Tom Brady, covidiot

Submitted by mackbru on June 25th, 2020 at 7:24 PM

The GOAT is both profiteering off covid fears (by shilling a crackpot "immunity supplement") and openly flouting basic social distancing standards -- not to mention NFLPA rules --  in a state currently seeing a big surge in a COVID hospitalizations. He's telling his fans that covid is nothing to worry about. Good lord.





June 25th, 2020 at 7:49 PM ^

Novak Djokovic (no 1 tennis player in the world) had the same attitude and went ahead with the Aria Tour in Europe.  Four of the top tennis players that paritcipated got infected, including Novak, plus his coach and a player´s pregnant wife.

We all want and need sports and to get back to our normal lives, but we have to be patient, we still have a ways to go before the condiitions would be safe enough to bring sports back.


June 25th, 2020 at 9:54 PM ^

The premise is so wrong. I don’t think you are an idiot because we disagree, I think you are an idiot because you think your opinion on COVID is as valuable as nearly the entire scientific community. That you take your talking points from idiotic politicians who deal in lies vs experts who spend their lives dedicated to finding Truths. It’s anti intellectualism that makes you an idiot. It is not like the disagreement is over which is better, vanilla or chocolate. 

and I’m using you in the generic sense, not picking on you personally. 


June 26th, 2020 at 11:29 AM ^

Do you know how many fucking times “the scientific community” has been wrong about this?  Do you know that the leading “expert” in the US has admitted that he intentionally lied to the American people to control and persuade their behavior?  This thing is bullshit.  It is flatly political.  Masks are a tool of control and a political weapon, nothing more.  Oh but they were them in China!  Move to China then, have a grand time. 

Good for Tom Brady.  Hope to see football this fall.


June 26th, 2020 at 11:51 AM ^

Science improves over time. It could be wrong in the beginning, but it learns and adapts as it goes. And we've learned this virus spreads asymptomatically and mainly via droplets in the air, and that even a cloth mask can significantly slow the spread even if it isn't 100% effective

I too think it was a big misstep to tell people to not wear masks originally, though you have to admit their reasoning was sound (concerns over the very very real PPE shortage).

 But people like you focus on the first part (THEY WERE WRONG!!!) and then dismiss all the followup changes entirely, and that is fucking enraging to me. They're dealing with a novel virus that we had no knowledge of before...they're making the best guesses they can based on available information at the time. They're experts with degrees in publich health and epidemiology...they know more than you or me. They're not always right, but the least we can do is fucking listen to them especially when the evidence becomes strong (which, in the case of mask wearing, is true).


June 26th, 2020 at 11:58 AM ^

"Masks are a tool of control..." WTF??? It's a fucking mask. It helps prevent the spread of disease. It's not a big deal, but it's actually really effective. I wear one for hours at a time every day in the operating room (and now when in public spaces).

LV Sports Bettor

June 25th, 2020 at 9:47 PM ^

How about politicians actually saying racism was a worse threat health wise than covid-19 and then going out there with the group and protesting just days after coming down on those protesting their policies. That alone should raise a huge red flag that most of this is just propaganda. It's all sad to watch.


June 26th, 2020 at 12:21 AM ^

The politicians in this case aren’t wrong, but the answer goes beyond a sound bite.

Because what the hell, I’ll play along andwand you through that premise as best I can.

For people of color, especially those who live in underserved communities, racism is in fact a bigger factor than COVID-19, because it underpins every aspect of their lives including their suspectibility to catching it, since blacks are more likely to be in “essential” service sector jobs, live in cities where they rely heavily on public transportation, both of which are strongly correlated with COVID risk factors.  Then you also factor in the relative quality of health care they get - multiple studies have consistently shown that doctors are less likely to prescribe needed treatment for blacks vs whites and that is sometimes sourced to mistaken beliefs that blacks have a higher pain threshold, among other things.  This summarizes it far better than I can: sorry it’s on TikTok but it’s what the kids are into:

Also, the police are still even in a pandemic, far more likely to kill you for no goddamn reason at all if you’re black.  Which blacks have known for ages, it’s only once the rest of us had no way to hand wave off the latest atrocities that were George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Elijah McClain that this went unignorably viral.  Yes sure, not all cops are racist, but Enough of them are and when you’re a black dude getting pulled over, you don’t know if you’re gonna roll a crit fail on your d20 and get the raging KKK wannabe who’s going to look for any reason he can to cuff you and beat you.  I find that state of affairs deeply offensive and so should you.

