OT - Chupacabra caught alive in South Texas

Submitted by poseidon7902 on

Looks like real life proof to me!  




July 16th, 2015 at 1:55 AM ^

I'm not really familiar with how well we've documented the areas that are still pretty much wilderness on the continent. What could reasonably still be out there that we've missed up until this point?

Not a bigfoot believer or anything, but there are obviously undocumented species left in North America. Are these all small birds and insects and misclassified mammals, or could we still discover something that would make headlines?


July 15th, 2015 at 2:16 PM ^

What if it is both a chupacabra and a hairless coon at the same time?  In other words...

Chupacabra = Hairless Coon....?

The legend of the Chupacabra is actually the legend of the Hairless Coon?

Neg me if this is stupid, but I feel like the point is being missed.