The Great "Michigan" Game!

Submitted by blueinbeantown on April 6th, 2020 at 8:46 PM

Saw the following quote in Peter King's column today from John Harbaugh:

During this time or working at home, the Ravens coach has taught his wife and daughter the favorite card game of his youth, Euchre.

Only someone who grew up in Michigan could appreciate that.  Great memories of my dad teaching my sister and I the game.  Hundreds of hours of playing at home, in high school and college.  Tournaments on the floor of the dorm.  So many tremendous memories and much fun.

What would be more interesting to watch?  The Harbaugh playing against each other or as partners?


April 6th, 2020 at 8:58 PM ^

Considering the amount of shit talking and near-miss physical altercations euchre has involved with my family and friends from West MI, I’d say watching the Harbaugh brothers play against each other would be quite amusing. And the fact they’re super competitive.


April 6th, 2020 at 8:59 PM ^


Against each other-major competitors.

Anybody have some serious strategy pointers or serious table talk to tip the tables?  Looking for an inside track...


April 6th, 2020 at 9:08 PM ^

Euchre and cribbage. Two great games I played as a kid that nobody seems to know about. 
I think back in the 80s and 90s every 15 year old made a cribbage board in shop class. 

rob f

April 6th, 2020 at 9:22 PM ^

I bet I haven't played cribbage in at least 45 years, it's a game my grandma and grandpa taught me in my childhood.  At this point I'd probably have to be re-taught.

OTOH, I learned the basics of Euchre from high school friends but didn't play enough to get any good at it until college. And I still play it whenever the opportunity pops up, including quite often while tailgating.  Greatest card game of them all! 

Definitely would love to see them play against each other!


April 7th, 2020 at 9:45 AM ^

I used to play cribbage with my grandparents, who have been gone for 25+ years. I would definitely have to relearn the game.

My grandmother in particular was a card shark, but surprisingly we didn’t play euchre. I didn’t learn how to play it until I was in college and played with some friends of mine from Indiana.


April 6th, 2020 at 9:41 PM ^

Euchre was played at my fraternity every day before lunch. It was our classic gathering event  and a great way to bond as a brotherhood. 


April 7th, 2020 at 11:10 AM ^

We played every night in our apartment after everyone returned from studying.  We got so good at it that after two tricks, someone threw their cards in, announced the points won, and cards were scooped up for the next deal.  People watching couldn't follow! 


April 6th, 2020 at 10:44 PM ^

I know we hate to admit it, but Euchre is just as popular in Ohio, and it's likely that that's where the Harbaugh family, from Jack and Jackie on down, learned to play and share. 


April 7th, 2020 at 9:07 AM ^

I learned to play in 8th grade from classmates, so I taught them how to play Bridge. We started the year playing Hearts, progressed to Euchre, then grew into Bridge. Didn't spend a whole lot of time in 8th grade learning much else--ahh, the progressive education of the 70's!

Spent a lot of time playing two-person, four-handed Euchre with my wife during the time of her cancer treatements. We tried two-person, four-handed Bridge, but her chemo-brain wouldn't let her think that much. 

St Joe Blues

April 7th, 2020 at 10:07 AM ^

I can't remember not knowing how to play Euchre. My dad was a pastor, and all the old men would get together in the Fellowship Hall after a potluck and play Euchre. It was like magic watching them. All my kids know how to play except the youngest. This might be the time to initiate her.

I briefly went to college in WI, where Sheephead was the game of choice. It's somewhat similar to Euchre, and the good players can tell who's got what after a few hands are played. I played with Euchre strategies, which frustrated the dickens out of them because they didn't know what was coming next or what I was doing. Of course, I also didn't know what I was doing. But it was fun to see them clueless.


April 7th, 2020 at 10:41 AM ^

i'm late to this, but i can see a game of harbaugh v. harbaugh being a sophisticated version of the mackenzie brothers in that old movie, 'strange brew'. steamroller!! 

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