Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 death by wolverine
2.00 Magnum P.I.
-2.00 Ham
2.00 Ham
1.00 Bluemandew
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 Louie C
2.00 lebriarjr
2.00 pinkfloyd2000
2.00 bdneely4
1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 RGard
1.00 Bluemandew
1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
2.00 006BOatman
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 runandshoot
1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 Bluemandew
-1.00 InterlopingYooper
-1.00 VikingDiet
-1.00 The Oracle 2
-1.00 HarBoSchem
-1.00 jdraman
-1.00 Romeo50
-1.00 Owosso_wolverine
-1.00 jmblue
-1.00 blueheron
2.00 006BOatman
-1.00 John Williams
-1.00 Hotel Putingrad
-1.00 1VaBlue1
-1.00 alum96
-1.00 Wolverinebaboo
-1.00 MgoBlueprint
-1.00 tsunami42080