
January 20th, 2010 at 6:18 PM ^

just because you know people who have fucked up that you think are nice people doesn't mean that what cissoko did is royally.fuck.up. and until he stops behaving in such a way, he's a fuck up. that's basically how it is. a guy who treats women like shit but is an awesome "bro" is still an asshole and will continue to be an asshole until he gets his shit together. without coming down on him and judging his behavior as extremely unacceptable, he has zero reason to empower himself to make better decisions. and guess what? just because you graduated, that doesn't mean you weren't behaving like a fuck up when you were slinging, as you imply. it's just that you, presumably, chose to not be a fuck up, focus on school and move beyond the bs. i have family members who have gotten dui's and the like who are decent people. doesn't mean i wouldn't belittle someone who made a similar fucked up decision. you're personifying a player you don't know to match the personality of friends who make similar choices. cissoko has only shown two personality characteristics: making poor decisions and refusing to mature to take advantage to the gifts offered to him. what's more, he was apparently given a second chance at GVSU and chose not to show up to instead SELL DRUGS. that would be considered a fuck up. i will take my FUCK YOU to go. thanks. is the straw in there? alright. have a good day.


January 20th, 2010 at 8:28 PM ^

Clearly you know Boo boo, seeing as you know that in the entirety of his time at U of M, he has only exhibited two personality characteristics. I mean, you must be such a good person. Harping on a college kid from a much poorer background than your own who has made a few poor choices. Oh please tell us, how your life and the situations facing you have mirrored Boubacar. Please share how you've spoken to him about his life and the things that he has faced, seeing as you already know so much about what Boubacar and I have talked about, and how we must have met at a party, and are "bros" now. Keeping digging yourself into a hole and bullshitting, talking about shit you have clearly no knowledge of. Please keep it coming. I'm really enjoying how you're proving not only how little you know outside of your own little world, but also how much you assume to know about everyone else. Just keep doling out that advice. I'm sure everyone you meet is very receptive to it. I'm sue you've been faced with the prospect of food or drugs as Boubacar has. I mean, you did talk to him...right?


January 20th, 2010 at 8:10 PM ^

The overarching problem here is people believing there is "nothing else available to them." Man always has choices. Sometimes the right choice is the hardest path, but there's still choice. Boo Boo should have manned up and worked through the difficulties in his life. There's nothing to respect about his decisions. Nothing at all.


January 20th, 2010 at 5:37 PM ^

this just shows how RR really failed to take care of this young man. Rodriguez should have kept him on the team and made him a full-time starter. doing so would change this young man's life and steer him on the path to success after fucking up big on the first try. sure he could have kicked him off the team after this second misdemeanor but, really, he failed as a coach, no... mentor, to this young man. sincerely, mark dantonio


January 20th, 2010 at 5:41 PM ^

I hope the kid can turn his life around. At this point, he seems to be on a fast-sliding downward spiral to nowhere. I really hope someone (or something) can get through to him that this isn't the way it has to be. Redeem yourself, Boubacar.


January 20th, 2010 at 6:07 PM ^

I hope Bouba gets on the right track soon. My son and I had a chance to talk to him for about a half hour after the spring game and he is a good kid.


January 20th, 2010 at 6:15 PM ^

I hope he learns to make better decisions with what he does and who he chooses to roll with. Unfortunately, his mid-season suspension was not the wake-up call we all hoped it'd be. You can't save people from themselves; its all on you Boo boo...

The Royalty of Roto

January 20th, 2010 at 6:17 PM ^

Maybe this is why he couldn't handle being out on an island on defense. It's better for the recruiting class anyway. Let the staff pitch that his absence leaves a need for highly touted recruits to come in and fill the void.


January 20th, 2010 at 8:49 PM ^

... what good comes from calling the guy a stupid fuck up on message boards? We lost a potentially great player, a kid is throwing his life away, and the best we can do is lash out at him? Quote from my favorite book -- think it should be required reading for all 18 year olds. "[The Hebrew] word timshel — Thou mayest — that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if Thou mayest — it is also true that Thou mayest not... [Thou mayest] makes a man great, that gives him stature with the gods, for in his weakness and his filth ... he has still the great choice. He can choose his course and fight it through and win. "


January 20th, 2010 at 9:02 PM ^

I was one of the lucky few who have made it out, and so being in the unique position that I am in, I find it funny and sad, that others would criticize Boo boo. Before you start espousing on how Boo boo "fucked up" you should ask yourself, "do I know what it's like to not a have a stable environment to grow in?", "do i know what it's like to not have a shelter over my head?", "do I know what its like to not be able to afford food for myself and my younger siblings?", "do i know what it's like to give up my own food so that my siblings can eat?", "do i know what it's like to see my friends go to prison?", "do i know what it's like to be faced with the prospect of selling drugs or starving?". Shut the fuck up if you haven't been faced with this shit. You can opine all you want but it won't make a difference. People go through this shit every day, and it ain't gonna end anytime soon. You can degrade and belittle these kids all you want but if you've never been in their shoes you don't know shit about it. They could give two shits about what you think about them and would rather spit in your face than talk to you, and from a few of the comments I've seen on this thread I won't disagree with them. They know that they've got no shot. They know who is "all in" for them, and who could give a fuck. They're not dumb. They're more grown up than a lot of people ever will be, and most of them shouldn't be worrying about this type of shit for another 10-12 years.


January 20th, 2010 at 10:05 PM ^

poor decisions affect more than him too. At this point, my guess is he ends up dropping out or leaving. It'll cost our program points (as far as retention measurables go), despite trying to do everything we could to help him/give second chances. It's borderline selfish.