Change the banner?

Submitted by sammylittle on
I know some will try to flame this idea. But, as long as we are talking about changing kickoff times and uniform colors, should we not consider changing the banner under which the football team enters. "M Go Blue Club Supports You" is kind of tame and old-fashioned. In an effort to make the Big House a more frightening place to play, we should retire this tired banner in favor of something more menancing. I, for one, would like to see the team under the lights and decked out in purple uniforms jump up and touch a banner that said something like, "We'll Tear Your Heads Off" while a lazer depiction of the same was displayed on the field. Now is your time to contribute. What should be printed on the new banner??!!??


March 18th, 2009 at 11:47 AM ^

Sammy - You know well and good that your idea ONLY works if you can get Bon Jovi or Guns and Roses playing at midfield with lots of smoke machines and explosions at the same time. I personally know that Bon Jovi only works as a headliner - so the whole idea is out the window. But Guns and Roses.....hmmmmmm ... yeah we might be able to make this work after all.... let me make some calls to cousin Axl...


March 18th, 2009 at 11:53 AM ^

Maybe we could have Kate Beckinsale suspended in chains, as if imprisioned, as Nickelback makes noise. UM players could then touch the banner on the way to vanquish Nickelback and save Kate. That would pump up the players and the crowd.


March 18th, 2009 at 12:24 PM ^

Keep the banner, but have actual live wolverines charge out of the tunnel and rip it to shreds. Then have James Earl Jones say "A new era has begun" as the team parachutes in and wrestles the wolverines. The first 22 winners of the wrestling matches are the starting lineup for the day.


March 18th, 2009 at 12:57 PM ^

I am all for Kate Beckinsale suspended in chains, and Nickelback being vanquished. As long as Nickelback is not doing a single thing besides showing up and being vanquished.

Elno Lewis

March 18th, 2009 at 1:22 PM ^

I am a man of simpler tastes. I say we spray kerosene on the players as they emerge from the tunnel and as they touch the banner, which is now made of molten lava, which ignites each player (no need for smoke machines in this scenario) and activates the jetpacks under their jerseys which launch them a thousand feet in the air whereupon they deploy parasails and drop black bricks (most intimidating) on the crowd as they descend while blaring out the song "The Future" by Leonard Cohen (a sample of the lyrics below--Natural Born Killers). And then a white unicorn prances onto the field bearing cases of Zima and Jolly Ranchers and as it reaches the 50 yard line, the players impale it to death with the first down sticks. Of course, for this to work it has to be a night game, or a morning game. Give me back my broken night my mirrored room, my secret life it's lonely here, there's no one left to torture Give me absolute control over every living soul And lie beside me, baby, that's an order! Give me crack and anal sex Take the only tree that's left and stuff it up the hole in your culture Give me back the Berlin wall give me Stalin and St Paul I've seen the future, brother: it is murder.


March 18th, 2009 at 1:57 PM ^

until you wanted the unicorn sacrificed. I would be open to having a horse made up to look like a unicorn impaled or some form of mock unicorn killing. Leonard Cohen is in. I like the idea of having Leonard Cohen pull individual strings from his guitar and use them to kill the members of Nickelback.


March 18th, 2009 at 3:11 PM ^

capitalist scum about the power of The Wolverines than to murder at least one unicorn before every home game? The players could then run through the pools of blood on their way to glory. Alternatively, in order to cater to your delicate sensibilities we could have a temporary stable full of unicorns at the 50 yard line that would impale the members of Nickelback before the season opener and then the players could run through their blood. Either way, this is a classic post Elno. Well done.


March 18th, 2009 at 2:53 PM ^

"M Go Blue Club Supports You, except if you are not one of Those who Stay in which case we will give you a pink slip until you play the game the right way and don't you even think about standing during the game. Michigan Man" Someone start getting the graphics together.


March 18th, 2009 at 4:15 PM ^

Don't change the banner. Just coat it with sticky tar and sedatives. That way, when OSU tries to knock it down again, they'll all pass out on the field. Then we take their wallets!