Revision Operations
11/06/2012 - 12:16am by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

Current revision
10/23/2012 - 6:20am by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/11/2012 - 4:37pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/07/2012 - 11:52pm by ChopBlock

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/01/2012 - 5:56pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

08/29/2012 - 1:16pm by MGoNukeE

Added 2012 Michigan football hype video under "Epic Videos."

08/06/2012 - 9:53am by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/26/2012 - 11:46am by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/25/2012 - 10:31am by MGoNukeE

Added section explaining RollDamnTide/WolverineInABag meme on MGoBlog. It may be better to add this to the MGoBoard FAQ instead of Hall-of-Faming it, but the thread was kinda memorable in its own right.

07/24/2012 - 7:07pm by MaizeAndBlueWahoo

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

04/16/2012 - 9:26pm by MGoNukeE

Added Chunkums' Twosie Photoshop GIF. The entire thread may get moved here eventually and it got front-page recognition; personally, I don't think these give it its due justice.

12/19/2011 - 5:57pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

12/11/2011 - 3:44am by MGoNukeE

Added "Brian Cook photobomb" thread to photoshop tab. Am considering adding the Kork Coupons Meme thread as well, but the former gets added no question. Brian can take it down if he feels too ashamed.

12/08/2011 - 12:11pm by a2_electricboogaloo

Added the epic Lloyd Brady diary to SixZero's mgoprofiles

11/29/2011 - 4:43pm by MGoNukeE

Fixed 'Nard Wars link.

11/29/2011 - 2:43pm by MGoNukeE

Removed 2011 Preseason Prediction Thread section; replaced with 'Nard Wars.

11/28/2011 - 6:48pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

11/10/2011 - 5:58pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/21/2011 - 5:33pm by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

10/18/2011 - 1:10pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/29/2011 - 11:51am by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/29/2011 - 11:46am by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/29/2011 - 11:44am by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/27/2011 - 7:42pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/27/2011 - 3:09pm by profitgoblue

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/23/2011 - 11:42am by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/23/2011 - 11:40am by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/15/2011 - 7:34pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

09/02/2011 - 7:45am by jaggs

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

08/24/2011 - 5:33pm by MGoShoe

Added Brian's Where to Eat in A2

08/18/2011 - 1:29pm by MGoNukeE

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

08/17/2011 - 11:39pm by justingoblue

hello: michigan robot added under a new heading in the "humor" section

08/03/2011 - 7:58am by joeyb

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/10/2011 - 2:58pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/10/2011 - 2:29pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

07/10/2011 - 9:12am by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

06/23/2011 - 11:06am by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

06/17/2011 - 2:57pm by MGoShoe

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

06/17/2011 - 2:49pm by MGoShoe

Added "Nails" to the Brian's Songs section.

04/20/2011 - 7:04pm by go16blue

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

04/20/2011 - 4:29pm by MGoShoe

Added 2011 Football Season Predictions section and did some format clean up.

03/06/2011 - 1:19pm by BlueBarron

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

02/23/2011 - 7:19pm by aenima0311

Updated the link to the worst people ever to point to the correct page.

11/25/2010 - 11:55pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

11/25/2010 - 11:41pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

11/24/2010 - 3:30pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

11/12/2010 - 12:08pm by Seth

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

11/10/2010 - 6:38pm by Yostal

somewittyname's demolition of Mr. Yost's negs record somehow was not on here. Probably because the season started. Added to negs section along with The Fugitive's post afterwards.

11/10/2010 - 2:47pm by MGoShoe

Added Meta: How-to on Embedding Video to the Rudy section.

11/10/2010 - 1:17pm by MGoShoe

Added Michigan Replay is Funky to "Brian's Songs" section.