HTTV: Brian, why haven't you taken my money yet?

Submitted by d_ronii on
I'm looking forward this years HTTV football guide. It's always well written by the mgoblog crew and is essential to me getting through the summer without Michigan football. I am just (patiently) waiting for the pay link to come up. This year, what player(s) / coaches do you think will or should be on the cover? I vote for a joint one with our Senior All-Americans : J Butt and J Lewis.


March 30th, 2016 at 8:03 PM ^

I was at that game. I was only six, however, so my memory of it is a bit vague. Meanwhile, while I was researching UM/Oberlin (the best Oberlin player later became a counter-revolutionary here on the Big Island) I became more interested in prior events, notably that the Rutgers and Princeton game of 1869 (mantra aside) was not the first "football" game. Not even close. So, I spent about 5000 curious words trying to sort out what might be legitimately called "the first game." Clue. In my opinion it took place ten years later in 1879.

Now, my article may be sufficiently wacky that you are back-dooring me with "Bro, you better get that fucking Oberlin piece in." If so, please send me a note since I am not merely as fast or as smart as BISB, who can whip up his stuff with inhuman speed.

David thought my article was plausible. But who knows what he was doing while rummaging through it. I will send you a note.



March 30th, 2016 at 8:15 PM ^ they are still steamed about it. See Nat Brandt's When Oberlin Was King of the Gridiron.

Brandt blames Brian Cook's great grandfather, Horace Prettyman (this is true), since at the time he was the game's referee (hey, so what?) and according to Oberlin coach John Heismann Old Horace let UM star George Jewett (first Black UM player; spoke four languages and later became an MD) "cross a hypothetical goal line with a hypothetical ball."

From my view (I was six but the game was played close to my home in Lorain Ohio) Heisman was full of shit. Touchdown, Michigan! Babies.




March 30th, 2016 at 2:54 PM ^

As a resident new guy, what is this HTTV you speak of?  Now clearly, it's a football preview magazine - which, by itself, sounds fantastical!  Is there more that I'm missing?  BTW, Seth's lists of topics makes it look like a very good read...