
November 21st, 2017 at 8:59 AM ^

Who cares if it said "my guess"?  Is that some kind of license to write stupid speculation without even a hint of factual basis or evidence?

P.S. Now he has four upvotes.  He'll probably get more.  If you think this blog is jumping the shark because it has no tolerence for moronic, harmful, baseless, and flat-out stupid speculation, you might want to re-examine what you want out of a blog because you probably won't find it here.  Chatsports might be more your thing.

Mr. Elbel

November 20th, 2017 at 9:00 PM ^

My guess is he's an international spy sent by God on a mission to find out the true meaning of South Detroit for his country's ambassador's weird taste in Journey.


November 27th, 2017 at 11:22 AM ^

5 games in now on this suspension


Where their is smoke their is fire. I been hearing some things and its not a personal matter in terms of sexual harrassment or anything like that, and ii'm not liking where this could be headed. Lawyers have been involved on this.  As much as I can really say right now on this. Trust me not good for Bacari, and UMD and hopefully doesn't effect Michigan.The Thanksgiving Break holiday is over, expect some news and leaks to be coming our way soon enough.