What? MGoFriday is here?! POSBangs inside!

Submitted by UMProud on July 12th, 2019 at 6:54 AM

Happy Friday hope your week went well..another weekend closer to Michigan football.  

For your viewing pleasure I'll just leave this here....



July 12th, 2019 at 6:58 AM ^

It's been a long ass week that's for sure. One of the hardest things for me is leaving my work stress at work and not taking it home with me and ruining my weekend. Going to be extra difficult this weekend, beer helps!


July 12th, 2019 at 8:16 AM ^

It certainly has been a "long ass week"...because Sunday we head to Lake of the Woods with our 10 and 12 year old grands for a camping and fishing outing. We love to travel and have been a lot this summer but the anticipation of an outing such as this seems to double the time...and then that week up there will fly by and be way too short. We will be virtually boondocking it-off the grid. 

Hopefully when we return I will find out that Burnett, Kessler and Johnson have committed to basketball and that Jonhson, Green-Warren, and Toafili are coming to Michigan and that Myles has flipped too!!!


July 12th, 2019 at 7:55 AM ^

Happy Friday!

Anyone in Chicago received their HTTV yet? I'm trying to hold out to read the hard copy vs. breaking down and reading the e-version, but it is getting increasingly difficult.

Some friends got their season tix this week and I found myself way less interested in that than whether or not they've gotten their HTTVs!

Arb lover

July 12th, 2019 at 9:09 AM ^

I believe only the people who went to the event(s) have one so far.

Wouldn't surprise me if people start to get them today or tomorrow if you ballpark 1 week + a holiday off work to get that first order stuffed and to the post office, then to doors 1, 2, and 4 days later depending on your locality and whether your local mail person elected to come to work or do your street on that given day.


July 12th, 2019 at 7:55 AM ^

It's rum Friday so the only stressful decision I have to make is Captain Morgans or Sailor Jerrys.  It's giving me a stomach ache already.


July 12th, 2019 at 8:28 AM ^

It's been an interesting week over here as well. Tuesday was my birthday, of course, but the rest of the week has been pretty stressful and the addition of an inhaler into the arsenal of allergy-fighting things that keep me breathing at all is just another thing at this point - that was yesterday's appointment. 

So, I am hoping for a nice weekend. Tomorrow, my daughter turns 13, so having a teenage daughter is another thing that enters into life for me as well before the week is entirely out. 


July 12th, 2019 at 11:57 AM ^

RE: 13 year old daughter... Godspeed. We made it through to the other side but it was dicey at times. Now she's a lovely early 20s professional who is off the payroll and actually likes her parents!

RE: allergies... I experience allergy-induced asthma but also have a great arsenal. The magic drug is Advair/Discus (a generic just came out). It's all I need except eye drops and Loratadine during high pollen season.

St Joe Blues

July 12th, 2019 at 12:20 PM ^

July 22 here, 364 days before we "allegedly" landed on the moon. Oddly enough, I actually remember that event, one day before my first birthday. I described the setting to my mom one day and she was dumbfounded. She was sitting on one edge of the couch folding cloth diapers (poor women, having kids before disposables) and we had our B/W TV going. My brother and I were playing on the floor. My dad, who was a pastor, wasn't there. I don't remember the footage, I just remember the setting.

Then nothing until my 3rd birthday when I put my hand through a window.

Reggie Dunlop

July 12th, 2019 at 8:54 AM ^

Do any of you assholes realize the negative effect your discriminatory PosBangs have on those of us who aren't afforded the ability to bang nor get banged?

Unbelievable this is allowed to stand in 2019. Enjoy your non-inclusive old boys club, hypocrites.

Reggie Dunlop

July 12th, 2019 at 9:18 AM ^

Yeah, I dunno. They keep trying to fix the points issue and some of us just don't work. Not a big deal. It's better not to know when I'm getting neg-blasted to Bolivian.