Livonia Wolverine

October 7th, 2014 at 8:05 PM ^

So Jack Miller apparantly cares about wins and what the fans think. I'm sure Brian Cleary and Devin Funchess aren't speaking to him.




October 7th, 2014 at 8:49 PM ^

I attended the Minnesota game with my dad, a graduate of the University of Minnesota and a longtime Gopher fan. When the Gophers took the jug, I knew he was happy, but he he didn't say much because he knows very well what it is like to go through a season like this one.

When he still lived in Minnesota, he had season tickets and suffered through lots of losses. I remember once he took me to a game against Penn State when the final score was 63-0. Yet, there is always hope for the new season, and a true fan never stops supporting the team.

We are all frustrated because we want Michigan to win, but boycotting games or kickoffs, booing the team, and turning this board into a toxic cesspool of whiny and entitled "fans" doesn't do any good. How many times do players have to say that they need our support EVEN MORE now? They have not quit. Don't quit on them.

In the words of David Molk, "Unless you’ve been a fifth-year senior here, you don’t know. You didn’t live it, you didn’t feel it, you didn’t see the pain, you didn’t hear the anguish, you didn’t hear the hate. There was a time we got booed by you guys, and that hurts."

We are in the middle of the season. The time for evaluating the future of the coaches will come. For now, just support the guys who are working their assess off to win. Be a fan.



October 7th, 2014 at 9:00 PM ^

This self-righteous bullshit about "supporting the players" is so overblown. Nobody goes to field hockey games or cross country meets to "support the team". You all are there first and foremost to be entertained or because you bought tickets months ago and feel obligated to get your money's worth (whatever that means). Stop acting like the most priveleged students on Michigan's campus are suddenly victims because of some 20 minute strike.


October 7th, 2014 at 9:10 PM ^

I'll bet people who go to cross country meets are there to support the team. It's not like there's THAT much entertainment value.

In the end, if it's just an economic transaction to you, then just don't go to the game like you might walk out of a bad movie. But booing, protesting, and repeatedly demanding the immediate fiiring of everybody means there is emotional investment (i.e. fandom), and this negativity does hurt the players.


October 8th, 2014 at 12:15 AM ^

That's the entire point! Stop acting like you've ever gone to a football game becuase you feel some solidarity with the players. If you did feel any solidarity for Michigan's student-athletes, you WOULD go to cross country meets and field hockey games. 

The definition of naievity on this board are the people who think they choose to go to the game without implicitly supporting Brandon. You are giving him your time and money by attending the game. The players, in some form or another, as a different group every year, will always be there, regardless of whether you attend. Going NOW only bolsters Brandon. So stop going. The players will survive.

I frankly have been disappointed that so many athletes, former and current, are utterly blind to the problems in the atheletic department. Brian Cleary and Todd Howard, from the perspective of player/former player, basically spewed the same close-minded, tone deaf, self-centered speal about inherently deserving support because, 'we're athletes and that's how it's always been.' You're supporting their ignorant views as well by showing up. 


October 8th, 2014 at 12:39 PM ^

I think many players are too emotionally invested in the coaches and program - including the AD - to have a rational perspective of what the problems are with the program.  Like a form of Stockholm syndrome.  Those of us (fans) that see DB as a problem and are fed up with his antics have the best big-picture interests of the football program - including the players - in our hearts.  The best way to support the players is to bring about the changes they deserve, in whatever ways possible, not to maintain the status quo.

Blam Johnson

October 7th, 2014 at 9:26 PM ^

Agreed. I tried to put it a bit softer, but ... damn, people. These guys get a free ride, and don't work any harder than thousands of other collegiate athletes who never get the kind of support our football players get even in the leanest times. Pretending that they're victims because people are (for instance) planning on not walking in until after kickoff is so disingenuous. 


October 8th, 2014 at 11:03 AM ^

I wonder how many football players are "supporting the players" in non-revenue sports, music, art, dance, acting,  and STEM at their various competitions that are constantly happening across campus?


Or is it only important to "support the players" on the football team, who already (even given any reduction) get 1000x as much fan/school support as any other student groups on campus?


October 7th, 2014 at 9:00 PM ^

Not showing up for opening kickoff is a great stategy.  The announcers will have to make some light of it so the rest of the country knows whats going on.

