Asked about MSU, Dantonio unintentionally references Ric Flair

Submitted by OC Alum91 on


"We've always taken a systematic approach to recruiting, we try not to have too much 'flair'..... um....(breaks into smile)  I guess he's (Ric Flair's) down there,.... I don't know what to say, it just sort of slipped..."


Not a huge deal (maybe just an unintentional pun more than anything else), but seems to me that when asked about MSU's approach to recruiting, Dantonio inadvertently says "flair", makes the connection to SOTS in his mind, and then laughs out loud.  At least he shows a sense of humor to laugh at his unintentional advertisement for UM.


Because of SOTS, *everyone* is thinking about UM, even MSU.  MSU's head coach is supposed to be talking about MSU, but he instead reminds people about UM.

(around 2:20)

dipshit moron

February 6th, 2016 at 2:07 PM ^

only 20 year olds just care about whats going on do i know? because 40 years ago i was that 20 year old. and i didnt give a crap that sparty was a beast in the mid sixties. all i cared about was michigan owned msu , went head to head with osu, and lost to nobody else.

      but what you do learn over time is that it  all matters and things do change and when it does and these msu fans are looking at 8 losses in the next 10 games, they will look back on this time and will say" but we used to kick your asses until you got that crazy cheatin harbaugh in there".


February 6th, 2016 at 7:32 AM ^

Because we all know that the only football that counts started in (checks calendar and score history) 2008, right?

I agree with you, but it's also fun making light of the arbitrary line MSU fans draw in the history books to claim that nothing before that date matters.

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February 6th, 2016 at 10:51 AM ^

Nobody gives a fuck about the all time record. Texas has an all time winning record against OU...OU has won 8 or 9 big XII titles in the last 15 years to Texas' 2 and played for 4 NCs (5 if you count playoffs this year) to Texas' 2 and they've both won 1. You think OU cares about the all time record? Same with OSU...they've won 8 big ten titles since Tressel got hired, played for 4 national titles and won 2. While we have to to back 30 years to say we've won 8 big ten titles. They've also played for 4 national titles and won 2 while we've played for 1 and won 1. We have catching up to do.


February 6th, 2016 at 11:50 AM ^

You are missing the point. Nobody is saying we don't have to beat them now. But there is a group that keeps saying we can't talk trash until we beat them. That is getting old. We beat them 5 times in a row. Now what? Rub it in. How is that classy. If history shows us anything, we will be beating both those two teams again consistently. It is only a matter of time. Agree that we have catching up to do, but ignoring the past does not sound like the only way to go.

UM Fan from Sydney

February 6th, 2016 at 1:58 AM ^

My god that asshole is such an obsessive prick. Fact of the matter is, that son of a bitch does not have the personality or brains to pull off something like Signing of the Stars. The recruits loved it and so did everyone else who is not a Michigan hater. Dantonio can fuck the fuck off.

I cannot wait for October when we beat them in East Lansing.

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February 6th, 2016 at 6:57 AM ^

If only more people would fail to mention Mike Valenti, this would be a better world. Indeed, living and working in the Detroit media market, my life would be made so much easier if people would - when they wish to discuss sports radio - simply ask, "Did you hear someone speaking over the dead air on The Ticket?", to which I can reply, "No, because no one except you tunes in to dead air. Auditory hallucinations are the first sign, they say."

Optimism Attache

February 6th, 2016 at 5:51 AM ^


Oh golly, that fellow is quite the dedicated football partisan. In truth, that rascal lacks the temperament and savvy to implement an extravaganza the likes of Signing of the Stars. The future Michigan football players simply relished it, as did all those who don't harbor some aversion to our Michigan. Dantonio is welcome to enjoy a long walk away from here.

I am most excited for October next, when we shall be victorious in East Lansing.


February 6th, 2016 at 2:53 AM ^

Like a lot of you, I flat out hate and despise everything about Michigan State.  Even when I was in college and we went there for party weekends from time to time, I still fucking hated going there.

That said...I want the Big Ten to be a football power, and Sparty needs to be a part of that.

Dantonio has done a very good job of bringing that program up to a certain level, however they are about to max-out and peak, if they have not done so already.

When Dantonio retires or whatever, that program has a good chance of tumbling down.  History has shown that Sparty never stays close to or at the top for long.

Dantonio is going to need to up his game, or Harbaugh will soon pass him and Sparty will be in the rear view mirror as the #3 or #4 in the BT East.

I dumped the Dope

February 6th, 2016 at 6:50 AM ^

We want running backs to run the football.

But, what gets them on the field and keeps them there is their ability to pass block.

Picking out and holding up a late or free guy trying to demolish the quarterback is more valuable.

Unless the running game is cracking off gimme 5 yards per carry the passing game has a lot more utility in keeping drives moving and keeping the defense from stacking up the box and running full speed ahead up the field.

Doctor What

February 6th, 2016 at 8:00 AM ^

it wasn't an acciddent. Just like wanting to put a stake in it...He reckons himself clever and was drawing a distinction two programs. But he couldn't have pulled off a SOTS even if his crumudgen ass wanted to. 


February 6th, 2016 at 9:16 AM ^

This. Anyone who thinks he does anything "unintentionally" gives him way too much credit.

"I guess he's (Ric Flair's) down there,.... I don't know what to say, it just sort of slipped..."

It's funny all he has to say is "them" or "down there" or "other programs" and even without the Flair reference in this case, anyone who watches college football would know who he's talking about. He doesn't have to be any more descriptive because at this point it's basically expected that he's going to find some way to say something about Michigan. He can't help himself.