Friday Posbang

Submitted by acnumber1 on

Big weekend for recruiting!  Let's get it started with a Friday Posbang...

Get Jim Harbaugh

January 16th, 2015 at 6:48 AM ^

I found out yesterday that my dad has bladder cancer. Thankfully it was found early, but that is no guarantee it will not come back. Four small tumors were found. Two benign, two malignant.


I do not understand why a cure cannot be found.

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Get Jim Harbaugh

January 16th, 2015 at 9:33 AM ^

Damn. One of my closest friend's father was recently diagnosed with skin cancer. I don't know how bad it is or if it was caught early though.

I just never thought I would ever have to deal with cancer in my family. Both my parents' family sides have no history of disease, so this just appeared out of nowhere. I know cancer has to start somewhere, but why the fuck did it have to happen to my father? It's fucked up. My dad is such a good guy and so nice to everyone; he doesn't deserve this bull shit.

I read that bladder cancer, if caught early (and according to the doctor, it was), is fairly treatable. Of course, however, that still doesn't mean my dad can be cured of cancer. There are several ways to treat it, one of which is removing the bladder and reconstructing it with (I think) a small part of the large intestine. It's amazing what doctors can do these days.

This really sucks. He is only 59 years old.


January 16th, 2015 at 10:45 AM ^

I thought it might be too distracting. I'll change it back for moar pulsating when I get the chance. 

The throbbing M on Kate Upton was my old avatar (old name MGoMaizeAndBlue). I replaced it with this more wholesome avatar. But, for old times' sake...



January 16th, 2015 at 6:50 AM ^

the only perk of working for the government is having random holidays off to make 3 day weekends. thanks Dr King