Moderator Action Sticky 2015

Submitted by Seth on
What moderating looks like on the back end.
New season means new sticky, since these get cumbrously long.
What this thread is for: It's an ad-hoc way of tracking what threads and comments get removed. Mods that remove a thread should post the title here with a brief reason as to why the thread is gone.
NOTE: if you leave an irrelevant comment in this thread it will be deleted (see: "cumbrously long").
Before you look for your thread:
1. Was it offensive/political/off topic?
2. Did it link to Drew Sharp, something Mike Valenti said, or Ace Williams?
3. Is there another thread in the last few days on the board that addresses the same topic?
Hall of Stickies Past:
The first, the second, the third. the fourth.
Great Moments in Moderation:


March 7th, 2016 at 3:08 PM ^

Good Article on why John Beilein is our man

While a well-defended piece from any other site might have allowed this thread to stay, the source was a site - - that has a rather unfortunate history when it comes to MGoBlog, so content from there is pretty much disallowed here. 

It isn't the sentiment in this case - we won't ban anyone for having an opinion that may be contentious given the blog's mood about hoops, but the source in this case is a non-starter. 


March 8th, 2016 at 3:14 PM ^

Michigan Primary... and other primaries... check in!

I actually kind of liked seeing MGoParticipation be talked about, but this one was starting to creep into waters of the "no politics" rule rather quickly, so it might be time. Apologies to the OP - it was kind of interesting to gauge participation in different parts of the state.


March 11th, 2016 at 2:58 PM ^

What was the story about the Jabrill possibly out for the season per Lorenz post that's now removed? When the site temporarily came back after the IU game, that was the top post, and I'm still freaking out about it...


March 11th, 2016 at 8:43 PM ^

Draymond Green - On top of the world, but still lil bro

You have to wake up rather early to beat this blog to a good Draymond Green story, but we did already discuss this one. 


March 12th, 2016 at 7:37 PM ^

Trying to sort this out in a world without visible votes, but we'll do a little cleanup of arguably borderline stuff:

What the hell do I wear tomorrow?

Ill be the first. A Beilein apology.

OT: Linguistics question

In each case, the conversation was pretty much not going the way the OP intended, or so it seemed, and there is other stuff going on at the moment, so no offense, and if you would like it back, do feel free to reply - I am open to talking


March 13th, 2016 at 11:46 PM ^

How might one verify what caused their precipitous drop in points if it lands them below 100 total points? Asking for a friend (not really). Specifically asking in an attempt to verify I had not egregiously violated a rule of the board or to figure out what had caused such great offense otherwise. If that wasn't the case, is it legit for one user to neg ~250 times? I thought I had read there was a glitch allowing unlimited negs and believe that may have occured (unless I was somehow an inadvertant jerk).


March 14th, 2016 at 12:08 AM ^

Nope, nothing about a deleted post. Just two, almost simultaneous emails saying I had "unlocked a new role having acheived 100 points" followed by an email that I had lost part of my tri-force.  Gotta admit, that seems super bizzar-o to lose that bolus of points so quickly, especially without discussing politics, religion, profanity, or anything even remotely negative or offensive. I guess that's what made me think I had unknowingly violated a rule and without 100 points I can't see what might've been so inflammatory.  Thanks in advance for any additional clarity, just trying to be a good MGoCitizen.


March 14th, 2016 at 12:11 AM ^

You can view your own points and posting history at the top left of the page, but taking a look through your posts I don't have any problem believing that this was some type of mixup or glitch. You should be in good shape point wise now.


March 14th, 2016 at 9:00 AM ^

I think this guy's posting history should be reviewed as it's basically nothing but lowly, pathetic bashes on the basketball team and some weirdo rants about people being racists.  I'm assuming he's a reincarnation of a previously banned user.


March 14th, 2016 at 9:39 AM ^

I looked at it, and yeah, I think we can do without all that. 

I hate to do something like that to the Upper Peninsula, but we do have better representatives of that very scenic part of our state on the board.


