MGoPoints - Benefits and Problems?

Submitted by imdeng on
Hello All MGoFanatics, When I am not obsessing over Michigan football, I do research on online communities for a living. I have been talking to Brian about studying the MGoPoints system we have here - and I need your help. I am specifically looking for your perception of how MGoPoints system has changed the behavior of people who visit this blog. What are the positives (less spam?) and what are the negatives (trying to inflate MGoPoints?). What improvements would you like to see in the MGoPoints system? Do you think overall it is worth having a reputation system of this kind. All comments are welcome. If you wish to send your comments to me privately - please send me an email at [email protected] Looking forward to your thoughts. PS> Is this OT?


February 26th, 2010 at 1:13 PM ^

Like other have stated above, the point system makes me post with caution. I'll admit I re-read my posts so that they make sense in fear that I will cause the wrath of the others to rain down on me. In that way I think it creates more coherent and quality posts. But, on the other hand there are trolls like Emo who makes that a moot point.


February 26th, 2010 at 2:06 PM ^

I think it's mostly pointless. And squeezes out discussion. There are certain topics I just don't even bother breaching, because I don't want to deal with the flame arguments and attacks. A cap for the points seems like a good idea, because after you've hit X, what does more really matter? Newer poster are eventually going to be 5,000 point posters. And the idea of limiting the number of points on can up or down in a day would be nice, because it would add value, and you'd have to think about doing it, just like you have to think about what you post. The only time it's useful is when there's a BOARD MELTDOWN...the posting restrictions by Brian after an evil game or something. It keeps the trolls from other schools and such that are JUST coming on to say "ha ha" from getting on, and pissing off an already riled fanbase. We can fly off the handle on our own, we don't need the help, thanks. Frankly, I might increase that threshold a little much to post original threads, and keeping them out when things hit the fan more often...(this week wouldn't have been offense to those who are reasonable posters, or who were using reasoned arguments, but seeing all these 3 digit posters attack Magnus over Trent was kinda like watching all the jet airplanes attack Godzilla all at once...or King Kong, if you felt Magnus lost...either or). I've found that someone who is new, but is reasonable, if they have some hot info that just has to be posted, can just post in a hot active thread (game open thread, etc)..."hey, would someone open up a thread on X, so I can comment on it...I have breaking info on a recruit, etc". It generally works.

In reply to by M-Wolverine


February 26th, 2010 at 5:48 PM ^

I like the idea of capping points. I'd set it around 2,000. At that point, no one is totally immune from the consequences of a negbang, so it could keep everyone on their toes. Another idea: after, say, 500 points, don't give out an automatic point for making a post or starting a thread. After 500, you should have to earn your points.


February 26th, 2010 at 3:00 PM ^

I set the criteria (only read posts with ~ +5 or ~ -5 or more points) and pretty much get the gist. Note using these criteria I would also not read 99% of my own posts. In general I agree with GoBlueScott. If I were to change the system, I would change the threshold, change the accountability/transparency and increase the moderation ability as point totals increase. Overall my Meta talk would trend much more toward the Drupal issues and deficiencies than the point system - which is a kludge until greater open source CMS technology catches up with the blogosphere.

Bando Calrissian

February 26th, 2010 at 3:10 PM ^

What drives me crazy about MGoPoints is that someone can post an absolutely inane, poorly-written, and trivial blindly pro-RR post and get +10 within 5 minutes, yet someone posts a well-reasoned, extensive post that criticizes RR or something to do with Michigan football, and they'll get -20. It seems our community values cheerleading more than actual discourse. MGoPoints should not be used to push the entire discussion into one particular point of view. What happened to Magnus this week was pretty embarrassing from the standpoint of the board as a whole. He was making an argument in a pretty coherent way, putting well-reasoned posts in between people negbanging him into oblivion. Unfortunately, it's not what the masses wanted to hear. So, bombs away. Luckily he has MGoPoints to spare, but it was still ridiculous. It just seems to me people around here need to get the point that it's OK and entirely possible to not like RR and still be a passionate Michigan fan. This whole "You have to be All In! or to hell with you" stuff is really rather nonsensical, isn't it?


February 26th, 2010 at 3:35 PM ^

Thank you to all the contributors to the discussion so far. I have also received a few emails with suggestions. The response has been far better than my expectations. As an impartial researcher, I am intentionally not actively participating in the conversation. I am going to take all the comments in and try to put them in a coherent structure. Once I have a readable summary I will post them for your perusal. The idea is that once I have enough material/insights, I will formulate specific research questions in the form of an online survey. Insights/conclusions from that survey can lead to a research paper (helps me) and can hopefully help Brian in tweaking the system for the community's benefit (helps all). Thanks again - and please be assured that even though I am not actively participating, I am observing the discussion take shape with much interest. Please continue sharing your thoughts if you have something to add to this discussion.


February 26th, 2010 at 5:37 PM ^

How about settling on the top 3 or 4 reasons for up votes and down votes and give the community the ability to cast votes based on those reasons. As an example, a post could receive +1 for being funny and -1 for poor grammar.


February 27th, 2010 at 4:04 PM ^

Points have 2 purposes: 1) Prevent immediate sign up and posting of topics, intended to prevent trolling. 2) Alert Brian or mods to meltdowns and massively negative posters for possible Banhammers. That's it. Caring about points is stupid.


