Ann Arbor Institutions: Michigan Theater and State Theatre Comment Count

Seth September 25th, 2020 at 2:35 PM

Even with football back on a lot of our favorite places in Ann Arbor are hurting. Hoping to soften the blow a bit, we're partnering this fall with Underground Printing to do a t-shirt a week for the places we love. All proceeds go to the restaurant/bar/whatever. Limited time offer: We'll keep the order open for a week (because ordering bulk means more for the institution).

Previously: Good Time Charley's, Brown Jug, Blind Pig. This week: The State and Michigan Theaters!


Quick: You need a photo that says "Ann Arbor." What do you aim at? Michigan Stadium's kind of its own thing. Burton Tower maybe, but it's hard to get the whole thing in one shot, and doesn't capture the small towniness nor the artsiness. Unless…


The first image that comes up in an "Ann Arbor" image search. [Davel5957/Getty]

It's no accident that this Big House capacity-sized town has a couple of arthouse theater marquees slap dab in the middle of it. When the Shutdown Fullcast was looking for dates to do a live show here we said "just avoid the Art Fair" and they were like "Are you sure? We've got art fairs too," and then we showed them, and then they chose a date a month later. There is zero controversy over the geographical center of Ann Arbor culture.

There wasn't a day when I lived in Ann Arbor that the historic Michigan Theater, and the Art Deco State Theatre* weren't open with some movie or live event. I arrived in 1998, which was right after the big renovations. That's also when the current Michigan Theater marquee went up; needless to say it was better received than the halo.

But that's kind of true for most small towns. The Michigan difference is when you step inside.

If you were in there you could also hear their 1927 Barton Pipe Organ (one of the few still in existence) that was installed to be played along with silent films the same year Yost opened Michigan Stadium.

But you can't go in right now. As of today they have now been closed for 194 days, and there's no anticipated date of reopening.


Ryan Stanton | The Ann Arbor News

They're scratching by right now with various virtual offerings (complete list here). Those include Virtual Movie Palace screenings, with new films debuting on Friday nights at, tonight's being RBG. Among them are Represent, a film that will restore some of your faith in American democracy, and a Movies 101 series that I, an unabashed Lindsay Ellis fan, am now obsessed with. There's also concessions and merchandise available for curbside pickup every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday; and Movie Trivia night via Zoom two Thursdays a month. The last one was last night so if you walk by today you'll see the winner's idea of a funny thing to put on the marquee. I won't ruin it. On days that wasn't won by a trivia nerd you can rent the marquee too.

You can support them with a membership (which gets you a lot of the films and discounts on the rest), by using them for the next few movie nights, or by wearing The Ann Arbor Shot on a t-shirt.


* [Do French professors at Michigan still point out it's spelled "Theatre" and should therefore be referred to as the "Staht tay-AHT-ruh" or was this just my History of French Cinema instructor? Now that you've seen it are you too afflicted?]



September 25th, 2020 at 3:25 PM ^

True story: when I was in 4th or 5th grade, I was marked down on a spelling test for writing "theatre" as the answer. This is 100% the fault of CBC since I was pretty much immersed in Hockey Night in Canada and all the corresponding advertising.

And so perhaps I should have written "Grade 4 or 5" above. Such is the drawback of being bilingual...


September 25th, 2020 at 6:09 PM ^

Ah yes.  When I showed up in A^2 as a Residential College freshman in 1983, my profs and TA's would question my use of humour and colour and such things.  It was particularly weird in French classes bc I learned Quebec and not Parisian French.  When challenged on it, I told profs and TA's that it was a matter of cultural pride, I am hard-wired and was "accommodated" for the most part, although I am still unsure why being Canadian is a disability instead of a strength.  [Full disclosure, I am the parent of a son with autism so I take disabilities seriously and am not poking fun except at myself.]

As for the CBC, I have been resentful of the CBC for most of my adult life because they keep showing Toronto Maple Leaf games when we have sucked for almost all of my conscious life (sure they won the Cup when I was 3, but who remembers much about when they were 3, and had a couple of good Dougie Gilmour years but at 56 I can count those good years on 1 hand).  I was a goalie and loved the sport until I realized the Leafs suck and, as puberty hit, a lot of really big and strong people were shooting bullets at my head.  Pivoted to skiing instead and that has made all the difference.

Stay safe my friends. Geau Bleu!

Jamie from Toronto


September 25th, 2020 at 3:29 PM ^

The State Theater is fun to shoot on a clear night not long after sunset so you can get some of that deep blue sky to contrast with the neon.

Blue Vet

September 25th, 2020 at 4:06 PM ^

Not just French professors. Theater / theatre professors constantly toggle between the two versions, usually saving "theater" for buildings and "theatre" for the field. I prefer "theater" for it all, b/c "theatre" developed as Americans' 19C attempt to sound classier.


September 25th, 2020 at 5:41 PM ^

I lived down the alley behind Thano's for two years. I saw an awful lot of cops going in through the back door of Thano's. Always made me feel like I was watching a scene from Goodfellas. The only movie I saw at the Michigan Theater was The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover. I have no idea how to embed pictures anymore, so I'll spare you a photo of the main course from the movie.



September 25th, 2020 at 4:29 PM ^

When I was going to school there in the mid-80's, they were sometimes showing porn movies at the State theatre. Seems pretty surreal now. I did see the original Terminator movie there which was cool.


September 25th, 2020 at 6:10 PM ^

Two of my most Ann Arbor moments happened at the Michigan during my 3 degree decade. The simple joyful one was walking by with a friend at the start of Wizard of Oz and popping in to be transfixed for several hours. The second was hanging out with other friends on a non football Saturday night and seeing that Nosferatu was playing at the Michigan. We popped down from North Campus a few minutes before showtime to find E Liberty packed body to body and multiple people willing to scalp us tickets to a silent movie