OT: Colin Cowherd

Submitted by MichiganFan1984 on

Listening to Colin on my lunch break. I know this might not be popular, but I love listening to this guy. He is too much of a Lebron and NBA guy, but his advice and takes on life might be just as much, if not more interesting than his takes on sports. Him and Baker Mayfield got into it on twitter yesterday, which was funny. Do you think Colin is good? Why or why not? Who do you like better and why? I know we as a fan base have had our problems with him, but I think ESPN really messed up by letting him get away. He is a straight shooter and not afraid to go against the grain. 


June 20th, 2018 at 1:33 PM ^

LMAO no I don't care about his opinions or whether they're different than mine. I doubt he cares about his own opinions, because they aren't opinions. They're hot takes for the sole purpose of getting people like you to tune in. 

But sure, tell me how I'm ruining society hahaha 


June 20th, 2018 at 2:37 PM ^

You asked for people's opinion on Cowherd, I gave mine.
You asked me to explain why, I did and you largely ignored it.

Feels like you just want to argue about Cowherd. Enjoy what you enjoy man, clearly there's a reason many people don't enjoy him though and not just because they disagree with him. 


June 20th, 2018 at 1:47 PM ^

I think it should be pointed out, listening and appreciating a different opinion is only half of the equation. Sharing your opinion in open and engaging dialogue is equally important. Many "opinions" today are really pre-developed combative arguments looking for agreement instead of an opinion open to being shaped and formed. 


June 20th, 2018 at 1:54 PM ^

Agreed. Great point. I’ve never understand people who get mad and scream their opinion and why your opinion sucks. I can talk anything (including politics) with anyone and not get mad when someone disagrees with me. Most people get so mad and just shout and don’t like facts that hurt their side of a discussion. 

Whole Milk

June 20th, 2018 at 2:22 PM ^

The thing that tends to bother me (and this refers to all types of conversations, not just sports, politics, etc.) is the rising willingness to use simply misinformed or non-researched opinions. Disagreement will never bother me, but persuasion tactics with invalid information gets to me.

Whole Milk

June 20th, 2018 at 3:07 PM ^

Okay, I am not sure I understand your response. Are you saying that you don't think that is an issue? That you believe there is no problem of misinformation in the modern day conversation? If that is the case, you clearly have not seen my Facebook feed then, as it is full of people spouting off about random articles or memes they find on the internet that are factually incorrect. 


June 20th, 2018 at 2:09 PM ^

What?  You mean like telling every single person who disagrees with you that they are wrong, and even telling them that they are ruining society?  Are you actually listening to their opinion or just stating your own?  Have you met the kettle yet?


June 20th, 2018 at 2:10 PM ^

Kudos to you MichiganFan1984 for having the guts to swim with the sharks. I'm being totally serious. I do have to disagree with you a tad bit on what you say is ruining our society. I think there is a reason why "people can't listen and appreciate" a different opinion, and that is because the platforms on which they are presented don't allow them to do so. To start with, everything is presented as a black and white (no, not race) choice between right or wrong, hero or goat, genius or idiot. It is also presented with maximum confidence, volume, and bluster. Sprinkle in the idea that you need to react within 15 minutes of something happening and you are not allowed to change your mind and you have a recipe for disaster. Essentially it is pick a side and fight to the death. No room for fence sitters. No time to think and formulate your opinion. Certainly no time to "listen and appreciate" a different opinion. When was the last time you heard someone call into a sports talk show and say, "I see these X reasons that support your position and these Y reasons that do not support you position. I'm tending to lean towards support, but I need to think about it some more before I decide for sure." 

Whole Milk

June 20th, 2018 at 2:31 PM ^

Agreed completely. When people change their opinions based on new information being added, many consider that to be a negative thing, I personally think it is a wonderful trait. Topics that are heard on sports radio are meant to drum up discussions because both sides have valid points. Instead of having meaningful discussion of the facts before deciding what side you fall on, people just choose and fight till the death about it. 


June 20th, 2018 at 2:36 PM ^

This is a really good point. You should be able to listen to an idea without having to accept it. However - and I say this to every mentee at work - a good message can get lost in bad delivery. 

And a sports talk show which relies on outraged fans to drive its narrative and discussion...is the worst possible delivery. 


June 20th, 2018 at 2:22 PM ^

You ask for opinions and then you get into arguments because you don't agree or like those opinions.  Is the only point of this post to try to shit on as many people as you can?  Seems that way.  You seem like a dick.


June 20th, 2018 at 2:58 PM ^

Lol not trying to be. Just wanted reasons I guess and I got a lot of no thought responses and just saying he’s terrible. Not shitting on anyone, although I disagree with a lot of people, I always love the open discussion. Don’t take me challenging you as being a dick. 


June 20th, 2018 at 3:08 PM ^

What the fuck are you talking about ya little cunt?  You ask a question and then act like a butthurt little bitch when you don't get the answer your looking for.  You get off on the Jerry Springer types - most grown men don't.  

Dertroit Beisbolcats

June 20th, 2018 at 1:28 PM ^

I also listen to Colin during lunch almost everyday during the week. I used to love him, but over the last year or so he has become unbearable. My buddy and I make jokes about when he is going to mention LeBron and how he can relate him to each story, even if it doesn’t relate. I want to run a study for a couple weeks on how many times he mentions LeBron’s name during his show. The show is actually quite funny if you realize how many times he mentions him.