So, yes, racism is literally a causal death factor for blacks and will still be around even after we get a vaccine for the corona which will almost certainly not be distributed to black communities with the ease it is dispensed to my mostly white community.  


June 25th, 2020 at 10:16 PM ^

I don't know if you're serious or not, but there are scores of morons running around thinking that's clever as well. 

I'll use it as yet another opportunity to point out how obviously stupid both political parties are.  Abandon this childish nonsense immediately, erase political parties from your minds. 


June 25th, 2020 at 8:31 PM ^

I know it's sacrosanct around here to point this out but Brady has a storied history of saying and doing some dumb stuff.  That doesn't mean he's not a fantastic QB, but he's been attached to enough questionable medical and fitness personalities, off-the-reservation ideas, and downright snake-oil scams that none of this should surprise people.

I'll accept the neg votes but I can say with 1000% certainty that if Brady had gone to any other school people wouldn't be defending half of the dumb shit he's said and done.


June 25th, 2020 at 8:55 PM ^

I don’t think he’s said and done a lot of “dumb stuff”.  Maybe his way isn’t your cup of tea, it’s not mine but hard to argue with the results.  If our talking about deflate gate grow up already.  Half that league is rocked up on Test.  Finally I think Brady actually is pretty thoughtful in what he says.    I do agree though that the TB12 stuff is dubious but see my lower post. I think it has more to do with his choice in business partner.


June 25th, 2020 at 9:49 PM ^

Chances are 99 out of 100 that Bronxblue is a big Democrat, and apparently Tom Brady is a conservative and/or Republican.  There's nothing more to it than that.   He doesn't care at all about Brady's workouts or diet plans, those are just a means to false flag and attack someone who's not on his political team. Don't fall for the bullshit. 


June 25th, 2020 at 10:13 PM ^

You are 100% right about my political leanings, so at least something you wrote wasn't total horseshit.  Also, nice use of "false flag" instead of the more conventional "virtue signaling" - really strengthens your argument that I am the one blindly following partisan biases in my feelings toward someone else.

If it makes you feel any better, I thought Brady was sort of dumb long before I knew he was a close friend of Donald Trump.  Probably somewhere around the time he claimed drinking water protected his skin from sunburn, or when he peddled his dumb TB12 pseudo-science with guys like Alex Guerrero, who was sued multiple times for defrauding business partners and was sanctioned by the FTC for claiming to (a) be a medical doctor (he isn't) who (b) divined a diet that cured AIDS, cancer, and various other horrendous diseases.  Oh, and he also had a fair bit of input (if you believe the rumors here in Boston about his general involvement in FA signings) in the Patriots bringing on Antonio Brown shortly after he was cut while being investigated for violent sexual assault.

Tom Brady is a great QB and one of the best players in NFL history.  He can also be a bit of a moron who could be setting an example for the league by, you know, following the directions of league doctors and not having workouts with other players while Florida is undergoing a massive spike in COVID-19 cases.  Again, I bet 99 out of 100 times you wouldn't be defending Brady if he wasn't a UM alum, and I don't even have to consider your political party affiliation or your views on the pandemic (and please, feel free to keep both of those to yourself).


June 25th, 2020 at 10:24 PM ^

I respect that you tried, but remain unconvinced. 

False flag is appropriate because it describes your tactic in this thread.  It identifies your argument as a phony.  If you've been called out as someone who virtue signals, that's identifying you as a phony.  There's a pattern there. 

