Game of Thrones opening Sunday POSBANG

Submitted by UM Fan from Sydney on April 14th, 2019 at 10:10 AM

As The Rock might say: "Finally.....Game of Thrones...has come SUNDAY NIGHT!"




April 14th, 2019 at 2:03 PM ^

Let’s say for a second you were a WR playing in the NC game and Shea Patterson tossed you the game winning touchdown with no time left but... the ball was made of dragon glass. Would you catch it?!

BTW I think you’re really Bran Stark.


April 14th, 2019 at 11:05 AM ^

In 2 weeks we will have in a 72 span the NFL draft, Avengers:Endgame and episode 3 of GoT which is the Battle of Winterfell. Greatest weekend of entertainment ever.

Perkis-Size Me

April 14th, 2019 at 11:39 AM ^

Waiting for that first asshole to come onto this thread and comment that “everything has been shit since they’ve run out of book material”. I feel like the people who say that are halfway saying it just to try and show off that they’ve read the books.

Can’t wait for tonight.


April 14th, 2019 at 12:26 PM ^

Never read the books, no idea when the books stopped and the show writers took over, but I am in the boat that the show hasn't been very good for a few seasons now. 

Don't get me wrong, visually it's been pretty fantastic, but story wise it has kind of been stretched out and predictable. Hoping this season brings back some of the excitement from the earlier seasons.


April 14th, 2019 at 1:38 PM ^

I'm not going to be "that asshole" that says the show went downhill when it passed the book material.


I choose to be a different asshole who complains that the book was better but George Martin dropped the ball by taking way to long to finish and it mucked everything up.


April 14th, 2019 at 3:10 PM ^

He was just on 60 minutes the other day. He said he told the show runners his general plan for the final two books, and they have been following it. Yes, he did say final TWO books, so apparently there wasn’t just one more.He said there is no way to make a tv show as a in depth as the books, but it follows as closely as possible. The two products will be different, and that’s ok.


April 14th, 2019 at 3:21 PM ^

The problem is that Martin wastes too much time on side projects without focusing on what should be his masterpiece.  He could easily pumped out the complete series ten years ago and THEN spent time on the smaller things.  He is still making his money and may not care, but the quality of the work has suffered.


April 14th, 2019 at 1:17 PM ^

I have not read the books. 

There is no question that the last season was a mess and that the dialogue has gotten worse since they lost the book material. 

I think it was season six that started getting stale, but was saved by two high quality episodes at the end. 

Part of the problem is once you figure out the end game, the rest of it kind of doesn't matter. The other problem that cropped up starting with the Sand Snakes were the introduction of poor characters or characters started acting irrationally (Littlefinger, John Snow, etc.).



April 14th, 2019 at 5:07 PM ^

Even if you haven't read the books the difference between the early seasons and the recent seasons is pretty [s]tark.  It went from a very character and dialogue rich show to a Michael Bay special with some bed pan cleaning scenes thrown in for good measure.  I'm all for action scenes, but they could have at least used some of that dragon budget for the direwolves, who have much more interesting relationships with the human characters.

The Mad Hatter

April 14th, 2019 at 12:25 PM ^

I've been watching random episodes all week and I was amazed by how much I had forgotten. I'll probably rewatch the series from the beginning when it's over.

The early seasons were better though. I prefer tits and wine to dragon fire.


April 14th, 2019 at 2:29 PM ^

never saw the show, but any way i could rent that dragon?  i bet it could fry the world's largest toilet

Image result for picture of ohio stadium

in nothing flat.  


April 14th, 2019 at 3:00 PM ^

My prediction:  In the second to last episode, Dany gets captured by the White Walkers and is turned into the "Night Queen".  In the final episode, with the Night King on the verge of winning, Bran negotiates a deal whereby Jon Snow must voluntarily give himself up and become the new Night King.  This happens, and Dany and Jon head north of the wall, together.  Peace returns to Westeros.  This makes Jon truly the "Prince who was Promised", but in a George R. R. twist, it's a promise of marriage to a white walker Dany.


April 14th, 2019 at 5:46 PM ^

Its been so long ive kind of forgotten what happened at the end of last season. All I can remember now is -

(1) Arya and Sansa teaming up to take down Littlefinger,

(2) Cersei wildfires her enemies,

(3) Daeni - still talking trash about coming to Westeros and taking the Iron Throne like she has for the past five seasons

(4) Ice Dragon

Anything important I have forgotten?