Coming in after the kickoff is still supporting the team.

If Bradon keeps his job the empty stadium might be a preview of what's to come next year.


October 7th, 2014 at 9:10 PM ^

The frustration is how each of us defines what and who is a fan. Sorry I'm not simply a fan of a player or the team. I'm a fan of the rich history, the many experiences I've shared with my family and friends. I'm a fan of screaming at Bo through some frustrating Rose Bowls and a fan of the entire event that happens on college football Saturday at Michigan or in my man cave during an away game. So to neg people for not supporting the team in my definition of fan doesn't work.


October 7th, 2014 at 9:12 PM ^

About a week ago there was an article on Yahoo written by John U Bacon regarding Michigan's attendance issues. In that article there was a picture of my brother and about 7-8 more guys I used to tailgate with up until this year when I gave up my tickets. They tailgate in the Blue lot, right next to the entrance and have for as long as I can remember. The host of the tailgate is an Michigan Oral Surgeon and he has 14 tickets that he shares with his kids and their kids. He is also a very large donor to the athletic department and usually goes to one or two away games a year. A "fair weather" fan he is not.

Saturday night there won't be a tailgate cuz nobody is going to the game. Nobody wanted the tickets and nobody was interested in attending. They aren't "protesting" anything-they just don't care anymore and see no hope in the immediate future that things are going to get better. So they are staying home.

It is also very likely that this will be his last year as a season ticket holder so that will mean 14 more empty seats to fill. Brandon is DESTROYING the fan base and any action that will get him out one day sooner I support.


October 7th, 2014 at 9:37 PM ^

My grandpa dad and uncle. For my whole life, the glory years, every home game. I had an opportunity to go to the Miami of Ohio game and turned down free tickets simply because of the inconvenience of driving to Ann Arbor and spending money on food and parking.


October 7th, 2014 at 10:13 PM ^

This was a road game. It's about "M" fans showing up and insulting the coaches that the players apparently love.

Look, email the pres, AD (like that would matter), regents, but do not be an asshat in anyway to any player. They want to win more than any of us.

This is why Brian's boycott is a terrible idea and if he's remotely successful, a lot of us will never visit mgoblog again.


October 7th, 2014 at 9:45 PM ^

Michigan has had over 100,000 fans fill that stadium through basically six years of complete mediocrity. There are programs that could win 5 straight national titles and couldn't fill a 100,000 person stadium. If they only get 80,000, they still will play in front of more fans than probably 80% of the rest of FBS. Win games!


October 7th, 2014 at 9:45 PM ^

doing a legitimate protest of displeasure against Dave Brandon?  There is nothing wrong with what they are proposing to do.  It is peaceful and sends a message.  I don't think that it would have any affect on the players either. 


I am curious as to where the players heard about the protest.  Do they not understand it is about DB and not the team or really Hoke? 


October 7th, 2014 at 10:10 PM ^

Do you think Michigan students are idiots? Do you think athletes are idiots?

Brandon is a bad ad, I agree, but rationally he's not the issue. There would be no protests if the team actually won games.

The real protest is that our team sucks (yes, you players) and so do our coaches.

Can you now understand why the players are not in favor? Do I need to explain this damn basic concept again?


October 7th, 2014 at 10:23 PM ^

The team losing has pushed fans over the edge, but this is about DB.  I haven't heard one person mention that this is about getting rid of Hoke.  Hopefully that will come.  DB has done a lot to annoy the base.  Feel free to be as condescending as you like in your next post.


October 7th, 2014 at 10:12 PM ^

They've been seen and heard, so I don't think there's a need to take this a step further and protest.

Would it make DB squirm? Sure.

It would also alienate the players,even if they are aware of the purpose of the protest.

One would hope that the protest has no bearing on Schlissel's decision to fire/not fire Brandon.


October 7th, 2014 at 10:17 PM ^

When I played all I cared about were my teammates and kicking the guys ass across from me. This is that soft ass attitude and its running wild in our program. Grab your balls and say "I dont give a f*ck if the stadium is empty, but I guarantee we are gonna kick their ass". Boohoo bullshit Miller. DO SOMETHIN ABOUT IT!