March 14th, 2016 at 10:25 PM ^

OT: Ingham County Prosecutor Stuart Dunnings III is in Trouble

The connection to the 2010 case at MSU aside, I don't know that there is a lot of good that will come from leaving this one up as the article itself does delve into politics and the story probably isn't significant enough to a lot of users outside the state of Michigan (it was a big story here, of course). 

I could be wrong. Leave a note here in this thread if you disagree.

Stu Dako

March 19th, 2016 at 12:55 AM ^

Can a mod please provide an explanation for why Stu Daco was permanently banned?  Is criticizing the functionality of this site really that off-limits?

I mean come on.  The thread was obviously tongue-in-cheek, it's a fair point, and Daco has almost 9,000 points in less than a year.  Quick trigger finger?

rob f

March 19th, 2016 at 2:06 AM ^

that got him banned, I do know this:MGoBlog has suffered greatly in the last several days ever since the voting system went kaput .  The crap that was being spewed in the game thread as the game slipped away caused me to back away completely from the blog for nearly 1 1/2 hours.  I haven't dared take a peek at the snowflakes; I may save that agravation until morning.

If there's any one thing to consider fixing first, the upvote/downvote system should be a high priority item.  Worse than the Wild West without it right now.


March 19th, 2016 at 3:27 PM ^

As I was not the one that got you, I can't speak for the precise reason you were banned, but as you can see, about 40% of the posting in some threads right now is essentially criticism of the site's ever-decreasing functionality at the moment, so I wouldnn't assume that was the reason. I mean, that's what META threads are for, no?


March 19th, 2016 at 8:04 PM ^

Can we shut down the thread speculating on who leaves the basketball team?  Nothing good will come of that, and it's already a thread full of "this guy sucks, he should go" posts.


March 19th, 2016 at 8:34 PM ^

Who leaves the MBB program?

Having been glued to the tournament for much of the day, I saw the title and sort of hoped that this would be a benign discussion, but then I read it. Yeah, let's not pile on - we're better than this, or at least I thought we were. I know some of you are, and I thank you.


March 23rd, 2016 at 8:34 PM ^

OT: M Alumnus Opines On Lois Lerner/IRS Behavior

The relevance to the blog that the OP claims here is sketchy at best and even though it is a court decision, which should be apolitical by defnition, the subject of the ruling could very easily lead down a dark road on the blog. Besides, we just got our ability to vote back. 


March 23rd, 2016 at 10:14 PM ^

I see the points are back, but I don't see the tabs to create new content. Am I missing something?


EDIT: Suddenly,  those functions reappered. Thanks; you're magic?


March 23rd, 2016 at 10:39 PM ^

I had a similar experience. It seems like you have to post a reply to an existing thread in order for your ability to create new content (and to vote) to return.


March 24th, 2016 at 12:39 PM ^

Sparty Countdown Clock Fail

I don't think this is going, nor will it go quite as the OP had hoped just based on the replies so far. If you believe I am being quick on the draw, do reply here, but for now it is coming down. 


March 26th, 2016 at 7:47 PM ^

Is anyone else bothered by Harbaughs Indiana fandom?

Admittedly, I am modding on the fly and skimmed a statistically significant sample of replies, but this one was decidedly not going well. 


March 27th, 2016 at 9:44 AM ^

Happy Easter

I really didn't want to do this, but I can't be coming back to this every 10-15 minutes and find another snarky jab at a holiday or a post which might bring some "philosophical disagreements" descending on the board. I really tried to be fair to people and avert a portion of my vision to the "no religion /politics" rule with the hope that people would just say "Happy Easter", but that is not working and as I am not feeling well at all, heavy monitoring of threads is not happening today. 


March 28th, 2016 at 10:08 AM ^

Thread reinstated and edited to not be so provacative.

One guy who flamed it was already banned.

In the future if you want to wish a major religion a happy [their holiday] just do so. Saying "this may be controversial" just invites controversy where none exists.