You should abandon your party politics, they are empty and full of contradictions and lies.  I know, I've been on both sides.  It's the source of so much bullshit that doesn't matter. Clear that away and things become easier to seem. Of course, you have to give up believing you're better than others - which is really the juice of what both political parties give people: the ability to ban together with superficially (and therefore phony... there's that word again) like-mindeds and look down on others.  But it's very much worth it. 


June 25th, 2020 at 10:53 PM ^

"I know, I've been on both sides". You and many others champ. I imagine many here have switched sides over time--that doesn't devalue our opinions either direction, nor does it make any of us right just that we've been left/right at different times. 

When you post junk like that, it makes me skeptical of your further points.



June 25th, 2020 at 11:49 PM ^

Anyone who's flipped from one side to another must have had some very serious internal dialogue to do so.  I'm not faulting anyone for doing so, that's not my intent. But you have to have an existential moment when you switch, and there has to be some recognition that the other party has some appeal.  Because, you know, you fervently believed that shit for years.  

What I'm trying to say is that moment of death when you leave the old party is the truth you're seeking, no matter which way you're going.  If you can start in one party and move to the other, that's great, you've proven you can see both sides.  You're also in a perfect position to understand how dumb it is that the parties fight so furiously and demonize each other so completely. 


June 26th, 2020 at 9:21 AM ^

I'm heartbroken I couldn't convince you that my beliefs are genuine.  

Again, you really don't seem to comprehend that someone could feel differently about someone regardless of political identity, which highlights just how far away from the unbiased, "enlightened" view you have of yourself.  And I get it - when the world gets complicated it can be hard to constantly re-evaluate yourself and your beliefs and evolve; it's way easier to throw your hands up and say "I don't get caught up in anything because I'm so above the fray" while clinging to whatever myopic beliefs led you to running into so much adversity to begin with. I get a sense you want to debate me about...something, but it apparently isn't "Tom Brady is a bit of a moron who says and does dumb things", which was the whole point here.  If you have some evidence or opinions toward that end feel free to share with the class.


June 26th, 2020 at 12:13 PM ^

Today's "feel free to share with the class" is quite a departure from yesterday's "(and please, feel free to keep both of those to yourself)". 

I want to you to see that it seems painfully obvious you're attacking Tom Brady because of his political views.  Which means your identification with a political party - which in my opinion should be microscopic (preferably non-existent) relative to your identification as human being sharing this world and working together through problems - has taken over your persona such that it's detrimental to you and those around you.  I'm not above the fray, I've just come to believe that the first step in solving our nation's problems is to eliminate or at least drastically reduce partisanship.  

You dislike entire swaths of the US population because they're not in your political party (and if you admitted this to yourself, you need to so so now).  Based on nothing else.  If there were a party with a Trump/Pence sign on the front lawn, you'd hesitate to attend.  That's preposterous if you step away from your mindset and look at it objectively.  I'm trying to get you to see that. 

Frank Chuck

June 25th, 2020 at 8:49 PM ^

Which definition of liberalism are you using? (I have a guess.)

It's pretty funny to me that the Founding Fathers of this country had a very different definition of liberalism than the definition used by today's generation of conservative-minded individuals to (mis)characterize Democrats and the political Left.


June 25th, 2020 at 9:04 PM ^

I see a lot of liberals telling people how they should think and feel,  and if those people don’t see things the same way there is aggression in many forms.  I wouldn’t call that democracy.  Let’s be honest there are extremists on both sides who increasingly are becoming the “norm”. In my experiences I’ve found far more people in the middle just trying to get along with there lives.  Personally I’ve been a registered democrat for over 8 years, a registered republican for 6 and I’m now an independent.  I don’t vote party I vote for the candidate whose position in the issues which I find important most closely matches my own.


June 25th, 2020 at 9:27 PM ^

"and I’m now an independent.  I don’t vote party I vote for the candidate whose position in the issues which I find important most closely matches my own." 

This is the solution my friend, this is what will save this country.  Btw, you will find that a lot of people will attack you for having this very reasonable view.  You will also find that all of those people are Democrats.  Conservatives don't give a shit if you're an independent, but invectives will fly from the left. 

As the proprietor of this blog is fond of saying, that says something about something.