MI Governor executive order calls for masks to be worn DURING HS football games by players

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on September 9th, 2020 at 10:17 PM


The new order states that a face covering must be worn at all times by athletes, unless they can maintain 6 feet of social distance.

So those in football, soccer and volleyball -- sports that just returned this week -- will need to wear face coverings at all times. Cross country, golf and tennis can go without masks, if they can stay apart. Swimmers are the only exception to any coverings.

“The COVID-19 virus is easily spread through airborne particles and can affect everyone differently,” Gov. Whitmer said in a release. "By wearing a face covering when proper distancing is not possible, athletes will be better protected from contracting the virus and spreading it to family members, frontline workers, and vulnerable populations.

“We cannot afford to let our guard down. As we continue to fight this virus, we need to make smart and informed choices so we can beat COVID-19 together.”


September 10th, 2020 at 1:47 PM ^

I could refute his point - the NYT is left leaning for sure but is a reliable/credible news source.

That would be lost on someone who doesn’t know the meaning of ‘bias’, can’t spell ‘argument’ and whose syntax/sentence structure is just a train wreck. I’m sick of ignorant people basking in their ignorance to the detriment of everyone else, and don’t particularly care if I don’t seem well adjusted while talking to a mouth breather on the internet. 


September 10th, 2020 at 2:35 PM ^

That really isn't refuting his point.  You acknowledge that the NY Times has a left wing bias, but because you deem it credible that doesn't matter.  His point was that it does have a left wing bias and therefore the things it publishes will bask in that bias.  The credibility you mentioned is also up for debate anymore.  The moment that twitter started editing the headlines, and in some cases the actual articles, the credibility of the times was shot.  Not to mention all the retractions they've had to make regarding articles they've tried to frame with that liberal bias.  The NY Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and almost every other newspaper still in circulation is no more legitimate than MSNBC, Fox News, or OAN.  Like everything else, there is spin in everything they report anymore.  

I too can make a snap judgement on someone's character on an internet message board.  Just like you decided he was someone too simple to understand things like language, I can decide that you are pompous asshole.  Sometimes people don't use the words they mean or make typing mistakes.  Using that as the excuse to invalidate them as a person makes you just the opposite of what you think it does.


September 10th, 2020 at 3:25 PM ^

You paint all news sites with the same level of biases, and that is not even remotely true. NYT is left-biased but they are also a reliable source of news. MSNBC is less reliable. FOx News even less reliable. OAN is laughable in its reliability. It's a spectrum and you cannot  with a straight face lump in NYT with Fox News or OAN.  The more comparable counterpart from the right side would be like WSJ or Forbes.



September 10th, 2020 at 3:30 PM ^

And yet objective outlets that report on media bias still consider the NYT to be a reputable and credible news source. There’s a difference between reporting facts with left-leaning commentary (nyt) and flat out making shit up (oan). you probably know that already, but why let reason get in the way of an argument, right? I don’t give a shit what you think of me, so please, write another 500 words about what an asshole i am. 


September 10th, 2020 at 3:13 AM ^

You are given full hindsight. You are in charge of how Italy handles the pandemic and its February.



Also South Koreans didnt fight their leadership. They dont need to “fake news” each other. They handled their shit and got through mostly unscathed. But again they dont have 1/3 country follow The onceler and wonder why Onceler shit happens. 


September 10th, 2020 at 6:32 AM ^

Sorry, dude, 80% of the people still on this blog are liberals and the mask is the ultimate badge of honor.

It shows virtue signaling, approval of big government, anti-Trump all in one.

You can argue forever about loose States having the same or better curves as heavy lockdown and mask States, they don't care.


September 10th, 2020 at 1:10 AM ^

At this point the reaction to people being told to wear masks sounds a lot to me like the rednecks that bitch about having to wear motorcycle helmets. Or seat belts.  

Red is Blue

September 10th, 2020 at 8:46 AM ^

Pretty sure the argument goes something like this.  While the direct helath consequences of seat belts/helmets are on the individual there are larger, albeit not public health,  consequences for society.  Ie increased insurance costs, having to publicly fund medical bills for those not wearing safety devices who cannot pay for themselves...

Whether it warrants the requirements is certainly debatable, but there are broader implications.


