
August 4th, 2020 at 12:01 PM ^

Great news.  Play the game, and let those that fear for medical repercussions sit out with no scholarship or eligibility consequences.  

If it gets cancelled, it gets cancelled.  We might as well move forward and try to do this.  



August 4th, 2020 at 12:01 PM ^

Much of the Sun Belt itself (not the Sun Belt conference) is showing leveling or decreasing case numbers and hospitalizations from their peaks.  Nate Silver noted that 20+% of AZ and FLA have had COVD already, which should reduce Ro in subsequent months (thanks to NittanyFan for that tidbit).  In terms of deaths, cases, and hosptializations - given the very minimal effect of COVD on college age students* (i.e. roughly equivalent risk to seasonal flu) and especially those without pre-existing conditions, and assuming coaches and staff have found effective ways of protecting themselves as they're much older (this is not a given, as I haven't really seen any special precautions noted for them anywhere in college football) - this seems to make sense to me.  I understand many on this board will disagree with that, and of course this is OK. If you believe there is still too much risk to play a sport, I understand your viewpoint. 

What is concerning to me at this moment is the relatively new data being more widely reported on possible long term effects of COVD.  The world needs more clarity on that immediately. 

*yes I saw the Feeney thread yesterday, it is terrible and tragic, but as I noted there his experience is very much an outlier based on the data 


August 4th, 2020 at 1:47 PM ^

I'd concede that there's no one clear, correct answer here. I'd also really like for at least one game to be played.

If they maintain appropriate distancing while inside, I can see where this would work, even if the bubbles might not be NBA-quality. (I might be missing something.)

As others have noted, the linemen are the wildcards here with their occupational hazard (carrying way more pounds than they should from a health perspective).


August 4th, 2020 at 5:04 PM ^

I really really really hope there’s football. I think lots of schools NEED football to help balance budgets or else a ton more people are getting laid off and the economy is gonna be stalling/tanking even more than it is.  Sports supports huge chunks of many a colleges budget. 

I also sit here and think “isn’t these kids health far more important than money”

Then I shrug and am happy NHL is on .....

rob f

August 6th, 2020 at 5:41 PM ^

I'm not sure your motive, 'bfeeavveerr', but while "patrolling" looking for a certain new MGoUser who I banned earlier this week (see the "moderator action" sticky thread for more info, my response to a tip by 'RGard' on August 4th) , someone who was doing exactly what you're doing (posting in old threads to add "free" points to a new account) I just noticed 18 older threads you hit between approximately 11:30 and noon today and then apparently upvoting yourself.  ???!!

The last 2 who pulled this little trick were brand new accounts who, once they got to 100 points, were posting OPs to troll the board.  Those accounts got immediately banned.  I'll leave your account alone---for now---but if I see it again I just might knock your points down to ZERO.