
Submitted by bigbluefan95 on
To start this i will say my farewell i will never again log onto this account. i will never create a new account so FUCK mgoblog i hate it how you people negbang for no odd reason jeez just lay off. now i will still use this site but i will either get banned(please) or i will change my password so that i never remember it again.


December 4th, 2009 at 5:48 PM ^

Poor grammar, contradictory statements, and hatred for complete strangers on a message board... yep, all of the elements of a winning post are present.

The Fifteenth

December 4th, 2009 at 6:24 PM ^

i know im going to get negged for this, but i dont care - the op might be insignificant, but he made a decent point. people have been getting neg-crazy since the end of the season for some reason. (I was definitely one of them in my past life, but of many) there are a lot of angry individuals out there negging posts from people they dont like just bc they dont like the people...not bc of the quality or content of their posts. it drove me over the edge, and this guy too now apparently. its stupid. but i guess i dont really care anymore. there are a lot of a-holes that are going to neg me for no reason other than internal anger...and...well...i guess i hope that it makes them feel better.

Dark Blue

December 4th, 2009 at 7:21 PM ^

If I was that worried about my mgopoints, I probably would have simply started a new account when I was at -900. So apparently I'm not that worried about getting my points up. Although I probably have overposted a bit these last couple days, I will tone it down.


December 4th, 2009 at 6:24 PM ^

Why oh why do people get so wound up about the god damn internet? If I let half the shit that I read on forums about Michigan Athletics, Detroit, politics, religion, etc. get to me I think I'd go into cardiac arrest. And man, if people disliked you enough to "negbang" you, why would you think they'd care that you were leaving the board?


December 4th, 2009 at 6:27 PM ^

this ot is freakin awwwwwwwsummmmmmmm. ? for you higher ups. How long can one stream last for us to keep adding to it? Is this set up to be perpetual? Just wondering.,. thanks guys

The Fifteenth

December 4th, 2009 at 6:33 PM ^

here's one major compliment i do have for this board... even though i think that the mgopoint system is flawed and abused... i find myself laughing out loud two or three times a day on this board. thats unique.


December 4th, 2009 at 6:59 PM ^

What is wrong with you people? It is the holiday season. Cant we all just get along. Oh wait...nevermind. If you don't want to be here then leave quietly. Please don't clutter our precious mgoboard with your mindless drivel.


December 4th, 2009 at 7:40 PM ^

This is the worst fucking "I suck, I'm quiting" post ever. Its like people who suck so bad at life they cant commit suicde correctly and just lay in bed and eat out of a straw the rest of their horrible lifes. Come on!! Go out with more of a bang.