Whole Milk

June 20th, 2018 at 2:39 PM ^

Speaking of discussions, why do people so strongly dislike LeBron? I have never really understood it. I look at it as a guy who was a superstar at 16, and has had zero problems off the court, which is surprising in our modern culture. He seems to be a great husband and father, and no matter where you place him on your rankings, is certainly one of the top 5 basketball players of all time.

So why the dislike? Is it because he whines on the court? He certainly does, but so do most players in the league because they get away with it and get rewarded for it. Is it because of his "shenanigans" with the decision? If the worst thing the guy did was make a cocky television spectacle of a free agent decision that raised a shit ton of money for charity, I think there are far worse things. Is it because the media hypes him up the way they do? I understand that, but it isn't exactly his fault. 

I truly want to hear reasoning behind why LeBron has earned his spot on so many people's "I can't stand him" list.

Lou MacAdoo

June 20th, 2018 at 3:09 PM ^

Everyone has haters. I can't imagine what it would be like to be called The King since since you were 13. Praised, cheered, and stalked by grown adults. I am amazed at what he's done. Single parent family, married to his high school sweetheart, huge positive impact on his community. Seems like an all around good guy.

I don't blame him for leaving Cleveland. He had spent his whole life there and wanted a change. Those early Cavs teams were crap. If he hadn't left for Miami they never would've drafted Kyrie and Tristan Thompson and they would've never ended up winning a title.  


June 20th, 2018 at 4:26 PM ^

Tried looking for the quote from Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov but didn't feel like spending all day.  Basically it goes something along the lines of - we build people up and put them on pedestals so we can tear them down again when it suits us.  So the concept of hating on people like Lebron and any other celebrity has been around a long time. 

Personally he doesn't bother me that much. The move to Miami came off as tone-deaf and harsh to Cleveland is about the worst thing I can say about him.

Whole Milk

June 20th, 2018 at 4:53 PM ^

I understand all that, and appreciate the responses. I just have never heard one reason why people who say that hate Lebron or can't stand him actually feel that way that makes any sense, including the two people above who said that. I guess it just supports your pedestal argument, or just the common thought of wanting to have a contrarian viewpoint on something great. 

Dertroit Beisbolcats

June 20th, 2018 at 5:12 PM ^

I think you guys are thinking way too deep about it. I for one do not like LeBron because I am a Pistons fan and he had a large hand in ending the Pistons 00’s run and pushing the team into mediocrity. Obviously, other factors went into the downfall of the Pistons, though. He is hated by many for “no reason”, but a reason that is understandable. He is not on your favorite team. No one likes having your team lose over and over again to one man. He has basically done it from day one and in doing so, probably neglected fandom from 29 other teams. Do you think Golden State hates LeBron? Probably not anymore, as they don’t see him as a threat - pending free agency this summer. I can’t speak directly for Jordan, since I witnessed the tail end of his career as a kid, but if I had to bet - no pun intended - he was hated by the vast majority until after he stopped winning. The same thing will most likely happen to LeBron.


June 20th, 2018 at 1:35 PM ^

He changed my life for the best. I used to struggle to get to my job before 9am. However I moved to the West Coast, and realized his show came on my car radio at 9. I've been on time just about everyday now.

I'm sorry, but Cowherd is everything wrong with sports media. He is a professional troll who spews hot takes just to get reactions. In addition, the few times I listened to him, he only talks about five things, which are three NBA teams, Lebron, and Tom Brady. 


June 20th, 2018 at 1:47 PM ^

No because I don't buy that he believes much of the shit he spews.  Others who are controversial, I do. e.g. I used to not be much of a fan of Stephen A. but as he's been on the radio the past "few" months and I've listened in occasionally, he's not that bad.  I just don't buy Colin's schtick.


June 20th, 2018 at 1:49 PM ^

The only thing I like about Cowherd revolves around the first UTL week. He did his radio show on campus the Friday before the game and he came back from commercial stating "It's a beautiful day here in Ann Arbor, we have a lot of students out here showing some support, except for this one guy you don't look old enough to be here, how old are you?" I replied by holding up my fingers to indicate I was 21 and he retorted "You must get carded for Krispy Kreme's." The best part was that I had people start to text me immediately asking if Cowherd was talking to me.



June 20th, 2018 at 1:50 PM ^

Listening to him is like taking a metal detector in a swamp.  Sure, there will be a time or two when you find a nugget, but most of the time you're just covered in slop, smell and question your life chocies.


June 20th, 2018 at 1:50 PM ^

I haven't liked him since he "borrowed" material from the now-defunct M Zone blog, and when they called him out on it his reply email (pulled from the cached website) read:


A bit of "quit drinking and go to bed" in that one.

Lou MacAdoo

June 20th, 2018 at 1:53 PM ^

I agree that he has some decent takes when relating situations in sports to things in real life, but that isn't always the case. Sometimes he's completely wrong and it's just annoying. I like that Kristine Leahy calls him out and is hot. What really grinds my gears though is how he likes to tell you thirty times a show how he was right about things. I don't care man and I'm not about to research it. I also find his face to be annoying. I've listened to him over the years, but always find myself getting so annoyed that I refuse to turn to that channel when he's on. The moral of this story is that I think he's generally pretty annoying.

Goggles Paisano

June 20th, 2018 at 1:53 PM ^

I listened to his show for about a month or two before ESPN cut him loose.  I had heard bad things about him, but I must admit that I really liked his show.  His perspective on things made you think.  I don't think he is blowhard at all like many think.  He is also not a Skip Bayless type either IMO.  Now Will Cain is a doucher and he has no clue about anything sports related and is trying to make a career for himself by being a Skip Bayless type.  As soon as I hear his voice I want to jam two screwdrivers right in my ears.