
March 30th, 2015 at 10:23 AM ^

Ya, I agree. They almost lost me at some point prior to this season. But I'm back to being all in after the past month or so. I've never read the comics, but I've heard that these Wolves are crazy as hell. Looking forward to October!

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March 30th, 2015 at 10:21 AM ^

Entertaining as hell. Though they could have killed off some more cast deadweight IMO. I hope some of the more negative/complicated characters that everyone loves to hate grow or at least appear to. Several of them showed signs of moving beyond 'I'm a weasel who screws everything up'. The show is more interesting with complicated characters around.

None of them are Merle, though. I miss Merle - imagine him in Alexandria.

The Mad Hatter

March 30th, 2015 at 10:41 AM ^

interested in the new series than the current one at this point.  I know I'm in the minority (even in my own house) but I think the Walking Dead has gotten pretty stale.  

I've always thought that the initial outbreak / downfall of society is the most interesting part of any zombie story.  And thus far it hasn't been told on TV or in the movies.

Also, someone needs to kill that preacher.  He's the most annoying cast member by far.  Also, Judith.  Babies and little kids don't survive very long in the zombie apocalypse.


March 30th, 2015 at 10:57 AM ^

I don't think it was the best finale so far (there are at least 2 that I feel were better as far as individual finale episodes go), but I think it's right up there with season 1 in terms of the best overall season of the series so far.  The final did, however, really tied this season up nicely and set a different tone for the future than what we've come to expect in the past.  Morgan has always been my favorite character, despite only being truly a main character in two episodes before, so it is great to officially have him back in the fold.  For the first time in a while, I am truly excited for the next season.


March 30th, 2015 at 2:12 PM ^

They had a chance to kill off so many people and couldn't pull the trigger.

Daryl and Aaron should have been walker food during that trap

Glenn should have bitten the dust in the woods when 5+ walkers are on top of him (and he has a gunshot wound in his shoulder)

Sasha should have died a long time ago. She's past her expiration date.

Rick should have died when he had 3 walkers come after him within the gates.

Father Gabriel should have been shot by Sasha or Maggie in the church.

Morgan should have been killed by the two members of the W's to start the episode.


They aren't doing any favors by keeping all these characters alive. At the least we should have said goodbye to Rick, Daryl, and Aaron. 

Another terrible finale after another uneventful season. 

One good season out of five (and the only good season was only 6 episodes long).


March 30th, 2015 at 11:31 AM ^

Then again, April Fool's tends to be one of the more hilarious days around these parts, as we have had threads which sent the site into a temporary downward sprial as a result, forcing people to come clean before chaos erupted. On the flip side, we've also had obvious fabrications which serve as a cautionary tale to the OP on the standards expected for wit as well. Either way, no one trusts anyone around here for one glorious day. 

Mac Attack

March 30th, 2015 at 8:58 PM ^

Was when Governor thought it would be a good idea to bring a tank to the prison and everyone got dispersed. This season's finale was great because of all the chaos leading up to it and it appears the Alexandria is on the same page with him now.