Moderator Action Sticky

Submitted by formerlyanonymous on

Brian has requested that instead of deleting each individual comment in the Moderator Action Sticky, that we instead just create a new thread. It takes hours of less time, preserves the comments for future explanations, and just clears things up faster.

You'll notice that the previous thread is now locked, and will slowly fade back into darkness. For the time being, the link from the Useful Stuff menu will point to the wrong location. We're working on a fix for that.

This thread is an ad-hoc way of tracking what threads and comments get removed. Mods that remove a thread should post the title here with a brief reason as to why the thread is gone.

NOTE: if you leave an irrelevant comment in this thread it will be deleted.

New Thread.


October 6th, 2011 at 6:54 PM ^

Any one has info on Danny O'Brian decision?

First page of the board... though in fairness it wouldn't appear in a search for "O'Brian"

Section 1

October 9th, 2011 at 4:59 PM ^

I want some action taken on my Diary-page, "Three and Out: WE WERE RIGHT."

I see more of the usual unproductive, pointless personal attqcks from more of the same poeple whose only responses to my posts, for a very long time, have been the same.

OMG Shirtless stalks me to post pointless attacks.  JClay wonders about my mental health (I didn't realize that agreeing with Brian Cook and complimenting his work on his own blog might get me committed.)

I have a skin that is more than thick enough to deal with disagreement and debate.  I don't mind the occasional barb thrown my way; it goes with the territory.

But on MY diary page, I expect people to stay on-message, whether they agree with me or not.

And right now, I expect some sanction (I propose the Banhammer until after October 25) for these boys.  It is good discipline, and even better Board hygeine.  Unless somebody can point us to what content they might have contributed to the Board that makes their childish attacks more tolerable on balance.  I don't see it.  I can't remember seeing anything from either of them.

OMG Shirtless

October 9th, 2011 at 5:03 PM ^

If you would like me to dig through and find all of the times you've made personal attacks to me and other posters I will.  I'll take the sanctions, but expect that you receive the exact same ones.

Just this weekend you called a poster an asshole and essentially told him to shove his opinion up his ass.  


October 9th, 2011 at 5:38 PM ^

I'll be honest - I'm not sure what to do here. Section 1: I agree with you about all matters related to the Free Press and will never, ever visit that site again. Part of me wants a gentle reminder every now and again. But not constant reminders. I think your energy should definitely be directed at the newspaper directly in the form of letters to the editors, etc. We would all benefit from that. OMG: I hear you, but it takes two to tango, know what I mean? Personal attacks are never warranted. There's just no reason to hurt people's feelings. Maybe we can all just call it a "day" and move along? I do not want to reprimand MGoElders. I defer to my senior partners in all such matters.


October 10th, 2011 at 11:35 AM ^

Your diary page was self-congratulatory and arrogant, and thus invited a lot of the criticism you received. Not all of it: some folks have been penalized. That it was "YOUR" diary page doesn't mean you get any control of how people respond. As I've said to you many times before, start your own blog about Michigan in the Media (call it "Michigan in the Media") if you want carte blanche to give your say. I would read it. Brian would link to it a lot.

On this blog, your position on Practicegate is well-established: you are passionate but it's the  singleminded Kenneth Starr kind of passionate that is going to justify a lot of criticism. On this blog, I'm not going to waste too much time defending you when you're right because when you are right it's for all the wrong reasons. On this blog I'm not going to be as severe with your critics when -- even though you can't see it -- you're flamebaiting them.

I am watching the comments closely and anything that gets personal will be dealt with. I was on the edge of de-publishing the thing originally, but I would rather the conversation be had.


October 10th, 2011 at 7:30 PM ^

One addendum:

This personal battle between you posters has raged long enough, and it has annoyed the shit out of the rest of us.  The next person to use an inappropriate personal attack will be stuck with a signature line declaring you to be a pretty, pretty princess.

Section 1

October 11th, 2011 at 3:20 AM ^

Someone has questioned the extent of my Diary-quotation coming from pages 88 and 89 of Three and Out.

It's a pretty good question, although a 400-word quote from a 468-page book would, I think, pass muster under "fair use," given my non-commercial book-review type usage.

But one can always ask the author and publisher.  If John U. Bacon or his people at FSG felt that this was an excessive quotation (it is assuredly not "two pages" of the book.  It is less than a page, I'd guess, extending over two pages), I'd be MORE than happy to edit it.  I tried to keep it as short as possible and yet still convey the gist of the Casteel story.

Edit. -- I just emailed the author.  I'll do whatever he asks.


Section 1

October 11th, 2011 at 1:37 PM ^

Banhammer, s'il vous plait.

I think it is time to end his long run of masturbation, goat, and goat-masturbation comments.


October 11th, 2011 at 3:31 PM ^

It's a messageboard, and posts don't really mean that much. But I do have a big hypocrisy meter.  And since he's calling for people to be banned all over the place for calling him names, I would expect him to be held to the same standards he keeps crying about to everyone else.

