Any bets with OSU fans?

Submitted by StephenRKass on

So I'm not one who typically bets. Never bet real money. However, my brother-in-law goaded me into a friendly wager. We were at Harry Buffalo's, a bar in Cleveland, to catch the games Saturday. And he challenged me to bet on the Game. He offered whatever points Vegas had, and the bet is for a buck. But I upped the ante. He owns a hardware store in Cleveland. If Michigan wins, he wears a Michigan t-shirt all day. (Adidas yellow Michigan tee is perfect). If Ohio State wins, I wear an OSU tie in the pulpit Sunday morning.

I'm curious, for those of you who are either from Ohio, have relatives in Ohio, or have OSU employees, or heaven forbid, work for an OSU fan, what kind of things you have wagered or will wager.

Also, I wonder about those of you who have married into an OSU household. Fortunately for me, my better half left the dark side when she married me, and is now a Michigan fan. Do any of you have spouses who actively root for OSU? I have to admit, I love the ESPN commercials (with Michigan/OSU couples).

p.s.  I was in Cleveland for a wedding (thankfully Friday night). Oh, the schadenfreude. I just couldn't really be too gleeful. When you have to see OSU relatives over many years, being civil and kind is helpful. It cuts both ways. I didn't razz them too much in the Cooper years. And they've been pretty kind not rubbing it in with Tressel and Meyer. I think the reason we're up for betting now is because the playing field looks much more even.

Feel The Strength

November 23rd, 2015 at 11:33 PM ^

I made a bet with this girl that's an Ohio grad that if Michigan wins she has to wear my Mike Hart jersey to the bar with a sign that says "I'm an Ohio St. Alumn and I love Michigan Football." If Michigan loses she's going to make an Ohio cheerleading outfit by hand that I have to wear while singing their fight song on video to be posted to YouTube. I later added that if Michigan wins she has to wear my jersey during friendly activities that will take place behind closed doors. We better win this fucking game! GO BLUE, BEAT OHIO!!!!!!!!

M go Bru

November 24th, 2015 at 12:24 AM ^

This was back in the nineties before UM won the 1997 national title.

He did not know that UM won an undisputed national title in 1948. He thought Michigan had never won a national title, except for the early ones that Yost won, and was adamant about it. So I bet him $10 that they had won a national title after 1940. I took the $10 and bought my infant son a Michigan sweatshirt at the Mden. At the company picnic a couple of month later I had my son wear his Michigan sweatshirt and proudly showed him what I did with the $10 I won in the bet. 


November 24th, 2015 at 1:52 AM ^

When I was in elementary school in Grand Rapids, Michigan, my teacher was actually an OSU fan.  We bet two years in a row that the loser had to wear the winner's colors on Monday.  Fortunately those two years were '95 and '96.

It's funny, looking back she must've thought she had suckered me into betting against her undefeated Buckeyes, but being an elementary schooler and a huge Michigan fan it never occured to me that Michigan might not win either of those.  Luckily we pulled off the upset both times.  


November 24th, 2015 at 10:38 AM ^

One of my best friends in the world grew up near Akron an OSU fan. We have a standing bet that the loser has to display an obnoxious gnome (like you'd see in a garden) adorned with the rival's colors/gear (you can buy these) in a prominent place in your house for the entire year. Believe me, I'm getting sick of seeing that @#%$& thing in my home office... Hopefully, I can put it away Saturday.


November 24th, 2015 at 11:43 AM ^

Never went there, doesn't follow any other college team or sport, but is a fanatic fan of OSU football. I generally don't bet on MIchigan, but we have a standing bet of a cocktail at the bar where we usually watch the game. 


November 24th, 2015 at 11:51 AM ^

For me it is not if I feel confident or not about the game.  I just can not bring myself to ever think about wearing osu stuff!  

I have never really known/been close to/interacted with osu fans save the last four or five years or so.  First,  my Wife's sisters family moved to Toledo.  I would guess Toledo is probably 50/50, maybe 60/40 in favor of osu?  So my nephew caught on with the dark side!   We are always together with them for thanksgiving and needless to say it has been tough for a while now!   I have reminded my two nephews and his parents that even if they were to go to osu later in life and played for a team there that I would never put on anything osu.  

Second, his dad, who grew up a Michigan fan started supporting his sons as they began to root for osu.  However, he is level headed and does not like what he sees with regards to how urbz runs things.  Also he has become a HUGE Harbaugh fan!  

Third, the folks in their inner circle at the church they go to in Toledo are osu fans.  So in terms of family and their friends I have been asked many times to make bets.  Just can not do it!  

When I bought my current home the lady was a Michigan fan but was dating an osu fan!  He was extremely tolarable and very helpful in fixing the things on our counter offer list!  

Let our boyz right the ship this weekend!  

Go Blue!


March 3rd, 2020 at 12:12 PM ^

You know, I am a better and when I do bets, I usually try to think clearly. I don't support my favorite time during betting on because I needmoney and I need to be as cold and reasonable as possible.