Desert Wolverine

June 8th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

I support the Minneapolis Council 100% in this endeavor.  And I think every officer on the force should do so to, by immediately finding a new job anywhere but there.  As the force dwindles to nothing, and the city descends into the cesspool that it inevitably will become, it will act as an object lesson in what happens when really stupid people run things

Perkis-Size Me

June 8th, 2020 at 12:57 PM ^

One side wants one extreme. The other side wants the other extreme. 

Per the usual, I'm going to take both extremes, divide down the middle, take the average, and assume that's probably the best course of action. Taking away police departments entirely is a god-awful idea. You're literally just inviting criminals to ransack your community with little fear of consequences. It would be a real life Purge situation. 

By the same token, doing nothing at all is a terrible idea as well. At that point you're just acknowledging that you don't think there's a problem. 

I'm all for reforming police departments that show a history of issues, ensuring they receive the proper training, ensuring there aren't ways that they can keep protecting each other when one of them fucks up, ripping out the bad seeds and ensuring they can't work in law enforcement again, etc. But taking it away entirely is just asking for disaster. 

Also, I'm not knowledgeable enough to definitively say if police funds should be re-allocated to other services, but as the husband of a public middle school teacher, I can safely say that I have no idea how my wife does the things she does on the budget she's given. If she's given a budget at all. I wouldn't complain if she was given more breathing room to work with. Her job is just as hard as mine, if not harder, and she makes far less than I do. Pretty disgusting at times to see how de-prioritized our educational system is. Or at least our public educational system.


June 8th, 2020 at 2:11 PM ^

The idiot Liberal who runs MGoBlog has been posting 'defund the police' rhetoric on the MGoBlog twitter page.  That is his right to do so, however it exposes him for what he is.  His divisive and destructive liberal thinking has ruined this once-good sports blog where we could all come together and root for the home team.


June 8th, 2020 at 3:55 PM ^

One guy can't even regulate the food he puts in his body, hence being overweight, yet can fix any problem with two sentences of trite bullshit. The other can't even support himself without asking the simps on here for free shit.

Clearly police reform is needed, but I don't want to hear about it from two middle class white guys who write about a mediocre football team.


June 8th, 2020 at 5:02 PM ^

If it's true, which isn't a given, the reason is simple - lots of cops are fucking assholes. Just ask anyone who comes in contact with them. 

Cops aren't assholes to blacks because they're racist. They're assholes to blacks because they're assholes. Some might be bigger assholes to blacks because they're racist, but that's not the norm. The sooner people realize this, the sooner we can start talking about reform that will do something. 


June 8th, 2020 at 6:54 PM ^

Liberals are so fucking stupid. Hope all the police leave so we can sit back and watch the chaos. 

Bo Harbaugh

June 8th, 2020 at 9:29 PM ^

Liberals may indeed be "stupid".  Conservatives may indeed be "stupid".  Libertarians, communists, monarchists, theocrats, etc may all be "stupid". All systems and ideologies should be examined and debated.

Nothing, however, is truly and verifiably as dumb and ignorant as being deluded into believing you support one of these systems while you are actually in support of an autocratic regime disguised as the supposed system you believe you are behind, like Trumpists fooled into believing they are conservatives.

Bo Harbaugh

June 9th, 2020 at 1:00 AM ^

I'm sorry you you are so salty and shamed over losing this debate so epically. You've now lowered the bar to juvenile insults and citing a horrific violent domestic terror attack.  

Please return to your 4chan echo chamber - you are no longer worthy of a discussion nor my time, as you have chosen the lowest common denominator of discourse - insult and innuendo.