Because if "he can go suck it" is ok (awwww, posters call you out before you can edit it and hide away?) doesn't qualify, I don't know what does. Maybe at least a pretty little princess tag.

Like I said, I can see I'm getting lumped in with him, even though guys like chitown and jmblue and other long time respected users have made the same arguments (but probably less flamey than me), so I'm done with him. He can post his drivel, and you can allow it. But with guys like profit getting sheepish about doing anything, but jumping to his mod defense, it's seeming a lot like he gets a lot of leeway because he's defending Rich for anything and everything (the editorial position of this site), and if he was acting the same way, writing the same way, and making the same attacks while saying bad things about Rich, he'd have been ban and seriously censured a long time ago. It seems that way with a lot of guys who have descending into trolling.

I'm done, and really, my feelings are not hurt. You'd have to care what someone thinks to have hurt feelings. There are a few who might make me feel bad....most, not so much. But if you're going to allow every other post to be "ban this guy, he offended me" like the site isn't Brian's, then all I ask is you hold him to the same standards he's demanding.  I think I need my own Hackney nuke to just respond every time a few posters says their usual, predictable schtick. Because that makes at least two I'm done with pointing out their repetitive inaccuracies. If you want them to be representative of your site, that's your call.

Section 1

October 11th, 2011 at 5:31 PM ^

  • I almost never break any rules on this Board.  It's rare when my language gets salty.  So I'm almost never punished, because I've almost never warranted it.
  • I don't think you saw my post mentioning you before it was edited.  I did not edit it because I had broken any personal attack rules; and I did not edit it because of criticism from other members.  I liked what it said, the way I said it.  I edited the diary only because I had emailed John U. Bacon about quote lengths and he advised that the publisher (not so much John) might get a little prickly about it.  Once I tore the quote down to just a few lines, it didn't have the same effect of comprehensively rebutting you so much, so I dropped you.
  • Having apparently not seen my original post, you misquoted me -- I suggested that the long quote from tjhe book was something you might "suck on."  And that was the most borderline thing in the entire post.
  • And yessir; my personal positions mostly (but not totally) mirror Brian Cook's own editorial stance.  Don't know what to say about that, but it's true.  I don't expect any favoritism or special treatment, and I don't ask for it.  Certainly not out of any editorial agreement.
  • I do have the same disagreements with jmblue and chitown.  They don't like me, and the feeling is mutual.  Over nothing more and nothing less than disagreements over the treatment of Rodriguez.  Those guys are usually pretty careful to keep their more or less regular insults of me within bounds.  As you do.  I didn't ask anybody to ban you.  I just wanted to point out that the Bacon book was in large part backing me up on the old argument that you have been picking with me, about Casteel stories.  I wanted to say "I told you so," and personalize it for you.  Within the rules.

Have you read the Bacon book yet?

Here, M-W; I posted this in my Diary comments in response to you.  It's really a fantastic little tour through our past disagreement, ending in my imploring you to wait for the book, and you telling me to get over my paranoid delsuional fantasies.  Except that I was right:…

Scroll down through all of those comments on the first page.  It's wonderful stuff, in hidhsight.


October 11th, 2011 at 9:18 PM ^

And far less than some. But as long as you can admit you're a complete hypocrite for asking people to be banned for what you do regularly. Which you do with your words and actions, even if you're not man enough or self-aware to do it yourself.
<br>And I'm done reading your drivel. it's a waste of time to read the paranoid rambling of a crazy person with delusions of grandeur; other than to maybe say I read the manifesto before you go postal on the Freep offices. I'll pass on that privilege.


October 12th, 2011 at 10:24 AM ^

Or anyone else on Section 1's tagline...just sayin', fair's fair.

And I DEMAND that MGoBlog works tirelessly to get their Avatar problem fixed. Because if I should at least be able to put up and take down a pic of the Biebs. (Oh wait, someone already has that avatar already, don't they? What does Nickleback look like? Other than Brian, apparently...)

That's ok, Section 1 can be allowed skate, per usual....I can tell by the voting I have the MGoMasses behind me. I can walk away with my head held high. (Well, except for the Bieber thing.)


October 12th, 2011 at 11:00 AM ^

I took the liberty of noting that Section 1 is a "pretty, pretty princess" in his tagline based on Blue in SB's original warning above.  IMO, this new penalty is perfect for MGoElders where point loss isn't really all that important.

Also, I recommend that these tags be required to remain in place for a fixed amount of time (i.e. a probationary period).  Say, 30-60-90 days?  And if they are changed/edited then significant point docking would kick in (i.e. all-expense paid trip to Bolivian).

Section 1

October 12th, 2011 at 11:17 AM ^

It's there.  You've put "pretty, pretty princess" in my signature line.  I am leaving that line there, unchanged if that's what you want.  What does it mean?  What exactly does it signify?

Moreover, I wonder why you would want that.  And if I am being punished, what is it for?  What rule have I violated?