September 10th, 2020 at 9:53 AM ^

Of course there are broader implications but the fact is if i ride my motorcycle without a helmet (I don’t have a motorcycle), it doesn’t put you, your family, my neighbors or anyone else - except me - in any danger. The same cannot be said about refusing to wear a mask. 

and for the record, i know masks aren’t a silver bullet that will magically stop covid, but for fuck’s sake people, it’s such a minimal Inconvenience that it’s unbelievable people cant just wear one and shut the fuck up about ‘muh freedoms’


September 10th, 2020 at 11:27 AM ^

Meh, i go on long runs and rucks practically daily and I wear a mask. It’s not fun (especially when it’s hot out), but doesn’t make a meaningful difference with anything except comfort.

If you’re running cross country you should already be used to discomfort. Even if it does restrict airflow, thereby making it tougher to run, everyone is equally impaired so it’s still fair. Again, it’s nit perfect or fun but it’s a small price to pay so kids can compete and get back to some sense of normalcy. 


September 10th, 2020 at 11:19 AM ^

Fuck you asshole. Luckily there’s a lot group of people in this country that won’t blindly follow our corrupt leaders and be willing to let our freedoms be taken away by pussies like you. You actually said “ quit complaining about your freedom” what a idiot you are


September 10th, 2020 at 11:38 AM ^

Since you’re obviously super bright I’m gonna go ahead and use really small words so we can be on the same page . . . 

what ‘freedom’ does wearing a mask take away? I’ll save you the trouble- there isn’t one. Mandating that you wear a mask is no different than requiring you to wear clothes in public. 

Freedoms are great and should be protected - making you wear a mask doesn’t rise to the level of taking away your freedoms. Plus, if you’re like most of the covid truthers I’ve run across, it’ll cover up your yellow teeth and triple chin, so it’s a bit of a win/win, no?


September 10th, 2020 at 1:39 AM ^

Seems pretty excessive to me. I wouldn't want to wear one of those things for longer than 10 minutes. Also just think of all the bacteria that will end up on them 

Michology 101

September 10th, 2020 at 3:15 AM ^

I'm not sure how wearing masks during high school football games will work out. I guess the governor doesn't want to take any chances.  

Though there's some recent news about how this pandemic was downplayed by our president. I believe if he had been a little more honest about the threat... some of his conservative followers would've taken things more seriously and used more precautions.

Maybe our country could've had this infection rate under better control right now. The president sometimes acts like he still doesn't fully support wearing masks or social distancing and that probably has made some conservative people follow his lead.   

Though there's evidence that he's been misleading people to prevent panic and was going against good scientific judgment.  




September 10th, 2020 at 5:10 AM ^

I really dont think its safe to wear these masks while doing strenuous activities.

My job is physically demanding and when this all started with the masks during the 2nd week my lungs/chest WERE sore. Ive had to learn to work slower with a mask on

Ps I dont give a shit if some marathon runners ran 10 miles with a mask on and claims it didnt impede their breathing at all. They're full of shit


September 10th, 2020 at 8:26 AM ^

my 10 year old and 12 year old daughter have been playing club soccer in masks for 4 weeks now, including a Labor Day weekend tournament with 4 games in 3 days - all in masks.

But sure, they're full of shit because you don't THINK it's safe.


September 10th, 2020 at 7:18 AM ^

OMG....shes requiring masks?!  Whats next, is she going to downplay the threat and straight up lie to all of us about the risks?  It astounds me people have a problem with actions like this, when it is evident Whitmer has done a decent job compared to some people.  


September 10th, 2020 at 9:37 AM ^

Ron DeSantis of Florida (controversial but his #'s are lower and didn't decimate his state's economy as bad). With the highly senior population, the fact that Florida never reached even close to NY levels while also being more lax in their lockdown measures is a telling story.

Jared Polis of Colorado has done a good job.

Mike Dewine has definitely handled the re-opening better

I could go on for quite a bit. Whitmer did better than some, but I'd shy away from heaping praise on her.


blue in dc

September 10th, 2020 at 1:47 PM ^

You might want to check on the number of deaths in Florida in the last two days before you heap praise on DeSantis.  If worldmeters is right, they reported 205 today and 202 yesterday. That doesn’t sound like a particularly good job.   


Editted to reflect correction to worldmeter numbers.   Doesn’t change the basic point.


September 10th, 2020 at 8:44 AM ^

If she is doing this purely for safety, why isn't she following CDC recommendations which say that masks should NOT be worn during activities where they are likely to get wet or high intensity activities.  Is there any argument that both of these points from the CDC don't apply to football players? Sadly politics are intertwined in everything that comes out of her mouth.  

