Cover: Canada's top pediatric hospital recommends school re-openings without masks or social distancing

Submitted by wolverine1987 on June 18th, 2020 at 10:55 AM

Interesting recommendations from The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, a part of the University of Toronto, which issued guidelines to schools in Canada. After listing the facts about the low risk children face from Covid they make specific recommendations of no (mandatory) masks for children and no social distancing:

"However, strict physical distancing should not be emphasized to children in the school setting as it is not practical and could cause significant psychological harm. Close interaction, such as playing and socializing is central to child development and should not be discouraged."

"In fact, if worn incorrectly, it could lead to increased risk of infection and it is not practical for a child to wear a mask properly for the duration of a school day. It is noteworthy that several European countries have had children successfully return to school without face masks."

There are 11 pages of explanations with research footnotes but that was the surprising gist of the report:

Oh one other thing they spend time discussing how distance learning and video learning are not good for kids as compared to in-person. This is likely less controversial. 




June 18th, 2020 at 2:49 PM ^

I didn't grow up in a major metropolitan area so my hillbilly roots put me at a severe cognitive disadvantage preventing me from even slightly comprehending the world's simplest concepts.


June 18th, 2020 at 11:09 AM ^

I think underestimate the current generation that is in elementary school. They actually have empathy for one another and can understand the concept of "the greater good." Social distancing may not work, but I think masks definitely could


June 18th, 2020 at 11:31 AM ^

What age group are you talking about? For 16-year-olds, having empathy might well lead to wearing masks. For 6 year olds? They can have all the empathy in the world (and many do), but most simply lack the self control for that to translate into not touching their faces, even if they knew that it was important.


June 18th, 2020 at 12:00 PM ^

You may be able to do it for secondary students, but for elementary it would be a fool's errand.  The most you could realistically do is have them go to school (or lunch/recess) in shifts.  

But that's OK.  Our goal shouldn't be to have zero people infected, it's to keep infections at a manageable level.  You don't need 100% of the population to wear masks but if you can get a solid chunk of the population doing it, that makes a difference.


June 18th, 2020 at 11:02 AM ^

What's the harm in infecting their parents, grandparents or family members with existing medical conditions that make them more likely to die from the virus?  


June 18th, 2020 at 11:09 AM ^

Did you read the document? It has a section on public health and guidance to mitigate the spread from children to family members. 

The point is that there is harm if no precautions are taken, and harm if they go too far in a school environment. I have to trust that the people who put together this 10 page document with 30 references know what they're talking about. 


June 18th, 2020 at 12:34 PM ^

I read it. My point is they are kids, and shit will happen regardless of the precautions they implement. His point about which is more harmful, no contact or contact for the kids. My point is, it might be harmful ( physical and mental health )for them not to have contact with others, but with that comes the other possibly more harmful outcomes. As an adult, try to go 1hr without touching your face. Imagine how hard that will be for a child.