
December 23rd, 2022 at 7:22 AM ^

I’m looking for football info like a coke head searching the carpet and I am now severely disappointed. My dog just crapped on the deck because she said “F this” when I put her outback. My thermometer is reading -4 and my roof may or have may not blown off. I’m aware of the cold. 


December 23rd, 2022 at 1:27 PM ^

Yeah, we're trying to potty train our minpin rescue and this morning we opened the door to let her out to potty.  She looked outside and then looked at us as if to say "do you really expect me to go out in THAT?"

To which we were like "yeah that's fair" and so we're living with the pee pads today.


XM - Mt 1822

December 23rd, 2022 at 8:31 AM ^

thinking of leaving the livestock in the barn today.  not that cold on it's own, but you combine the temps with a foot of snow and 40 mph winds and i think they'd be happier just hanging out.  

bigger question is when do i get the tractors out to move the snow.  might be easier to do it in a couple of swath, one this a.m. and another toward the end of the day.  and when will neighbors need help getting out of their houses?  



December 23rd, 2022 at 10:02 AM ^

I did a pass on the quad this morning just to keep on top of it and figure I’ll just take little bites just to stay ahead. I’m also one handed after surgery and don’t expect I can handle the big drifts if I let them go too long. 

Sent the boys out to shovel and they got in a fight after about 3 minutes because the youngest one does it every day and knows what he’s doing and the oldest one can’t deal with not being in charge. So, he got to be in charge while he did it all himself. Sometimes the kid’s a stubborn ass just like his dad. 

XM - Mt 1822

December 23rd, 2022 at 12:41 PM ^

it was a picture of some of our livestock, including sheep.  i won't tell them you were asking about them....

your avatar picture was one of the toughest wolverines ever.  buck up DD.  cold is only a state of mind. 9 degrees here with sustained 20-30 mph winds = -15 to -25.  you'll be fine.  get to work. 


December 23rd, 2022 at 8:58 AM ^

Sometimes a comedian can have a killer set at the 7 o’clock show but bomb at the 10 o’clock show with the same material. I’m sorry but I wanted tickets for the 7 o’clock show 


December 23rd, 2022 at 9:07 AM ^

Took me a while to figure out what you meant.  At first I thought the link was a mistake, then I looked closer.  This humor is right in my wheelhouse.  I am sure there are not a lot of us, but I appreciated the joke.