Game of Thrones... best episode ever...

Submitted by jdon on

Are we not doing this regularily?


Best episode so far.

I'm not lieing when I say I got goosebumps when Sansa walked in the door.  It has been so long, waiting for a Stark reunion...


For this reason alone I am not a show over books fan.





edit:  I changed the title.  Sorry dudes.  I was just overwhelmed.


The Mad Hatter

May 15th, 2016 at 11:44 PM ^

So much for Emilia Clarke refusing to do anymore nudity on the show. HBO must have read my post last week and sorted that out. /solid episode, but nowhere near the best ever. Looks like things are going to get interesting soon though.

Brown Bear

May 15th, 2016 at 10:28 PM ^

Flayed Rickon? Hope that doesn't happen.
Actually I think Littlefingers days are numbered. From the preview to next week it appears that Sansa has figured him out. He will be executed. The Knights of the Vale will rally around Jon and Sansa and they along with the Wildlings will take back Winterfell. This is my hope.

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May 16th, 2016 at 8:02 AM ^

When Osha came into the room, my wife got excited thinking Ramsay was finally getting what he deserved.  I told her that was way too obvious and that Ramsay was too smart to let her near a knife.  This just sets up the final showdown which should be epic.  I hope when Jon gets to him they draw out the pain.


May 16th, 2016 at 11:11 AM ^

Having Jon kill Ramsay mano a mano while everyone else is either standing around watching or conveniently absent would be the type of dumb action-movie cliche that the series is usually good about avoiding. A more fitting end would be for him to be shanked by his own people like Caligula was.


May 16th, 2016 at 6:29 PM ^

People in Westeros never get what they deserve. I think I can say most of us wanted terrible things to happen to Theon after his betrayal of Rob and the burning of the farm boys, but Ramsay went above and beyond, so much so that he became a sympathetic character. Joffrey wasn't tortured by prostitutes as revenge for what he did to Rose, or slain in single combat by Stannis following a one liner, he was poisoned in front of his mother by Baelish, who has torn the realm apart because he's butt hurt over Cat Stark not wanting to marry him. 

The worst thing that could happen to Ramsey is maybe eating  some of Wyman Manderley's pies. 


May 15th, 2016 at 11:50 PM ^

I wish you were right but Littlefinger won't go down so easily. He controls the Vale and Sansa and Jon need him. Sansa will cuss him out and he will leave, then he will show up when the wildlings and Jon are losing to Ramsays army and save them. I still think the season ends with Jon killing Ramsay in the bastardbowl.


May 17th, 2016 at 9:23 AM ^

She's going to just take his army.

 Sansa: "Hey knights of the Vale, you know how all you care about is honor, and you're so super proud of how honorable?  Well you're following a guy who sold me to a rapist and then lied to you about it.  So.  You should follow me instead.  Oh yeah and he killed King Joffrey, which, like, was actuallyl kind of cool but is still illegal so there's that too."

Knights of the Vale: "OK, we didn't like him anyway."



May 15th, 2016 at 10:23 PM ^

Woman power in full force tonight.  Asha (err, Yara), Sansa, Dany, Brienne and even Missandei all had some power moves.  The latter three straight up shot down their male counterparts, putting them in their place and showing much more strength than they were.  Missandei didn't necessarily shoot down Tyrion but held her own.

As soon as Dany entered that room I knew exactly what she was going to do. I'm sure most people did?  I usually never pick up anything on the fly, so I was all like "Ooooh if those two other Khaleesi's leave the room you know Dany's gonna light that shit up!"  Then they left and I was all giddy the whole scene.



May 16th, 2016 at 6:19 PM ^

I didn't see that coming at all, she hasn't really used her fire resistance ability too much in the show for it to have been even a back thought on my mind.  I was knew she'd get them to follow her, but was really eager to find out how, and it caught me well.  That and Osha getting it right away was surprising.  I knew she wouldn't get the knife, Ramsey isn't that careless, but didn't expect the one to the throat.  I expected a romp in the table, a few episodes of torment, then a death, but not that.

Loved the Jon and Sansa reunion.  It was nice to see, she definitely needed to have someone there, as did he.  A familiar face to put her back on the ground.  The scene with Tromund eyeing Brienne was quite good, and the look from Edd ( i think thats his name) to both of them was enough to make me actually laugh.  


May 15th, 2016 at 10:25 PM ^

So, who's Jon got?  Are we finally gonna get some Manderly action?  Will he seek out the Reeds/the marsh peoples?  What will happen with the umbers?

Also, I posited a while ago "ummm... what's gonna happen when Davos learns of Shireen?"  It's kinda stretching my suspension of disbelief that he hasn't demanded to know what's happened.


May 16th, 2016 at 11:31 AM ^

Im not giving up on the Umbers just yet. I feel like if the Smalljon really truly was sick of the Starks and wanted to roll with the Bolton's he would not have made such a big deal about not kneeling. It  would have been very much in his house's best interests to better appease Ramsay there. I'm holding out hope that the Umbers are making a play against the Bolton's and that Rickon was their way in.


May 15th, 2016 at 10:34 PM ^

Have it DVR'd, looking forward to watching based on the thread title.

I will say, I DVR'd the first three episodes, and finally got a chance to watch them last night. Really glad I did, came across two would-be spoilers this morning, one in the Kit Harrington speeding ticket article on my homepage, and another in an ad email...


May 15th, 2016 at 11:45 PM ^

I'd heard somewhere that she had it in her contract that she didn't have to appear topless again after the first or second season. I guess they realized she wouldn't emerge from a burning building with any natural fibers left on her body... Maybe she got a bonus.

Ghost of Hoke

May 15th, 2016 at 11:20 PM ^

So cool to see Stansa and Jon back together. One of the best shows ever. They moved so many story lines a long way.

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