OT-Two new Wolverine Fans have joined us (UPDATED WITH PHOTOS FROM TONIGHT)

Submitted by weasel3216 on

Last night my wife delivered, via c-section, our twins.  Ellis and Henrik; Ellis weighed 3 lb 12 oz and Henrik weighed 3 lb 14 oz. and were born at 10:26 and 10:28 respectively.  They were 34 weeks along and are doing great.  Henrik was hooked up to oxygen for a few hours this morning  but is now breathing all on his own and both had had their first feeding this morning.  They may have a long or short road through the NICU (only time will tell), but all signs are pointing in the right direction.  

My wife and I had to go through IVF, through a doctor in Michigan, and it has been a hell of a process.  Even with all of the ups and downs of the IVF and then the pregancy, i have never been this happy in my life.  

Both Ellis and Henrik are holding out for the Michigan lacrosse scholarship, but do hold offers from Dad's Backyard Lacrosse.

UPDATED: photo on left is Ellis and right is Henrik.  I was able to hold and feed Ellis tonight and it was amazing.  Thank you everyone, this blog is amazing. 



May 21st, 2013 at 7:47 PM ^

That's good to hear.  It sounds like all the kids who are born around the time Henry was do just fine, so we're not so worried about that anymore.  But he's at UCLA and we live in Valencia, so we want to see him every day but it's not exactly right around the corner (and we have an almost 3 year old at home).  Needless so say, we'll be very happy to have him home, which I literally just found out will be on Satuday!


May 21st, 2013 at 11:18 PM ^

Congrats! What a great day. Mine is 18 months now. Most wonderful day was the day he was born. Happiest day was when he started pumping his fist when he heard Hail to the Victors. On a side note, the wife started labor Saturday night after a Michigan game. The following weekend was a bye week. Yes, I pointed this out to my wife. Yes, she was already aware and not happy that the boy was already working his schedule around Michigan football.


May 22nd, 2013 at 6:52 AM ^

Our son is 27 months and we have a daughter due the end of June.
I hope you got caught up on your rest prior to their births, as it will be extremely limited going forward.


May 22nd, 2013 at 7:46 AM ^

As a 3 month veteran of the father of twins club, let me first congratulate you, and then warn  you. The next 3 months will be one of the most challenging times you will ever have.

I barely remember the first month our twins were alive, I think the part of your brain that is able to store memories shuts down when it is completely sleep deprived. This is advice #1 - forget day/night, sleep when they do. I don't care if its 7am or 4pm or 9pm, sleep when they do.

You want to be a great father to them, and right now the way you can do that best it by being the best husband you can. Your wife will be even more stressed than you are, and will have twice as much responsability as you do - so do what you can. Wash the bottles, change the diapers, learn to swaddle them quickly.

But most importantly, ignore 99% of the advice you receive. Your children will be  like no other children before or after. We swore we would never sleep in the bed with our twins, but after 36 hours of no sleep we fell asleep with them on our chests. I honestly believe it was the right thing to do, because it was the only option.

We too had premie twins, and you will be flooded with information about how to best take care of them. They may eat fine from your wife's breast, or they may need formula. They may sleep fine, or they may need hours of kangaroo time.

Should you hit that moment when you havent slept for ages, and they are both crying and you can't figure out why - just remember everything you went through to get them. The moment will pass - and the twins will be okay. Should you in a moment of weakness ever contemplate how much easier having just one would have been - NEVER EVER EVER voice it. Trust me on that one.

Find your local twins club, they will have tons of useful information. Parents of multiples are eligible for quite a few discounts - enfamil and similac will both give you a free case of formula. Hit me up if you ever have questions.


May 23rd, 2013 at 7:23 PM ^

on the birth of your twins... my wife and i had to go down the IVF road also after trying for 2 years with no luck and are expecting twins (boy and girl) in july. we took our hospital tour last night at st joes in AA (that place is amazing) and now i am starting to realize how close we are to having babies... the nervousiness hasn't hit me yet but i'm sure it will soon... my wife is at 29 weeks right now doing great, the boy (twin a) is just over 3lbs and the girl (twin b) is right at 3lbs...