OT Favorite Music

Submitted by Dark Blue on
The Lolapalooza thread from a couple of days ago introduced me to a great band, The Gaslight Anthem. I am just curious as to what some of the other MGoBlogger's favorite bands are. I'm doing this for totally selfish reasons, I have a hard time finding new bands that I like. Some of my favorites are The Weakerthans, Rilo Kiley, The Mountain Goats, The Bouncing Souls etc. Help me find some new great band and thanks for your help.

Brewers Yost

April 9th, 2010 at 11:36 AM ^

I listen to a wide variety of music. Just a few- Jazz: Charles Mingus, Davis, Coltrane, Monk...Actually got to see Dave Brubeck last summer at the Detroit Jazz festival and it was amazing to hear him play Rondo and Take Five; also his sons are really good. Classical: When I am in the mood; Stravinsky would be my favorite. Classic Rock: Pink Floyd, Queen, Rush, Yes... Genre has a lot of staying power. Hip Hop:Wu Tang, Jurassic 5, Roots, Plus battle rappers like Madness, Iron Solomon, etc. Punk and Hardcore: mostly stuff from 80's and early 90's Madonna Recently: Russian Circles, Maps and Atlases, Beirut, The Mars Volta I recommend Maps and Atlases if you like sick guitar playing.

I Bleed Maize N Blue

April 9th, 2010 at 12:15 PM ^

Led Zeppelin, old Aerosmith, AC/DC, Van Halen (more David Lee Roth era), Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughan, BB king, Joe Satriani, Rush, Mötley Crüe, old Metallica, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Alice in Chains, Stone Temple Pilots, Pink Floyd, Scorpions, Santanna, Ted Nugent, The Who, ZZ Top

Tim Waymen

April 9th, 2010 at 12:27 PM ^

My favorite music (in addition to Woe Is Me, obviously) is hip hop, classic rock, and R&B. My favorites are Nas, Jay-Z, the Wu (including solo Raekwon and Ghostface), NWA, 2Pac, Talib, Lauryn Hill. Then there's the rock crap I like--Beatles, Jimi, The Who, Guns N Roses, Radiohead, the Clash. R&B, there's Smokey, Marvin Gaye, and then I have assorted MP3's of Al Green and some Ne-Yo. I'm not that big a fan of indie, but I like some Of Montreal. I also really like Thrice; I'm trying to figure that one out, but I really liked their albums Artist in the Ambulance and especially Vheissu. It's weird. When I was in middle school, your music was what you had on CD--full-length albums and maybe some comps. Now it's an assortment of 3500 songs on my computer, including albums. In a way, the digital age has killed the album. Sometimes it's hard to avoid switching to a random song on your iPod in the middle of an album that maybe isn't so engaging. But 15 years ago, being a fan of a band meant owning their albums that you bought with legal tender. Does downloading random mp3s make one a fan, and of what? Now I'm a philosophizer.


April 9th, 2010 at 2:32 PM ^

I think the video cassette to cd change had a much bigger impact. I would listen to whole albums on tape, and gain an appreciation for tracks I might not have otherwise taken the time to get to know. With cd's, I just started skipping around to my favorites.

Tim Waymen

April 9th, 2010 at 2:54 PM ^

I think you mean tape cassette, but I hear you. When I was younger, I would just tape my CDs onto cassette tapes. And back then I was really into punk, and many albums were between 27 to under 45 min long. Plus I also had EPs (and this was during the late 90s, not the 80s; I was pretty hardcore) so I would put those onto tape as well using my friend's parents' old all-in-1 CD-tape-vinyl player. I think I'm more reminiscing than making an actual point, but I had to listen through each song and album unless I wanted to take the time to try and fastforward to a particular song or even listen to a different album. Still, I think the rise of digital, particularly iTunes and the iPod, have contributed the most to my musical ADHD. With my discman, it was a pain to bring around a bunch of CDs. I probably skipped songs, but usually when there was filler and/or one song that stood above the rest. But also, albums I wouldn't listen to the whole way thru, I'd probably skip no matter what the format. (I can think of a few I just didn't listen to on cassette.) With car CD players, it was a pain to change albums and I could only take a few at a time unless it was a long trip. I think it's much different with my iPod where I have everything at my fingertips.


April 9th, 2010 at 3:41 PM ^

"Now it's an assortment of *23,500 songs on my computer" Anytime I hear of a solid new band, or some old stuff I didn't have, I tend to just download their discography. I enjoy listening to albums as a whole, but that can be slow going, and leads to me only having heard around half of my music so far

Tim Waymen

April 9th, 2010 at 12:41 PM ^

Oh, and lately I've been into a lot of mash-up stuff, particularly video game music mash-ups such as Mega Man 9 mash-up by Tae K. I have Ocarina of Rhyme though I don't know the game's music since I've never played it. Also, I recently got Wu-Tang/Beatles mash-up Enter the Magical Mystery Chambers--great stuff, especially the version of CREAM.


April 10th, 2010 at 11:11 AM ^

Atmosphere The Roots Blackalicious Tribe Called Quest Brother Ali Living Legends RJD2 LCD Soundsystem Kid Cudi Ratatat The Doors Led Zepplin Pink Floyd Incubus early Red Hot Chili Peppers Arcade Fire Pantera Killswitch Engage Machinehead pretty much the whole Rhymesayers label.


April 10th, 2010 at 11:24 AM ^

Favorites: Stone Roses, Pixies, My Bloody Valentine, Beach House, Velvet Underground, REM, Joy Division. Currently listening to mostly Yo La Tengo, Wilco, and Neutral Milk Hotel.


April 10th, 2010 at 10:47 PM ^

Led Zeppelin The Beatles Queen The Killers Maroon 5 My Chemical Romance Most music on Scrubs The Raconteurs Brendan Benson Nirvana MGMT Sweatshop Union most songs on The Buried Life Eminem Chiddy Bang