OT: So... that was fun. Now what will you do?

Submitted by Blau on January 10th, 2024 at 3:58 PM

Oh boy... less than 48 hours removed from winning the 2024 CFP Championship and I'm still in a daze. Like many other MGoSickos out there, I haven't read or watched this much sports coverage in a long time. Each highlight, commentary, and article celebrating the team (or the colorful schadenfreude) has been pure maize & blue smack into the veins. The picture below says it all...

Now that Michigan has won the whole damn thing, what are your plans considering the following:

- MBB has no signs of life or direction, so no help there.

- Outside of the B1G network, I don't think we get a lot of the Michigan hockey games televised and even they have reverted back to normalcy.

- Many of us will turn to the Detroit Lions hosting their first playoff game since the inception of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Friends debuting on NBC. They're on the right track but something tells me they don't have the horses to make it very far.

Excluding the NFL for a few Saturdays and Sundays this month, you'll now have your weekends back.

So... Now what are you going to do? Projects? Travel? Sort out that box of DVDs in the basement you should really just throw away but can't because you think to yourself, "What if I want to watch the bonus commentary footage of The Royal Tenenbaums"? 

Cheers to the best upcoming OT season (possibly ever?) on MGoBlog!


January 10th, 2024 at 6:15 PM ^

We  are more than a little behind the 8-ball out here in rural Kansas. We were scheduled to go in to town and watch the game with friends and family. But this little blizzard thingy began just before game-time so we decided to hunker down at home. It wasn't long before the 30+ mph winds with gusts into the 50s knocked out electricity. We heat mostly with wood so going out there to set up the generator in that hurricane was not a necessity.  So I am still waiting for some good replay clips to come up...so that is what I am doing next. Will Mr. Devotee be putting his up?


January 10th, 2024 at 7:11 PM ^

I've got a big stack of books to attack and the usual variety of necessary but boring household tasks.

From a sports perspective, it's pretty much hibernation until August 31, with the possible exception of hockey.


January 10th, 2024 at 7:48 PM ^

Now we can spend a year listening to all the bloviators who spent the season talking about cheeseburgers and cheating tell us how their new bro Harbaugh built Michigan.

In addition, I keep hearing 13 points, 13 drives somehow playing in my head to the opening of Patti Smith's 'Changing of the Guard'. She has enough Michigan ties that I just gave up and stopped fighting it.


January 10th, 2024 at 8:01 PM ^

Going to contemplate, yet again, retiring at the end of this year.

Disclosure: I've retired 3 times already and failed miserably in the effort to "do nothing". Note. Hobbies are nothing as they have no interesting problems to solve. 

Maybe I'll buy an island. Build a castle. Hire a security team. Invite friends to join me while we watch great Wolverines victories. Yeah, that sounds like fun!

Okay, I'm good to go now ....



January 10th, 2024 at 9:43 PM ^

I'm planning on drinking too much, eating too much (and badly - more salt, more fat, more processed food, more nitrates, etc), getting less exercise, and smoking cigars more often. I'm also thinking about other ways to significantly increase my levels of stress, cholesterol and blood pressure.

If that doesn't work, there's always meth and hillbilly heroin.


January 10th, 2024 at 9:53 PM ^

I'm gonna get my heart rhythm back to normal, drink less, start reading again, sleep well most nights, and kiss my wife every single hour of the day for putting up with me these past 21 weeks. Thank You Team 144!!