
May 14th, 2019 at 9:47 PM ^

Deadspin is awful. I do think Drew Magary's columns are funny though.

Also, Gawker (former parent of Deadspin) needed to be sold because they lost a $100M lawsuit against Hulk Hogan. LOL. That's who this advertiser works for.


May 14th, 2019 at 9:54 PM ^

Top D1 coaches get paid $10-50K speak and give their opinion in an hour.  To learn from such a person (love the womens' basketball coach at Baylor for example) each practice throughout the year is worth more than most of the "pay the players" boneheads could  ever imagine.  I wonder if  we will ever find someone that turned down a D1 scholarship say that the  players should be paid. Yeah, I was offered a full ride but I got a better offer.  On the other hand, NCAA restrictions on what the players can be paid off the court for their name and signature are assinine.  NCAA restrictions are far more problematic than player pay.  Oh wait, the players are already getting paid.  Some people work way too hard to solve problems that don't exist.


May 14th, 2019 at 10:43 PM ^

It's a bad article not so much because the larger point (the NCAA really does abuse it's power when it comes to athletes) is wrong, only that she picked John Beilein of all people as an example of the hypocrisy.  

She doesn't deserve some of the vitriol that inevitably comes someone's way, especially a woman, when you write a bad take, though.  The fact she blocks people immediately doesn't help with useful discourse (and to be fair, the worst part of Deadspin is the self-righteous nature of their writers), but I also don't blame her considering the absolute dregs of the Internet likely descended on her.


May 14th, 2019 at 11:26 PM ^

Weird that someone who makes money writing on college sports would argue that anyone who makes money off of college sports is evil.  But it’s Deadspin, and hence the dumbest shit all the time forever.  


The naïveté of “change it from within” is unreal. It’s like the college kid telling the manager of CVS to fight he power because capitalism is exploitive. 


May 15th, 2019 at 9:09 AM ^

This was an article she was going to write, regardless of the subject. 

It did not even need to be about sports.

She was just waiting for a trigger.



May 15th, 2019 at 2:49 PM ^

I called this what it was last night on Twitter - bait.

By this morning, she had blocked me.  Imagine being so thin-skinned when writing for Deadspin (of all places) that you felt compelled to block everyone who said the slightest disparaging remark about the integrity of your hit piece article.



May 15th, 2019 at 4:05 PM ^

Rage-baiting for views and $$$.  That's what "new digital media" does.  However, it really has not panned out well as many of these same digital outlets used to have high valuations and now are being sold off for pennies on the dollar.  Getting people mad doesn't result in encouraging affiliate revenues for Kinja Deals. 


May 16th, 2019 at 8:10 AM ^

A lot of anger.  She may be right on a few topics it’s just the way she comes across about it like belien and anyone who has ever coached is a monster.  Well let’s state the obvious the way college basketball is right now is not good and belien is not the one making the rules on that, he is getting older and I have to imagine not just for belien but all coaches recruiting is awful knowing that you are probably losing the guy after 1 year If they are decent