Most Trustworthy Users

Submitted by MGoLow on

When reading threads about various rumors or inner workings of the school, there are certain users that claim to "know people" or have some sort of inside knowledge. I'm just curious, besides the mods, are there any users on this site that have been "vetted" and we can confirm as being "in the know?" Essentially, I want to know who you listen to and who you ignore. 

Darker Blue

February 17th, 2016 at 11:31 AM ^

I'm not section 1. 
Originally I was TheLeadersandTheBest

I changed that account name to Dark Blue, that account was caved right around the time Rich Rod was fired. I may or may not have had a slight melt down...

Then I created my current account which stated out as Andrew Jackson Jihad but was eventually changed to Darker Blue.

I have had a couple of throwaway accounts. The Brain Cook, Stu DouglASS, maybe a couple others that I don't rememeber. 


But you are without a doubt McFarlin. 

And probably k06em01

Wolverine Devotee

February 17th, 2016 at 11:39 AM ^

No, you're Section 1. Because you're saying I'm random unpopular posters, so now I'm gonna do the same to you.

I don't understand. You and I used to be cool. Now you're just a douche to me at any chance possible. 



February 17th, 2016 at 3:03 PM ^

Sometimes , bud you sound like a ten year old...
I know you're a kid and all, and you have a place here, but if you could stop bickering with idiots you wouldn't look like one yourself...
You ever heard the story of the guy who got in a shouting match with an idiot? You may want to google it...

Ps. I am most trustworthy as I only know that I exist... Even if I am just a brain in a vat (how fun was that philosophy class your freshman year friends? I used to smoke a bowl, walk to class, and enjoy Jesus vs the atheist as those dudes fought over everything... But I digress...)

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February 17th, 2016 at 11:06 AM ^

You can trust everyone on this site. No one makes anything up at all. Like me, I'm a Nigerian Prince and if you just give me your bank information I'll loan you some money. 


February 17th, 2016 at 11:12 AM ^

Basically anyone who mentions a friend's aunt's student who shares a class with [person in which the topic is about] is a Known Friend and Trusted Agent IMO.