ESPN Closer to Going Away for Good?

Submitted by xtramelanin on


Article just out about how Disney is dealing with its new reality.   Along with the earlier reported bit about Netflix, the shift to streaming content has affected ESPN too.  They report 'a mass subscriber exodus' starting in 2015 and added, "One reason Disney took so long to take ESPN direct to consumers is because the bundle was great business for the network. ESPN has the highest affiliate fees in the industry."

The article ends with what most of us probably think is a confirming opinion on where the industry is headed:" If Disney’s direct-to-consumer platforms are successful, Greenfield anticipates that will accelerate ESPN’s demise.

“The more content that consumers can obtain without a multichannel video subscription, not to mention more and more content without advertising, the less interest they will have in subscribing to the big multichannel video bundle."

Full article link here:…

The only reason we have TV for a few months a year is because of football, and if ESPN goes bye-bye, the TV will too.   

Your thoughts?



** On a completely unrelated note, what happened to everyone's avatar?  No more 'Naughty Dentist' for LSA, 'former KGB' for Putin, and no explanation for why Everyone Murders is a murderer.   What happened? **



August 10th, 2017 at 10:25 PM ^

Watching the scrambled signal during the wee hours of the night was a good way of watching naked boobs when I was a kid. A few years later, soft core porn became the norm on IT (Channel 31). You'd have to wait a long time before getting a "chance at a glance." But that two minutes out of an hour watching the psychedelic signal made it seem all worth it.

I dumped the Dope

August 10th, 2017 at 10:15 PM ^

I'd be into buying individual broadcasts, just like you'd buy a movie.  Which (ideally) would be buffered without a DVR so I could pause it and go pee without missing the action, then catch back up.  Just like Apple TV or the like.

For example, I could watch Florida v UM for a $10 fee.  Or Bama vs FSU for $10.  That would be worth it to me.  Lesser games obviously a lower price point.  I'm not going to pay a lot to watch Bama disembowel Alcorn State....

I'd probably be willing to spend $25 a fall saturday on streamed football games (~$100/mo).  Like heck you say!  But, wait, hear me would be a complete cost savings because I don't watch it the rest of the year other than maybe a few basketball games, and so spending $0 all the rest of those ~7 months would be an overall savings.  I'd never pay for the all-day analysis-drivel and lightning rod personalities because its a waste of my time.

I'm not sure this is the way the model is developing, obviously every "provider" wants to keep as much of the current revenue stream as possible.  It would appear the current cuts at ESPN are an austerity preparation for the reduced revenue they are likely to receive in the future.  If the QVC shopping network dropped out, all the better.

Year of Revenge II

August 11th, 2017 at 6:23 AM ^

ESPN brought sports into the modern television age, and used to be cutting edge.  Now it's just cutting, or something like that.  

The sports world will eventually be a better place without the current version.  Something better will replace it.  Sports dollars will demand it.


August 11th, 2017 at 7:33 AM ^

ESPN isn't going anywhere...They are starting a streaming service just like everyone else.  Yes ESPN's content is awful and whoever green-lit this SC6 crap should have been fired immediately.  Also how is it still on the air?  Everyone should be fired for keeping that crap on.  I cant even watch sportscenter at 6pm anyone because it is just go awful.  I turn to sprotscenter for highlights and news.  They have completely abandoned that model and it has turned into TMZ and The View combined. 


Good article to read on how it came aobut.

Mr. Yost

August 11th, 2017 at 7:37 AM ^

I cut the cord after the Super Bowl...but beat believe I'm tying that bitch back together at the end of this month! I love college football way too much to stream it.


August 11th, 2017 at 8:42 AM ^

ESPN is not going away. Disney is pulling out of Netflix to start their own version of Netflix that is a more specialized, only ABC-Disney-ESPN version. 

If you want to stream ESPN you will have to buy this netflix version that also has ABC-Disney stuff. If you want Disney stuff, you'll have to pay for ESPN. etc


His Dudeness

August 11th, 2017 at 9:13 AM ^

Cut the cord about 6 years ago. It's better for my health both mental and physical and my pocket book AND I haven't seen or heard Stephen A. Smith in nearly a decade.

It's been a great run.

If ESPN would have stuck to SPROTS they would have been better off. They created the 24 hour sports news cycle and they had to fill if with hot air and manufactured stories. Now it's biting them in the ass because people realize it's just garbage programming.

Good riddance.



August 11th, 2017 at 10:36 AM ^

Cut the cord many moons ago and don't plan on ever going back. $160 for cable, or $64.99 for the other package to watch a bunch of commercials compared to $9 commercial free for netflix? No contest. Another benefit is that if you missed an old episode of a show you like you can always go and watch it on netflix at your convenience. With cable you have to work around their schdule (if they show it at all). Here's to the death of cable!


August 11th, 2017 at 12:51 PM ^

I am for anythng that leads to the demise of Comcast/Xfinity - my least favorite company on earth.

People are only willing to pay to watch live sports (and the commercials).  Everything else is watched on-demand - so you are ticked and screwed so they always have you in a bad spot.

I am now to the point, if I didn't have to watch FIS alpine skiing in morning (Outdoor Channel and NBCS) I would dump cable and go to  a bar to watch UM football.

Recently, I locked in a three-year deal, with all my hardware, with Comcast.  My rate was NEVER to change.  Six months later it went up.  I called to remind them I had this contract and owned all the hardware so asked how it could go up?  They replied the sports package (which is the only one people need) was not part of the contract.  Never mentioned to me no mater how many times I asked, "so my bill will never change for three years?", during the procurement process.

Anything that leads to the end of Comcast I can support.