Embarrassing/puzzling Bank of Ann Arbor billboard

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on April 3rd, 2019 at 4:28 PM

If you're looking for a place to do business with, go with UMCU (University of Michigan Credit Union).

Not only are they not a bank, but they have Michigan Block M debit cards. Oh and they don't do crap like this-



It's truly a family affair this time of year in Michigan! #Respect pic.twitter.com/rzE3bcImmT

— bank of ann arbor (@bankofannarbor) April 3, 2019


April 3rd, 2019 at 4:34 PM ^

Eh.....I kinda get it.

Hey, back in 1987 when the Spartans made the Rose Bowl for the first time since Christ was a kid my brother's wife held a Rose Bowl party (she's a Spartan obviously) and I not only went to the party dressed in white pants with a green sweater I also bought for them a 45 of the Spartan fight song for their juke box (I was living in Okemos for a short time back then).  So we all do stupid things from time to time for family or in the case of this bank, business.

Oh....and they're divorced now.  Fuck that bitch.  And fuck the Spartans - I hope they lose by 40.


April 3rd, 2019 at 5:27 PM ^

Why?  It may not be nice, but we're all--mostly--grown ups here and can put MGO's comment into the proper perspective.  In fact, I might not think she's a bitch, much less a fucking bitch.  She might be delightful in fact.  But for the decorations and music, I bet she throws an excellent party.  Still, I'm guessing there's more to this than we've been let in on.  

Alternatively, why single out just "fuck that bitch"?  Why not also suggest that "fuck the spartans" also be removed?   


April 3rd, 2019 at 5:35 PM ^

Wait - we can't say "fuck that bitch" now, especially if it is a woman who divorced his brother?  If we're throwing that around willy nilly to a bunch of women who don't deserve it, fine.  Sounds like she probably does though, and is not just a random chick (to him).  We can still tell people to fuck themselves, man or woman. 


April 3rd, 2019 at 6:46 PM ^

Apparently this is more than just one bad idea. Apparently, it's several bad ideas and they're going all in. I wonder how this works out for them, seriously? I bet it's not good...