In reply to by Section 1


October 12th, 2011 at 2:02 PM ^

It doesn't signify anything.  It will have no impact on your MGoExperience, nor on your life.  It's our (brand new, cheeky, and experimental) way to step in when people start doing annoying things.

You were largely right about the whole Freep thing.  But so was I, and so were a bunch of other people.  Most people have moved on, which is healthy. And some have not, and I suppose that is fine.  But the continued bickering (which is NOT entirely your fault, of course) is behavior that most of us consider annoying.

This is a place of entertainment, and this is a time of happiness.  Michigan is 6-0. There is enough 2011 season stuff to fill a Charlie Weis (miss you, Big Guy). We take on our 2nd or 3rd biggest rival this week.

If you want to remove the signature line, I don't really care. But on behalf of everyone, we would greatly appreciate it if you put the soapbox away for a while.


October 12th, 2011 at 11:20 AM ^

Though I am jealous...I feel like a pretty pretty princess. It makes me feel like a special little snowflake. Now if I could just embed some "baby baby baby oooohhhhhh" into my posts, it'd be perfect.

And you're right..points don't mean anything...heck, I'd gladly give some if they'd subtract from some others. But I will say if changing my Hoke tagline causes us to lose this weekend, I'm blaming this site. No, not the mistakes the players make, or what the coaches do, or MSU playing well....the jinx.  Don't be silly. We know it's all powerful.

Hmm...good think OT gets pulled....I suddenly have an urge to post "Bieber or Nickelback: What's worse..?"

Ah, maybe after the bowl...


October 12th, 2011 at 2:49 PM ^

No need for a separate thread - you can simply make the request of Heiko in the "Opponent Watch" thread.

FWIW, my interpretation is that the logo is supposed to be a dig at the crazy Spartan fans that have the sticker of Calvin peeing on the "M" logo stuck on the back window of their pickup trucks.


October 12th, 2011 at 5:36 PM ^

Unpublished from diaries.

Section 1 I have made a new blog for you:

and sent control of it to your email address. I feel this has been too long coming. Your passion for Michigan is wholly evident. What can we do with this material? It isn't appropriate for the diaries on MGoBlog, because your aggrandizing tone pisses people off. However it's too good of stuff (I mean, what other diarist sits down with John Bacon to make sure his diary's quoting is appropriate?!?) for us to moderate all the time. I'm frankly sick of playing referee.

You belong on your own blog, where you can dictate the tone of the conversation, but where the readers who don't appreciate your tone won't have it on the site they go to for appreciable tones.

It has an awesome header image already:

and an about page:

Section 1 is passionate about Michigan and how Michigan is portrayed in local media, from the worst Drew Sharpian hit piece to a John Bacon masterpiece. No media watchdogs here — just one Wolverine!

... the first entry, the one I just de-published, is up.

You can create your own login and username and take over and I will never go in the dashboard of that again. For $17.00 to Wordpress per year you can change the site to which is open.

It's time to step up and be a blogger, not a diarist.

Section 1

October 13th, 2011 at 11:15 AM ^

I'm sort of speechless.  (When has that happened?)

It would be churlish not to take this in the spirit that is clearly intended.  No complaints; only thanks and understanding.


October 15th, 2011 at 8:41 PM ^


Sorry, gotta start reining in the Sparty-is-a Douche threads.

Make no mistake, though: as someone who was at Spartan Stadium today, Sparty is a douche.


October 15th, 2011 at 8:57 PM ^

Question request for Monday Press Conference

Moved to Stay Classy Michigan State thread.

William Gholston is a terrible human being.


October 16th, 2011 at 11:26 AM ^

I'm not trolling. I'm not here to rub your noses into the loss and talk shit.

Really? That's admission is acceptable?


I'd say if Spar-Dan was a regular contributor, like a couple of our MSU visitors are, and taking a contrary viewpoint, that'd be fine. A guy who only seems to show up after their team wins to argue is my definition of trolling....though it certainly isn't an internet law that must be how the blog defines it. But you should earn your goodwill before you're allowed to argue and gloat after a win.  

Bet we don't see him till next October...and then only if MSU wins. (Because guess what...a quick posting check shows he was around 44 weeks ago....joined last October...and didn't post again until after the game yesterday).

He should at least get a funny tag line.


October 16th, 2011 at 1:53 PM ^

I'm just the rent-a-cop. Brian sets the policies. And as the new guy, I wield my magic wand conservatively. So while I'm perfectly happy to nuke super-trolls, I defer to the more experienced mods with borderline calls.

I flagged the issue for Brian.  In the meantime, funny tag line punishment in force.


October 16th, 2011 at 12:27 PM ^

And you're right, that helmet twist totally could have paralyzed someone... Oh, wait....he was fine? How could that be?
He jerked his helmet. Trying to break his neck, suspended for life, at least a year?--please. Helmets get jerked around all the time.
Respect? Really, MSU fans don't give a shit whether you're respect us or not. We don't want your respect, we want your skulls on poles in front of our stadium. And we'll be coming for more next year. Hide your women, hide your wives, keep the kids out of the stadium. The bad men are coming.