February 27th, 2010 at 4:54 PM ^

"Caring about points is stupid" Well, its pretty clear that people really do care. Points have come to be a major influence on people's behavior on this blog, from posting, to commenting, to even interpreting. I think it's stupid to keep denying it.


April 1st, 2010 at 3:26 PM ^

I would humbly suggest that a means to identify voters should be offered. While most of the time, folks won't really care why their post had a net +2 or -1, the negative pile-on's would likely cease immediately if users had to identify themselves as someone who voted a harmless post down. There's no harm in dropping heavy negatives because people disagree with a post, but the flow of information (which is what blogs are about) slows when folks are deterred from even bothering.


April 1st, 2010 at 5:37 PM ^

I guess if someone spends their day tracking down a fellow mgoblogger only to neg whatever they post...then yes, maybe it's a good idea that cowards cannot hide. Those who neg others, without any reason whatsoever, do so because they don't fear retribution. A better situation, though, would be to avoid the neg war entirely by blocking those who pile negs on completely bland/innocent posts. Someone wants to blast me because I don't like RR? Fair game ON THAT POST. Negs for unarguable info in other threads? Problem. Maybe folks are just bored waiting for fall, but the one-sided neg wars might end if cowards could no longer hide.


April 1st, 2010 at 5:52 PM ^

At the risk of getting negged to zero, please allow me to throw in my two cents. I happen to have really good insight into some aspects of UofM athletics (and a couple other schools as well). How is that? Because I'm friends with some folks who have risen to positions of influence in a couple different athletic programs. From time to time, I get very interesting bits of info. I have shared some of that info and have not even been wrong. Not once. I even correctly gave two football commitment dates well ahead of time when folks weren't sure if the kids were even going to commit at all. What happened? I got tons of negative points (and insults) for sharing that info. When I was proven correct...more neg points. How dare I be right? I've shared info about basketball recruits and players (all correct)...tons of negs. I would imagine that there are some folks who post here that have the same insight or more than I. Most do not. As a Michigan fan, I just wanted to share news with others that I knew would want the same info that I did. The neg attacks and insults really remove any desire to contribute. Some here would say, "Awesome, fuck off." Ok, fair enough. Then the answer is are losing information. But hey, looks like someone has a really interesting thread about Coldplay.


April 1st, 2010 at 5:59 PM ^

a) I advise you to put less stock in MGoPoints. b) I advise you to stop posting comments that whine about getting negged (this is at least the sixth time you've complained about it in the last day or two). c) I don't remember the particular instances, but if you "out" the commitment of a player who wanted to announce on the date of his choice - and you pre-empt that opportunity and steal his glory - then you deserve to get negged. I don't know why anyone sees the need to steal a 17-year-old's day in the sun.


April 1st, 2010 at 7:40 PM ^

a) Completely understand, but still get frustrated. b) Also understand, but any whining is in response to large neg bombs on completely bland comments (i.e. "Trey's Dad might see a benefit to coaching his son"). Point taken though. c) This one...uh...can't agree at all. There's probably a sizable chunk of this board comprised of "I think so-and-so is going to commit" or "do you think so-and-so will commit". Being correct about a commitment isn't stealing anyone's glory. Maybe Sam Webb shouldn't mention his "gut" either? Not that I have the scoop like Sam, but if that the standard applies to one, I'll expect to see any recruit info negged for all.


April 1st, 2010 at 10:16 PM ^

I could do without Sam's gut feeling, too. Just my e-pinion, but I think the kids should be able to have their day in the sun and announce it on their own. About 50% of the time, it seems like some "insider" reveals an impending commitment prior to the "official" announcement. I just don't see the point of cock-blocking a 17-year-old (okay, it's not cock-blocking, but that's the closest terminology I could come up with).


April 1st, 2010 at 7:06 PM ^

I don't remember the particular instances either, but I do vaguely recall you predicting at least one commit that was correct. It's nice to have people post those things in general, I say keep it coming. Unless you really are stealing someones thunder. I think the reason you're being negged for it is twofold: *don't whine about points. It never ends well. *don't make a point of pointing out that you were right, or make it sound like you are "special" in some way because you have this info (I'm not saying you have, just don't). Other than that, you're fine in my book. Though you did get some negs from me in the past when you were actively slamming RR.


April 1st, 2010 at 7:30 PM ^

OMG. So you're are right and some fucking prophet and people are being all slobbering over your nuts like TomVH gets and you're all butt hurt about it? Man the fuck up dude. Jesus, I know 4 year olds less whiny than you after they lose a toy or don't get what they want. You are losing points for being a whiny little bitch. That's it. You whine about points EVERY-FUCKING-WHERE. Newsflash: No-one gives a flying fuck. If this bothers you so fucking much, be a man, start a new screen name, and don't be a whiny little pussy all the time. People will appreciate you more. Maybe get a banging avatar of Marisa Miller. You know, guy stuff.


April 1st, 2010 at 7:44 PM ^

That neg is from me. It's a little gift. Fuck you. I man up by not starting a new screen name and rolling with the punches, you soft-batch piece of shit. How was that? I felt so dirty rolling in your gutter ever so briefly. p.s. Your angry tirade is kinda the definition of "giving a fuck".