Class size may be creeping up per Sam Webb

Submitted by ypsituckyboy on

On the recruiting roundup this morning, Sam Webb said this class has been pegged at 28 but now may creep up a bit (I'd assume he means one or two above that). I know Steve Lorenz at 247 has pegged it at 27, but just thought it was interesting that it may get larger.

If we're at 23 now, with a few more expected decommits, that'd mean adding 7 or 8 more guys to the class. Best guesses?


January 14th, 2016 at 10:15 AM ^

This is Harbaugh's first true class, and it will definitely be a big one, as he is bringing in his type of player, and it will be very creative, in order to do so..he will toe the line of the rules, and some will complain, but itll be legitimate, as any true competitor will do.  

King Douche Ornery

January 14th, 2016 at 10:43 AM ^

It's time to up the scholarships to 95 and allow 25 practice sessions. Players are injured more due to lack of practice and depth. The season is now almost as long as an NFL season, and players are not equipped to handle this. Younger bodies--safety should be the concern. All the rules restricting rosters and practices are hurting the sport and have hurt the Northern teams the most.


January 14th, 2016 at 11:36 AM ^

I'm also guessing one could also argue that the more you practice and play football the greater the chance to get

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January 14th, 2016 at 11:17 AM ^

in Sam Webb's comments, by focusing this thread discussion on how many recruits we can take, what the max NCAA number is, etc.  Reading between the lines, what Sam seems to be saying is get ready for alot of good news and "Hello's" because Harbaugh is going to land most/all of the currently undecided high profile recruits that are in play for us.


January 14th, 2016 at 11:37 AM ^

The mere fact that us posters -- on a blog that has forum posts about gravitational waves -- can't figure this out, means THESE RULES ARE RIDICULOUS.

As is the rule, a coach can't take a photo with a HS junior.  C'mon, man.

This will all pass when eventually these guys get paid, don't have to go to class, and the school is limited in terms of a salary cap, have as many guys on the team as you want up until cutdown day, a la NFL.


January 14th, 2016 at 12:41 PM ^

All of these guys won't get paid to play football, though they'll all get paid to do something.  Eventually, none of them will have to go to class, though.  Michigan will pay competitive salaries to its staff, and there will be no caps on that except the ones the university sets.

Duke Silver

January 14th, 2016 at 1:43 PM ^

I just hope a few of the guys who will never see the field get the hint and move on.


Though in all honestly we should be thankful we have a coach who has the balls to tell them all to get the fuck out.


January 14th, 2016 at 3:44 PM ^

People laughed at me after the Utah game when I said this Michigan team would win 10 games this year.  What happended?

I also said in the Fall that Harbaugh can land the top class in the country.  With scholarship shuffling and Harbaugh landing top tier talent down the strectch...don't doubt he can get it done!


January 14th, 2016 at 6:00 PM ^

I have it on good authority that this increase in class size is due to the success of a new human cloning effort at U of M where they've figured out how to clone Rashan Gary. Both Rashan and Rashan 2 will be joining the team. #BestLineEver.