Hello: Dr. Hamlet III

Submitted by Leaders And Best on

Michigan's OL has a new mascot:

Erik Gunderson @GunderMaize69 14h

The newest member... Not just a pig, Dr. Hamlet the 3rd http://instagram.com/p/Z1oW6hPPIK/

Proud pig father #thedoctorisin http://instagram.com/p/Z10lslvPIx/

Taylor Lewan @TaylorLewan77 2h

the wait is over and everyone's dreams can now come true We purchased a PIG! Introducing Dr. Hamlet III pic.twitter.com/tq8VoFfe64


May 28th, 2013 at 2:03 PM ^

Eventually I will be able to think about this long enough to write something without starting to laugh. What a grin. Probably a good idea not to break in. Not only do they have a watch pig, the residents are large and known to be belligerant at times.

the Glove

May 28th, 2013 at 2:11 PM ^

I've seen some cute potbelly pigs in my day and this my friends is not one of them. This sums up the funniest of Taylor Lewan pretty well though.

XM - Mt 1822

May 28th, 2013 at 8:09 PM ^

critters.  never have blood on you in a pig pen.  and that guy will be 250 lbs by august/sept if they feed him.  they look like bears when you skin them too. 

also, contrary to popular opinion, pigs are very clean animals if you give them room to be.  however i made the mistake years ago of raising a couple in our barn and in the confines of a decent sized pen they ended up making it into fecal soup.  i will never let another live pig in my barn again unless i'm about to butcher it.