  • People should not wear masks while engaged in activities that may cause the mask to become wet, like when swimming at the beach or pool. A wet mask may make it difficult to breathe. For activities like swimming, it is particularly important to maintain physical distance from others when in the water.
  • People who are engaged in high intensity activities, like running, may not be able to wear a mask if it causes difficulty breathing. If unable to wear a mask, consider conducting the activity in a location with greater ventilation and air exchange (for instance, outdoors versus indoors) and where it is possible to maintain physical distance from others.



September 10th, 2020 at 8:53 AM ^

This is where the question of when do we open things up comes up.  You shouldn't wear a mask playing football because it is strenuous activity.  But, you have to wear a mask because it isn't possible to maintain physical distance.

So, logically, we shouldn't play football until there is a safe solution that doesn't contradict both of those requirements.  However, we want to watch football and it seems everyone wants to play.  if we are having football, is it safer to just let them have at it like normal or is it safer to wear a mask.  i would suggest the mask is the better of the two options (if we are saying football is good to go forward).


September 10th, 2020 at 10:16 AM ^

Well Maceo, the CDC disagrees with you.  Football should not be played with a mask, period. She is trolling.  If HS football is going to be allowed it needs to be without a mask.  If that's not acceptable, then there shouldn't be football.

Also, maybe just once she could utilize the legislature instead of executive order - what are we up to - #180?

blue in dc

September 10th, 2020 at 12:24 PM ^

I think you are grossly overstating what the CDC says.  From your quote:

  • People who are engaged in high intensity activities, like running, may not be able to wear a mask if it causes difficulty breathing. If unable to wear a mask, consider conducting the activity in a location with greater ventilation and air exchange (for instance, outdoors versus indoors) and where it is possible to maintain physical distance from others.

It does not say that you shouldn’t wear a mask    It says that wearing a mask may cause trouble breathing    It then goes on to say “if unable to wear a mask” - that actually implies many can wear masks.     It further notes, if you can’t wear a mask, consider conducting the activity “where it is possible yo maintain distance from others”    One reading of that is that you shouldn’t do high intensity activity without a mask unless you can maintain physical distance from others.



September 10th, 2020 at 8:34 AM ^

Weird because the CDC says not to wear masks while performing tasks when they could get wet.  Most football players I've known sweat throughout the course of the game, but perhaps she knows something the CDC and her plebeians do not.  


September 10th, 2020 at 10:40 AM ^

"Science" is not one study and we're done. Science is a process, backed up (or not) by people testing and expanded upon other people's experiments.

For the great gaiter debate, the initial "gaiters suck" was from one study at Duke under very specific conditions (e.g., it just examined talking, not breathing heavy) and with a specific fabric (synthetic neck fleece). There has been a lot of pushback on it.

"While we still have much to learn about masks and transmission, Gandhi says the preponderance of evidence, both for COVID-19 and earlier viruses, suggests “that cloth face masks, and that includes properly worn neck gaiters, filter out the majority of viral particles and provide some protection for an individual.”"



September 10th, 2020 at 9:54 AM ^

We had my sons first high school game of the season last night and the players were required to wear the masks, but were allowed to wear them around their chins, not covering their nose or mouth and this was considered ok.  they said the football team was going to do the same.  They walk on the field with them in  place, and then pull them down once the game starts.  Really didn't help much.


September 10th, 2020 at 10:51 AM ^

That's pathetic. Not your fault, but those coaches should be ashamed. If they don't want to wear masks, don't pretend like "wearing" them means just hanging them around your neck. That's like saying you're practicing safe sex when you keep your condom it in your wallet.

Kids are already wearing masks while competing (games started Tuesday) and they're fine. It's not going to be perfect (e.g., it will slip off their faces at times) but so what. Coaches should be encouraging their players to make an honest effort at promoting safety for themselves and each other, and then focus on playing the games. It's not like cloth masks are the first piece of protective equipment volleyball, football, soccer etc players have had to wear.


VIDEO: Check out the highlights of the Marian (@marianathletics) at Notre Dame Prep (@NDPMA_Athletics) volleyball game from Wednesday night.

Brought to you by the Michigan Army National Guard pic.twitter.com/t4pO9JgpvV

— STATE CHAMPS! Michigan (@statechampsmich) September 10, 2020