OT: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser Trailer

Submitted by Space Coyote on

Here's the new Star Wars stand alone film trailer. I know there is the thread downstream, but this one actually contains the trailer.



Personally, I love the originals, think the prequals are average with potential but poorly executed, and really, really enjoyed The Force Awakens (yes, it has similarities to A New Hope, it's also damn entertaining with great, original characters, which I think the haters disregard because nothing can live up to their expectations of the thrill of the originals).

Anyway, I'm excited about this one too. Looks a little more gritty and dark, which in and of itself does not make it good, but I like that it feels a bit more grounded in an individuals story rather than the massive story arc that is the series. It also has some samurai stuff going on there, like actual samurai stuff, not light sabers, which I'm completely on board with. Felicity Jones, Mads Mikelsen (!), Forest Whitaker (!), Donnie Yen, just a great international cast. 


April 7th, 2016 at 11:46 AM ^

Same here! I think having a back story with a character we already know would be better. Maybe Chewbacca? How did he meet up with Han, what spurred his hatred of the empire?

This one could be good, but without the force, or light sabers, or other cool SW stuff, I'll be a little bummed.


April 7th, 2016 at 6:29 PM ^

Chewie did get himself a spinoff.  Surely you still have the tapes of the Star Wars Christmas Special, set on his home planet and staring his family?

And if you're too young to remember that (read: born after 1977)... well...uhhh... you didn't miss anything.  Nothing to see here.


April 7th, 2016 at 9:24 AM ^

It has been the big trend in Hollywood in recent years.  Hunger Games, the Divergent Series, The Force Awakens, Supergirl, and others are all playing on the hot trend of having a female lead/hero.  I like it if it's done right, but hate it when they have a 120 lbs female beat up a 250 lbs muscle bound male - not by using her wits but by matching the guys strength.    


April 7th, 2016 at 10:24 AM ^

That's where a proactive diversity choice (good) crosses the line to politically correct stupidity. I watch this show Banshee, cool show, very violent, strong female characters, all good--except one episode where this 110 lb woman won a 15 minute close quarters fight/wrestling match with a 220 lb russan badass. The whole fight was close quarters grappling where muscle and weight would really prevail, and it took you right out of the show.


April 7th, 2016 at 11:32 AM ^

Banshee is a pretty bad ass show, but yes, that scene made me go "really"??????.  Another great show where a small women completely owns guys is Person of Interest.  The good thing about that show is that they show her getting owned occassionally, and they establish her bad assery quite nicely.


April 7th, 2016 at 1:31 PM ^

when we see a 100 something pound girl on tv vs some huge brawler type what will happen next. 


Remember that downtown chase scene where they were doing 80 mph 180 degree turns and what not? That almost lost the series for me.


April 7th, 2016 at 3:29 PM ^

Yes. You said it much more tastefully then I would have. I understand suspending disbelief in sci-fi and movies in general, but good grief is Hollywood cramming it down everyone's throats. It's distracting to the movie itself at some point.


April 7th, 2016 at 4:07 PM ^

I mean, it's good that women are finally getting more major roles.  However,at some point when EVERY film starts to do it it makes me think that people aren't doing it to service the story, but because Hunger Games made a lot of money, so let's do what they did.   


April 7th, 2016 at 4:42 PM ^

Agreed. Hollywood is seeing how much more money they can make by appealing to female audiences too. Males will always go to action movies, but now more women and girls will with female leads. Hollywood cares about $ and how they appear. Wait until the Oscar nominations come out next year after the #oscarssowhite thing.

Space Coyote

April 7th, 2016 at 10:38 AM ^

And can't just be women are equal to men in every way, because that's just not the case, physically speaking. However, it is good to have strong female characters, if done correctly, they bring a new perspective and feel to stories without being lame stereotypes or absurd story reaches.

One of the great thing about the Star Wars, and Sci-Fi in general, is that there are other elements that can make up for the physical gaps with humans. The Force being one of those things, there is nothign to preclude a woman from being just as strong as a man. In The Force Awakens, I thought they did it right with Rey.


