BEVELED GUILT & MGoStore - Celebrate the 6-0 start!!

Submitted by PeterKlima on October 14th, 2021 at 11:49 AM

It's great to have a regular season of CFB back this year.

It's great for Michigan to be 6-0 and exceeding expectations this year.

It's great to have all this free content to read and listen to this year.  It is great entertainment. 

We may not agree with every single tiny opinion on this blog, but we can appreciate that it comes from dedication and hard work. We know Brian is "working through some things" and Seth is taking on the large task of UFRs.

So, maybe we can show some support? 

Maybe consider clicking on the "Beveled Guilt" link in the upper right corner or buying something from MGoStore. If you go to the store, I recommend this classic tee:

Worst State Ever - Navy Triblend



October 14th, 2021 at 12:04 PM ^

This is right. It was a short and terse exchange. Not too important.

But, Seth mentioning he was working on UFR during the exchange made me think.  I was just coming with my hot take and I wasn't appreciating the work that went into the blog enough.  I still disagree over the minor point, but I lost sight of how nice it is to HAVE a UFR.

Hence, the source of my own personal, beveled guilt...and this post.

Also, I didn't buy a HTTV last year or this year because....well not sure about the prospect of either season going through.

matty blue

October 14th, 2021 at 12:28 PM ^

well done, petr.  

we've all typed something without remembering that there's an actual human on the receiving end of a comment, and props to you for owning up (and to seth, for reminding us)  i should do what you did WAY more often.  or once, ever.

but maizen?  screw that guy.

EDIT to add - i now realize i was guilty of the exactly that, specifically saying "calm down" to the original exchange.  my apologies.  but not to maizen.

matty blue

October 14th, 2021 at 12:07 PM ^

done and done, thanks for reminding us.  i've been here so long that i don't even see that button any more.

brian / seth:  not sure this is the place to do this, but whatever, man:  i do a few patreons for podcasts that i enjoy, and i'm wondering if you've explored that option at all.  once i actually, you know, pushed the beveled guilt button, i saw that there's a monthly option via paypal, but i had no idea that was there. 

one positive about using patreon is that it lets me gather all of my millions of dollars in patronage in one place, so it's super-convenient to give you all some dough to help keep the lights on.  i know it feels icky to ask for money, but i think there are a lot of us that would be willing to help y'all out.



October 14th, 2021 at 12:22 PM ^

They should add a companion shirt for the Trusted Agent shirt that says, “I AM A TROUBLE SPOT” and make the Os in cyan. It couldn’t be any worse than the PSU complaints t-shirt.


October 14th, 2021 at 12:37 PM ^

Pretty unrelated to this post but in 1980 the Detroit Lions began the season 4-0 and recorded a single "Another one bites the dust" (back then all NFL teams were doing this for some reason - if you really want a laugh look up "Ram it" by the LA Rams) based on the Queen song.  The Lions then went 5-7 the rest of the year and missed the playoffs by one game.

This past weekend I was in a conversation via the Twitters with both Billy Sims and Al "Bubba" Baker and mentioned that my family were Lions season ticket holders and that I bought that single when it came out.

Bubba went OFF.  He said he HATED that song because it put a bullseye on the back of every Lion and that they played it in every stadium when they lost.  He said he never hated a song more than that one and that recording it was a terrible, terrible idea.

Just thought I'd mention that as we celebrate Michigan's 6-0 start.  Remembering what Bubba said I was so glad to see we didnt make a 6-0 t-shirt or something.


October 14th, 2021 at 2:09 PM ^

So true - lived through that era; the Bears were doing a song; and the Lion's song was pushed by a DB, Jimmy "Spiderman" Allen.

It didn't end up well for him despite having had a decent NFL career and being on two of the Steele Super Bowl teams.…

Another ex-Lion great DT Doug English felt the same way about the song  - and this was not recent - this was way back in 2015.

"The time to dance and strut is after you win the Super Bowl," English told the Free Press by phone last week. "It was not a time to mock the opposition. That's the way to earn a target on your back, and we did in the end."…