Fervent Brady Hoke Supporter, Jason Whitlock, is a Sociopath

Submitted by Rafi on


I'm honestly suprised this hasn't been discussed as it's own topic on this board yet.  I probably wouldn't bother mentioning the article above, but...

1) It's incredibly well written (and long)

2) It's pretty damning for the subject

3) The subject was one of the biggest proponents of Brady Hoke in the history of mankind and has been discussed at length before on this blog

What are your thoughts?  Should ESPN go ahead and fire him now, and get someone in charge that actually knows how to manage people?  Or do they scrap the site altogether?  


April 28th, 2015 at 11:10 AM ^

I agree it's a good article and that ESPN is crazy for trying to have him lead anybody or for giving him a job at all, but the fact that he supported Hoke never even crossed my mind. I really like Hoke and hope he tears it up wherever he lands, just like RichRod. Does that make me crazy too?


April 28th, 2015 at 11:12 AM ^

This definitely was a fascinating and well written article. I know Whitlock sucks, but I didn't realize he's megalomanic, no talent ass-clown.  I don't normally read long-form journalistic unless it's a subject I care deeply about, but I honestly couldnt stop reading this.


April 28th, 2015 at 11:55 AM ^

I didn't read the entire piece, didn't find it very interesting.  Lots of big personalities are egomaniacs, I can imagine a similar article could be written on several of the ESPN commentators.  I don't follow a lot of these writers/commentators like a lot of people on this site seem to, but from what I know it doesn't seem like Whitlock hides his inflated opinion of himself.  Everyone signing onto the project should probably have known he'd act like this, but maybe not to this degree.  

But again I didn't read the whole thing.  I made it to the writer who wanted to cover the Gaye trial.  If Whitlock, who is the boss, made the decision that he didn't want to cover culture, he has every right to shoot it down.  How you do so will describe who you are, and he can certainly be derided for his words and tone.  But she really shouldn't have submitted it.  Her response is just someone fighting with her boss, happens every day in every company. 

They give this as a "wow" story pretty early in the article, and it wasn't a good enough hook to hold me.  I'm extrapolating out a bunch of similar egomania, which again, in my mind everyone on that staff should have known and expected. 

That section is followed by this quote, clearly meant to ridicule him.  But seriously, what's wrong with this quote? 

How Jason Whitlock Is Poisoning ESPN's "Black Grantland"


April 28th, 2015 at 12:43 PM ^

Haven't read this yet, but I will at some point (Deadspin doesn't play nice with my phone)

It's worth noting that this article's author, Greg Howard (also a man of color, fwiw), is anything but an objective POV here as he has some personal and professional beefs with Whitlock.  So he probably does have an axe to grind and I can't imagine Howard is pretending otherwise.  Nonetheless, I have enjoyed Howard's writing on many other things and have always thought of Whitlock as a shit-troll so I can't imagine that I'd really disagree with anything in this article, grinding axe be damned.


April 28th, 2015 at 1:16 PM ^

go ahead and fire him now, and get someone in charge that actually knows how to manage people? Or do they scrap the site altogether?
If you mean "scrap ESPN altogether," that seems a little extreme. But I could learn to like it.


April 28th, 2015 at 2:01 PM ^

Whitlock was a Hoke supporter...that tells me all I need to know. He's clueless and out of touch. If you believe that a glorified high school coach could succeed here then you're opinion is worthless


April 28th, 2015 at 8:23 PM ^

Thanks for challenging the grammar of my post and not the actual content. Shows that you do agree with me but you feel the need act like a 12 year old and try to annoy everyone. YOUR input is much appreciated my friend