Erik Swenson commits to Oklahoma

Submitted by Jehu the Damaja on
Erik Swenson has committed to Oklahoma per his twitter.


January 30th, 2016 at 11:14 PM ^

One thing I will say as an aside - because this post reminds me - is that keeping up with moderating the Harbaugh version of a recruiting cycle has been interesting if not admittedly messy - part of that is my fault perhaps, if people have thought the proliferation of threads has been an issue.

If nothing else, this thread hopefully means that at least this particular story will start fading into the background since Swenson has found a home - a nice one really - in Norman. I know the name makes some around here cringe by now, but what we're learning about all this hopefully means we can organize threads a bit better next year.


January 30th, 2016 at 11:27 PM ^

Looks like everyone won here - once again Harbaugh gets it done.  Guy's going to place that wants him more than us, and we have an open place for someone our coaches want.

Now can we move on?

Perkis-Size Me

January 30th, 2016 at 11:39 PM ^

Cool. Best of luck to him. Now can we put this behind us and the media can stop acting like Harbaugh ruined this kid's life?

Going to play for a team that made the playoff this year is far from being some consolation prize. I'd say he landed in a pretty darn good spot.

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January 31st, 2016 at 3:20 AM ^

Damn...OU has a pretty good record of talent evaluation on the Oline. Wonder what they see in Swenson that Harbaugh didn't. I know he didn't do the camp thing and all and the coaches felt he didnt progress enough.  But I bet he would've changed his mind on that if he knew his schollie offer depending on camping. And OU must think he did something his SR to offer as I doubt they are passing out schollies to nobodies. 

And now UM is out 2 OT commits this cycle....if things don't change by Wed. next year will be absolutely critical to get a couple of elite OTs. 

This will defintely be one to watch. And no this doesn't make the story go away just adds to the speculation. 

Doctor What

January 31st, 2016 at 9:02 AM ^

While I can see your position, I think you are focused solely on football. Whereas, Harbaugh focuses, as he should, on both football and academic acheivement. Reading the tea leaves of who subsequently offereed and the commentary offered by Harbaugh, Hacket and now Partridge it becomes quite clear the issue was classroom performance and work ethic not just failure show up for camps. 

Both scenarios seem to indicate a willingness to coast as oppossed to pushing one's self to compete..


January 31st, 2016 at 8:36 AM ^

Crystal balls tell an interesting story about Swenson. Naturally, for two years he's 100% Michigan until he decommits. The he gets two to Wisconsin and one to NU. Then suddenly, a chorus swings to OU immediately proceeding his commitment. Of the four teams, OU is the academic outlier, the least stringent in terms of acceptance. Swenson takes zero OVs until his last stop in Norman is described as Official. Partridge's tells TVH "you have to hold up your end of the bargain both academically and athletically". All of this makes me wonder if the issue with Swenson was never that he wasn't good enough, but that he maybe didn't have the grades to go to M or UW or NU.

Doctor What

January 31st, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^

My heart just aches for him as I stare at 100k in student debt. His dream was shattered. Now, he's forced to get a free eductation and play big time football in the BIg 12. 

Heart wrenching really. 


January 31st, 2016 at 2:40 PM ^

on his twitter (total suprise) now that he is safely tucked away at Oklahoma. I am afraid the bad mouthing won't end there like where was his admitting that it wasn't the end of the world and maybe he over reacted. I might be mistaken but I have not read a word of him being remorseful  in any media. I mean like maybe he could actually be honest and say yeah they did want me to come to summer camp and I wasn't sure if that would have negatively effected my recruitment. Or in all fairness I didn't keep up my end of the deal per Harbaughs expectations. Coach Hoke never told me that I had to go to camp so my scholarship would be intact. He said nothing of the sort like he really got screwed and he will believe that as long as he lives.


January 31st, 2016 at 2:50 PM ^

If a player performs poorly at these all star games and at camps he can see his ranking numbers crash and he would lose a star whay not sit around on your fat ass if you project as a four star and take the chance that your star count might fall. Would skipping camps and all star events be cause for concern, that maybe a guy is trying to hang on to his ranking.