Board Whining

Submitted by MichMike86 on
I don't post much anymore. I'm not sure why. Maybe bc my opinion is the only one that matters to me or bc it takes too long to educate the serfs. All kidding aside, to the people who keep bitching about being attacked or are trying to stick up for the ones who are being attacked, please stop. This kind of whining is the reason why dodgeball was outlawed. If you are getting smashed in the face with a red rubber ball then beef up and get Nolan Ryan to teach you the heater. Or learn how to get outta the way. Same can be said for posting. All new posters should read for a week before posting to get the hang of things before making an ass out of themselves. Stream of consciousness so this is the end. EDITED for Whinning. And I'm the top dictionary salesman. Just because you can sell 'em doesn't mean you read 'em.


January 20th, 2010 at 8:35 PM ^

I just wanted to post uselessly that I am officially objecting to this post that whines about whining. I would also like to point out that I am officially ignoring this post despite this reply to it. I am also outraged at the audacity of all MGoBlog posters for thinking that anything they have to say has value. My grammar skills remain intact and this reply never happened.