Minty Has Trust Issues Over Betting On Michigan (WagerTalkTV video)

Submitted by Ezekiels Creatures on October 24th, 2019 at 9:17 PM

Minty of WagerTalk is mistrusting of betting on Michigan under "John" Harbaugh. Yeah, she got his name mixed up with his brother. But, I mean, I didn't care....


One of the guys talking thinks Michigan should be favored by 3:



October 25th, 2019 at 6:44 AM ^

I think the important thing is to add American to that. So that you're not ID'ing someone as an outsider. Asian Americans AREN'T Asians.

Honoring the way someone would like to be addressed is like calling them by their given name, usually something you want to do if you're not using them to make some political point, however inflected.

Political conformism/correctness gets annoying on both sides of the spectrum. But I don't think people striving to do these things with some accuracy is particularly reprehensible, either. These tags tend to reduce you, almost no matter who you are. White guys flinch and get annoyed when people say "bunch of white guys," too. Historians, sociologists, journalists, and other commentators need to figure out how to do it right, and that's something that's inevitably, continually, fluid.

When people are threatened by that. . . maybe it's their problem?

Mo Better Blues

October 24th, 2019 at 11:20 PM ^

Some idiot who confused Michigan with Michigan State in the last dumbass post about this fake-o Vegas nonsense and confused John Harbaugh with Jim Harbaugh this time after having to be *really* careful she got the name Michigan.../checks notes...Wolverines right. Dear God stop.


October 24th, 2019 at 9:41 PM ^

Her name is Minty? And she lives in Vegas????

I'm going to bet this wager show isn't her full time job...


August 7th, 2020 at 9:12 AM ^

Good evening! I've always loved sports betting because that's the only thing I'm good at. I've been betting since I was 17, and now that I'm 23, I'm making a lot of money off of it. Of course, I had to suffer a little during the coronavirus period, but in general, you can place bets on this site. I wish all the players good luck and a lot of winning bets!