OT: a note of caution on Twittering

Submitted by Yinka Double Dare on January 20th, 2021 at 8:42 AM

Please note that posting the C-YA chant to Twitter today will result in a 12 hour Twitterjail stint. This has been a public service announcement from your friendly neighborhood dooooooouchebag.

Hensons Mobile…

January 20th, 2021 at 9:02 AM ^


Yost Ice Arena has a student section. Before TV mics picked it up (a thing when college hockey was televised for about a ten year period), the Children of Yost had a vulgar C-YA chant with a string of naughty words, beginning with Cunt. [Edit: Evidently "Chump" was the C-word used. I guess in my memory I made it worse to justify why the school made the students stop.]

Today is Biden’s inauguration. Trump is leaving office. A dooooooouchebag (middle of the chant, like five goooooold rings in 12 days of Christmas) might be inclined to post the C-YA chant on Twitter as an expression of their disdain for the outgoing president.

Such inciting and vulgar language is resulting in a 12-hour Twitter ban. Guessing OP learned from experience, though she/he may be a Twitter moderator bringing us this warning.


yossarians tree

January 20th, 2021 at 12:00 PM ^

Google, Tik Tok, Facebook, Twitter--they all use algorithms that drive you to your bias at the exclusion of opposing worldviews of any kind, not just politics. It's literally destroying our discourse, arts, sciences, etc. It's a full-frontal brain hack. Come back to the real world and deal with the people right in front of your face.


January 20th, 2021 at 9:16 AM ^

Anybody remember the series with Colgate in 1997 where "Wildfong" got added to the end of the C-YA chant? Kinda random remembrance, but it was the same day we came back to beat Iowa so most of that day is stuck in my head.


January 20th, 2021 at 9:23 AM ^

This cheer's been on my mind for days.  If only Trump's "farewell ceremony" had a student cheering section.

Yeah yeah politics and all.  This will all probably be locked and deleted at some point.  Until then...



January 20th, 2021 at 9:31 AM ^

Talking about Trump.  The general celebratory nature of the post seems to be the major tip-off.  I didn't like the tangerine goblin at all and never understood voting for him or the justifications for voting for him given his manifest unfitness for the office, but my wife has been on cloud nine for the past few days and I am looking forward to the day about a month into Biden's Presidency when she wakes up and realizes that pretty much nothing changed except a super annoying Twitter account got blinked out of existence.


January 20th, 2021 at 9:50 AM ^

At least some environmental protection policies should be put into place. And other such positive, long-term legislation.  And science will be important again, which should help on the Covid front. But, yeah, not much changes rapidly and that’s kind of the point with checks and balances.