April 7th, 2016 at 3:38 PM ^

Perhaps it is. But it definitely defies the convention created in other movies: you don't get such great power overnight. It's something you work for. Only then will you respect it, understand how to control it and use it wisely. It's a metaphor for life. They writers changed the rules to short circuit the story arc. Whether it's because Rey's character was female or some other reason is up to debate.

Michigan Arrogance

April 7th, 2016 at 4:44 PM ^

People don't understand basic facts:

Rey will pick up her abilities a bit faster b/c Luke was literally a farm boy raised by an over bearing uncle. He did some piloting in his T16, but that's about it.

Rey  lived alone on a planet where she had to take care of herself. Dangerous scavenging, she can clearly handle a weapon. 

Of course Rey will be a bit more "in tune" with her abilities re: lightsabres.

Not to mention, luke was never mind-probed via the force. That type of interaction could concievably lead to a more acute "awakening" of the force than anything Luke experienced until Dagobah.



April 7th, 2016 at 1:37 PM ^

I would say Kylo Ren was a son of a skywalker and trained his entire life with a light saber. I think Rey escaping with barely staying alive vs him would be the perfect set up. She is already 10x better than him and then she goes to train with Luke? Not much of an underdog story. 


Let Rey seem fraile and weak to start then unleash her. She is too good to early got to work for it amiright?


April 7th, 2016 at 2:37 PM ^

Did you have an issue with Luke picking up space flight and combat in 10 minutes? He'd never left Tatooine and yet didn't seem to struggle much at all there. He managed to out pilot TIE fighter pilots who probably trained a fair amount right?

Maybe Rey had prior training as a child or something like that. Maybe certain aspects of the force come to her easier than Luke. These people are space wizards, they can do shit.


April 7th, 2016 at 4:41 PM ^

I think Luke "flew" a lot of land speeders on Tatooine. There's probably a big difference between flying a land speeder vs a high performance combat craft. Leia never manifested any strong Force abilities. So maybe Kylo Ren had a lower midichlorian (Thanks for that stupid concept, Lucas) than Rey. Anakin, despite being a slave beat all those professional racers in that first episode.

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April 7th, 2016 at 6:09 PM ^

Luke actually flew a T-16 skyhopper, which was a "High-performace airspeeder" according to the Star Wars Wikipedia.  It was supposedly a similar design to the Rebel snub-fighters (X & Y wing) though it had a limited altitude.

In the part of the book that was left out of the movie, Luke actually does flight training in a tight canyon on Tatooine named "Beggar's Canyon" that resembles the Death Star trench.  So in essence he had amazingly (well not so amazingly since it was his story) been training for the Death Star assault his entire teenage life. 

The point of this other than I am a huge Original Series nerd, is that Lucas DID include back-story on why Luke was able to jump in and pick up the controls of an X-Wing so quickly.   TFA gave us nothing on why Rey went from nothing to practically a force master in 5 seconds.  Maybe they will explain that in the next film, but in isolation I found it laugh out loud ridiculous. 


April 7th, 2016 at 11:45 AM ^

I guess my biggest complaint about Episode III is that I didn't think it earned its payoff. The main point of the prequels was to tell the story of Anakin and the seduction that led him to the Dark Side & Vader -- and the films completely blew it when it came to that aspect. So, when we finally did see Vader in III, it was an "oh yeah, this happens now" moment for me, rather than what it should have been, chills. 

I have a feeling the prequel trilogy will be remade, eventually. 

Formerly Yoda

April 7th, 2016 at 12:33 PM ^

yeah i don't disagree.  i thought the whole political aspect of them were pretty interesting.  how the empire/palpatine played both sides to ulitimately come to power.  


April 7th, 2016 at 11:17 AM ^

It looks like we're gonna see CGI-Peter Cushing, making an appearance as Grand Moff Tarkin. 

I guess my question is, though -- who is that dude at 1:03?

My only complaint about this trailer? Those haircuts don't look nearly "late 70s" enough. ;-)