not saying that makes it OK, but I believe he truly cares for her - in fact, in all the revenge fantasies pople post here, no one has mentioned Littlefinger playing a central role in Ramsay's ultimate demise. If he learned how Ramsay treated Sansa he'd have a plot in motion. Perhaps rallying the Knights of the Vale is the beginning of that?


May 16th, 2016 at 1:44 PM ^

I agree with you and think Littlefinger is a very important character.  I just get those Sandusky vibes when he gets on screen and hated him leaving Sansa with Ramsey.  I think he is easily one of the more clever chess players on the board, I just personally don't care for him.  Anyone else want to see a Brienne/Torrmund power couple?  I got those ina battle with almost anyone on the show.


May 16th, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

I think maybe you're unclear on one thing - no one "likes" Littlefinger, or ever has in his life. That's one of his grudges.

We're not supposed to like him either. Fear him, respect him, despise him, what have you. If he thought someone liked him, that person woud be in for the ultimate screwover...

And sorry, i know you mean it in an offhand way, but tossing off Sanduskey references is a little tasteless. Littlefinger has never actually laid a hand on Sansa, save one kiss that lingered a bit overlong and led directly to Lysa goin thru the old Moon Door.

And if he did, it'd be the culmination of a years long obsession with her mother, not random serial sodomy with every redhead he met!


May 16th, 2016 at 1:18 PM ^

Including Yara, and based upon your previous posts on the topic of globes Hatter, that's saying something! I'm with you...

Sandsnakes over Ironborn, but truthfully all of it is a distraction from the main story thrust.


May 16th, 2016 at 2:09 PM ^

It's a problem in the books as well, The Iron Islanders have a part to play in the story, but most of this is inside baseball that can be referred to in flashbacks or exposition, if it needs to be shown at all. In my opinion both this and Dorne are prime examples of the George needs an editor phenomenon.

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May 16th, 2016 at 12:44 PM ^

I thought the episode started off strong. It then took a detour to the Iron Islands, something I don't really care about, but then it came back to Dany and ended strong. So I thought it was a good episode, and then they showed the preview for next week and I realized why I thought it was good - NO ARYA!

Sorry, I just don't care about her storyline at all. She may be key to the final showdown somehow by assassinating someone, but until we get there she's just an annoying clam seller all by herself and has no connection to the rest of the story.


May 16th, 2016 at 12:56 PM ^

I'm gonna go ahead and disagree with you there. The Arya storyline is actually my favorite subplot, and the whole contradiction between the many faces God and her transition in contrast to the Lannisters and their struggles with the followers of the Gods, old and new. It's great theatre.

I will agree with you, however, that she sells a mean clam.


May 16th, 2016 at 2:08 PM ^

The buildup in this episode was fast-tracked to the conclusions we saw coming last week.  Thank God they weren't dragged out, like they had been the previous few episodes.  If that fast-track continues, next week might finally start the showdowns.  But I think those are still a couple of shows away, sadly.

I knew that building would burn when Dany listened in a bemused manner to the Khal describing her impending horse rape.  The she closed her grip on the first fire pot, and everyone knew...


May 16th, 2016 at 4:13 PM ^

Brienne has finally found a man who wants her.

No way will she be able to fend off the über bro moves of Tormund Giantsbane.

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May 16th, 2016 at 6:22 PM ^

Sorry, but "The Climb" from season 3 or 4 was the best episode for me. It nailed every great aspect of the book and provided Littlefinger with the best soliloquy of the show (Chaos is a ladder). This season has been really good, but since everyone knows this televised story is different from the books, I have a hard time seeing any of the episodes reaching those heights.


May 17th, 2016 at 9:31 AM ^

Was really hyped to watch from this thread. Then watched and was disappointed. It was not close to the best episode ever.