SIAP: Dantonio Finally Makes a Statement on Investigation

Submitted by FauxMo on

I am shocked this has not already been posted here, and sorry if it has and I missed, but Dantonio has finally made a statement on the turmoil inside the program:…


General negative and "I hate MSU" comment aside, this statement is way too little, too late, in my opinion. First, it's clearly "boilerplate PR" statement material here, saying virtually nothing. Second, to wait this long to say something given everything that's going, and then to say so little when doing so, is probably going to make folks madder than they already are (FYI: there are apparently a sizeable group of pissed parents and boosters attached to the program who thinks Dantonio should have said something long before this to "clear the air"). 


Maybe I'm wrong, and maybe he has been forbidden from saying anything by MSU higher-ups until now, but this looks to me to be patching holes in the Titanic with a tube of caulk... 


March 1st, 2017 at 8:54 AM ^

legitmately confuse his name now that it's been screwed up so often by the media and messed with by our fanbase.

I honestly forgot whether his first name was Mike or Mark and if his last name was spelled D'antonio or Dantonio and had to look it up yesterday.