OT- Apropos of Nothing

Submitted by Eastside Maize on

I'm sitting here at work bored and I have the chorus to a song stuck in my head. It's from Revenge of the Nerds... "You've got to put one foot in front of the other

Put your other foot down, down, down."

This thread is for all the random thoughts and things we have going on. What say you MGoBrethren.


June 29th, 2016 at 11:42 AM ^

Those Panera commercials annoy me.  The girl is trying way too hard.  That Polident commercial with the hag also annoys me.  Hmm, maybe give the star of your commercial that you are going to run all the time some hair, makeup and better lighting?

(not me, just a pic I found)


June 29th, 2016 at 11:43 AM ^

Yesterday it was so crowded riding home on the metro. This fine woman kept bumping her butt into my crotch, almost giving me a lap dance. It took all of my concentration and energy to control that which thinks for itself. I was not completely successful.

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June 29th, 2016 at 11:44 AM ^

I'm watching my son at hockey camp...
I wish we hadn't gone all in at 8. He is now year round playing a sport, having played tow hockey teams in the spring instead of football and hockey.

I think year round specialization is doing too much.

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June 29th, 2016 at 11:49 AM ^

Thank you for this.  My wife and I are really trying to figure out what to do with our son who is almost 6, has been skating for over a year, and has done a couple skill camps/learn to play hockey.  I think this will help tip us towards the, stick to camps, learn to skate/play rather than doing those and Mites.

Hang in there. 


June 29th, 2016 at 12:35 PM ^

If you listen to almost any coach recruiting at the D 1 level, they'll tell you they prefer multi sport athletes. The reasoning wasn't really apparent to me - I figured it was about altheticism and different functional body movements in different sports. Coaches' focus - if you're playing multiple sports it tells them the athlete just loves to compete. Problem with early specialization, again from coaches point of view, is that your body will tell you what sport/position to play. Who hasn't seen the 5/6/7 year old monster athlete destined for greatness that stops growing at 8? What if that kid specializes in basketball, but will never have the length to compete. Just one example.


June 29th, 2016 at 12:05 PM ^

I got a parking ticket in Columbus about five years ago when I was in town for a meeting.  The city sent me a letter about it.  When I called to settle it they told me that if I didn't pay the full amount, they would prevent me from re-registering my Michigan tabs.  I laughed and hung up.  Still outstanding. 

Blue Balls Afire

June 29th, 2016 at 11:48 AM ^

I'm flipping through youtube very late last night intending to watch one more little video before going to bed, and I stumble upon the full 1997 UM at PSU game.  I stayed up until 4:AM this morning watching the whole thing,  I am dead tired right now.  So fucking worth it.


June 29th, 2016 at 11:56 AM ^

Everytime I stop at Walgreens for something quick, some asshole in front of me is holding up the line with a cart full of groceries.  Who the fuck can afford to buy groceries at Walgreens?


June 29th, 2016 at 12:07 PM ^

Every time I go to CVS, I seem to end up behind the person who is essentially taking the entire pharmacy home with them and worse, cannot produce their insurance information right away for some reason. This is where having the app doesn't save me sadly. 

As to the OP's question...

It's really two things right now:

1) Why does it always seem as if - in my particular business - the world falls apart in late June, everyone needs their stuff now and nobody seems to want to wait for an explanation as to why it can't happen now?

2) Why is it that every time we're about to embark on a trip of any length, my wife feels compelled to do a full run to Meijer? I have never understood this. 


June 29th, 2016 at 11:56 AM ^

I'm headed to Chicago with my wife to see my best friend who turns 50.  We haven't visited him in years.

I'm wondering which one of our crazy wives will out-kookoo the other and make the whole visit awkward.  We should make it a drinking game.


The Mad Hatter

June 29th, 2016 at 12:00 PM ^

And that's never fun, but at least it's not football season.

I slept in an extra hour this morning and took a norco as soon as I got to the office, so I'm feeling pretty good.

I'm thinking about leaving my wife, but I'll probably stick it out until my son is older.  Not willing to roll the dice on a custody battle.

I bought new shoes two months ago and one of them already has a hole in the sole.  They weren't cheap and I'm pretty pissed off about it.



June 29th, 2016 at 2:43 PM ^

you can't forget alimony either.  Divorce = broke until you're 50 . . . especially when you have kids.

Also, there are some things one shouldn't skimp on in life.

1) toilet paper.  Life is too short to go with cheap sand paper toilet paper.  Always soft 2 ply.

2) shoes.  cheap shoes suck and your feet will not be happy.  feet are important.

3) drugs.  Why smoke mexican brown dirt weed when you can have Skywalker OG, Super Silver Haze or Blue Dream?  why sniff glue when you can eat shrooms?  People think drugs are bad.  They're not, just it's just everything needs to be handled like an adult . . . in moderation


there's probably a few more but my boss is looking at me . . . .